Platonic Love

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We got back outside and head to a black windowless van, I sat on the ground in the back starting to feel like I really was a hostage. Jin and Nmjoon ride in the front but I can feel everybody else's eyes on me. I let my head hang down, my chocolate locks falling down around my face. "Stop feeling sorry for me and for yourselves." I say and look up at them, my eyes landing on Taehyung who's nearly crying. "Tae it's alright, everything's going to be alright." I give him a sweet smile and he bursts into tears, Hoseok instantly putting his arms around the younger boy.

"Oh." I murmur and look around at the others as if they knew how to calm him down. I notice that everyone looks pretty stressed out, even Yoongi and Jungkook who are both managing to maintain a straight face. "This isn't right." Jimin says and I turn to look at him, he's got tears slowly streaming down his face too. "It's okay guys, really." I say and notice that Hoseok has also started to cry. "Dear lord." I sigh under my breath and anxiously look towards the front of the van. "Please stop it guys. You're going to make me cry." I say as I feel the tears start to buildup.

"I'm sorry." Tae wails as he sobs onto Hoseok's shoulder. "It's not your fault." I say and feel the hot tears start to fall down my cheeks. Jimin sits on the floor and slides over to me, wrapping his arms around me and tucking his head into the crook of my neck. "We don't have to do this if you can't handle it." Jin calls from the front and I choke back a sob. "I know what I'm doing Jin!" I fire back still crying anyways, the overly emotional boy's tears only fueling my own.

"Are you sure?" Joon asks, looking back at me and I sob into Jimin's chest. "I'd be fine if these idiots hadn't started crying." I mutter and look up at him with a half smile. "You kinda look like a raccoon." Jungkook mumbles and I laugh softly. "At least I'll look like a distressed hostage." We all give a halfhearted laugh and the boys slowly wipe away their tears. "Trust me, I can do this." I say and look around at their uncertain faces. The van pulls to a stop and I take a soft breath, truly thinking over what I'm about to do.

"Good luck Jinnie." Jin says turning around to look. "You can do it." Namjoon adds and I nod slowly. "Come back please." Taehyung throws his arms and I smile, kissing his cheek. "He speaks for us too." Hoseok adds as he and Jimin quickly pile into the hug. "Remember we love you." Jungkook says, pulling me towards him and Yoongi. "Love?" I echo softly and he chuckles. "Kookie means as friends." Suga clarifies and I nod, smiling at them. "I swear I'm coming back, even if you don't want me." I say and laugh softly.

"Too bad for you but you're always welcome." Jin says and I smile around at them all one more time. "Let's go." I say when I notice that Tae, Hobi and Jimin are about to cry again. Jungkook grabs one of my arms and Yoongi the other and drag me out of the van, as soon as the doors slam shut I let the tears fall. Are they real? Probably. I'm going to miss the boys so badly, but I'm going to make it back no matter what I have to face. I notice Jungkook and Yoongi exchange a look as I sob softly, my hair forming a curtain around my head as I quickly turn my head to the ground.

We head inside the empty warehouse as I watch as Jungkook clears his throat. "Quinn?" His voice barks and I force myself to flinch. "Hello boys, I take it you've heard about me. Is this a peace offering?" This Quinn guy's voice sounds like a snake slithering around my head and I take a shaky breath. "I just thought you'd like a new toy." Jungkook says and he and Yoongi shove me down to the floor. I gasp and begin to whimper softly as Quinn approaches me.

"Pretty." He murmurs and crouches down, lifting my chin and tilting my head back and forth as I force myself to keep from kicking him away. "Alright, I'll take her. How much do you want?" He asks standing back up and looking at the boys. They stand together and whisper back and forth as I anxiously dart my gaze around the room. "That much!? Shit, she better be worth it." I watch Quinn pull out a large stack of money from his pocket and hand it to Jungkook. "It was a pleasure doing business with you boys, feel free to stop by if you need anything." He says and I flinch under his gaze.

I watch the boys leave the building and figure they're already listening in through the earring. "Baby doll, you might not know why you're here but I do, and I've got plans for you." He says, walking over and lifting my chin up. "You better hope you're worth my money or else things might get a little extra unpleasant for you." He hisses, hauling me to my feet. I can just find the P.I and then get out, that's all I keep telling myself. "What's your name doll?" He asks and I hang my head, watching my feet as I walk. "If I ask you to speak then you speak, got it?" He hisses driving me back against the nearest wall, holding a hand to my throat.

"Now what's your name?" He says, removing his hand and pressing it against my collarbone instead. "Ria." I stammer quickly and he smiles. "Isn't that so much better? You obey me and I don't have to hurt you. Now walk!" He pushes me towards a doorway and I get a sinking feeling in my stomach about what he plans on doing with me in the room. I walk towards it anyways, hopefully it won't take a long time to complete this mission.

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