Trial and Error

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Taehyung was given an all clear by Hoseok a week ago while I was still instructed to 'heal'. I was going ballistic and everyone could clearly tell so Hoseok told me that I could go out for the day but if I somehow reopened my wound I was as good as dead. "Alone?" Jin asked and I rolled my eyes, sitting cross legged on top of the table as we had the discussion. "We're so close to getting Jimin and Jungkook back to normal if we keep working we'll get it. Jinnie can manage on her own." Namjoon says and flashes me a smile.

"I know that. But last time she went out alone things didn't exactly go well." Jin says and I shrug, nodding and accepting his point. "But that was very different, she was purposely aiming for a armed man who had Joon." Taehyung pipes up, inclined to take my side after knowing how boring it is to just rest. "Jin I know you're worried but I'll be gone for a few hours at most. I promise I won't get kidnapped or murdered or drugged or shot or-" he rolls his eyes and holds a hand up to stop my list and I giggle.

"Fine. Just please be careful." He says, walking over and standing in front of me and his hands settle on my hips. "Of course." I lightly peck his lips and slip away, grabbing my miniature backpack on the way out of the dining room. "Did I miss something? When was this a thing?" I hear Namjoon whisper loudly as I leave the compound, hopping into the black pickup. As promised I don't stay away for more than three hours but I managed to do a lot of shopping during that time.

I'm now dressed in some new ripped blue jeans, a cropped pumpkin colored sweatshirt with baggy sleeves, some new yellow high converse and a pair of aviator shades. I also got my hair dyed again, this time a reddish brown that's been cut to my collarbone. The instant I walk through the door shouts reach my ears and I sigh. "It's never going to work!" I hear Taehyung wail and quickly throw down my bags and hurry towards the direction of their voices.

"You're giving up too early Taehyung!" Yoongi fires back and I hear some more soft bickering as I enter the living room. A mess meets my eyes, papers and food wrappers everywhere and the boys in different stages of panic. "Calm down, everybody just calm down!" I cry and step past Yoongi and Jin to sit beside Taehyung. "It's okay Tae." I whisper and gently wipe away the few tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Jinnie?" He murmurs and I slip the sunglasses on top of my head, flashing him a smile. "Just calm down baby." I soothe and he wraps his arms around me, tucking his head into the crook of my neck. "You're alright, take a breath." I hear the other boys fall silent and gently push Taehyung away. "Tae honey? Can you go and get my things and just throw them on my bed? I don't think I should walk anymore today." He nods and gets up, walking away and I watch him go for a moment.

"Who the fuck caused that because I'm going to kick ass." I snarl and the four boys lower their gazes simultaneously. "Oh course everyone's frustration got taken out on Tae." I sigh and they exchange looks. "We didn't mean to." Hoseok says and I nod, reaching over and grabbing his hand. "I know but it still happened and I don't like it." I say and look around at them. "So who's going to explain to me?" I sigh and lean back, kicking my legs up on the coffee table and take the glasses off the top of my head to ruffle my hair.

My new hairstyle now includes bangs which I attempt to blow from my eyes and I find them all shooting small smiles at me. "Stop looking at me like that and just answer." I scoff but a tiny smiles plays on my lips. "We're trying to reverse the effects that your uncle had put on them but we keep coming up short." Namjoon says and I nod, lowering my gaze. "It's not your fault this happened Jinnie." Yoongi says and puts an arm around my shoulders, kissing my cheek.

"I know that. I just wish I had kept my fucking mouth shut." I sigh and look up as Taehyung comes back and sits down beside me. "How much shit do you need?" He gasps and I giggle, snuggling up beside him. "Lots." I insist and he smiles at me, fluffing my bangs as he laughs softly. "Stop that." I giggle and try to push his hands away while Hoseok watches warily. "Taehyung careful." He warns and the other boy frowns.

"Sorry." He mutters and I glare at Hoseok, wrapping my arms around Taehyung's neck and pulling myself onto his lap. "Don't listen to him Tae. He just wants to spoil our fun." I say and Hoseok throws his hands in the air. "No Jinnie-" I kiss his cheek and he stops talking, blushing faintly. "Can I try talking to one of them?" I ask softly, looking at the other boys and Taehyung wraps his arms around me, shaking his head.

"You remember what happened last time." He says and Namjoon's head shoots up. "What happened last time?" He asks and I bite my lip, tears threatening to fall. "It was nothing." I whisper and Taehyung presses my back against his chest, tucking his head into the crook of my neck. "Neither of them meant it." He says and I nod, closing my eyes. "I know but it still hurt." Yoongi grabs one of my hands reassuringly and smiles.

"Do you want to try? See if we made any progress?" He asks and I nod, pushing out of Taehyung's grip and getting to my feet. "It's the only way we'll know if you're actually doing anything." I say and slip the dark sunglasses down to cover my eyes, fixing my hair. "Let's do this." I huff and head for the interrogation room, Taehyung following at my side almost like a lost puppy.

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