Early Mornings

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I yawned and shifted the way my body was positioned, curling further into a warmth. Wait, a warmth? My eyes flicker open quickly and I let out a tiny sigh as I find Yoongi holding me close as he sleeps. I wiggle around a bit before settling back down and leaning my head against his chest. "Are you done moving yet?" He whispers and I yelp in surprise, falling onto the floor. "What the fuck!?" Taehyung exclaims sitting upright quickly and looking around frantically. "Shut up." Jin growls and tosses a pillow vaguely in his direction.

"Ouch." I mutter and close my eyes again, curling my body into a ball on the floor. "Nope. Up, up, up. Everyone up now." Hoseok says from the doorway and I open one eye to glare at him. "Hobi, I will not hesitate to strangle you." Jin rolls over and hides himself under a blanket which Hoseok rips away from him. "We have friends to save and I've heard that there's a shipment of fentanyl from Sisterhood that's coming in today." He chrips and Jin groans and swats a hand at him. "Five more minutes please." Yoongi sighs and I slowly get up, stretching my arms above my head. "Hoseok is right, we need to get moving." I say and Tae walks over and tosses a blanket over me before pulling my body to his chest.

"Sleep. Please. Now." He whispers and shoves me into a chair and I can't help but giggle. "Tae stop this." I yank the blanket away as he stumbles back to the couch. "I'm up, leave me alone." Jin hisses at Hoseok before getting to his feet and leaving the room. "Oh." I mutter and Hoseok and I both laugh. "Come on Taehyung, maybe we can talk Jin into making breakfast." Hoseok loops his arm around one of Taehyung's and nearly drags the boy out of the room. "Yoongi get up." I shake his arm gently, leaning my body over his.

"Nope." He whispers and a tiny smirk edges onto his face. "Yoongi." I plead and give him a nudge, sitting on the arm of the chair. "No thank you." He opens his eyes to look up at me before quickly shutting them with a chuckle. I sweep my hair over my shoulder to lean down and tuck my face into the crook of his neck. "Suga." I let my lips brush against his skin as I whisper and hear him sigh softly. "Mhm? What is it darling?" He purrs and I roll my eyes, planting a kiss on his jaw. "Nothing. I need to take a shower, feel free to wake yourself up later." I pull back and turn my body away from him just about to let my feet touch the ground.

"I see what you did there." His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me down onto his lap. "I didn't do anything. Now I demand you release me." I attempt to stand up again but he only holds me tighter, burying his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm joining you." His hot breath fans my neck and I giggle softly. "No. You were sleeping last time I checked." I huff and scramble out of his hold, standing up and planting my hands on my hips. "Jinnie." He sighs and run a hand through his messy hair and I bite my lip, trying to contain a smile. "Are you absolutely sure you wouldn't like a little company?" He asks me as he stands up and takes a step towards me.

"Nope." I pop the 'p' and wrap my arms around my body, turning my back on him. "Sometimes you're a professional spy and other times you can't lie at all." He kisses my cheek and puts an arm around my waist, pulling my body beside his as we walk to the door. "Maybe I only acted that way I did so you'd react this way." I murmur and he chuckles softly as we sneak past the kitchen and towards my bedroom. "Whatever you want to tell yourself princess." We enter my room and he lets me go, pulling his shirt over his head with one hand and smirking over his shoulder back at me.

The water in the shower wasn't the only steamy thing in the bathroom, let's just leave it at that. He slips his clothes back on as I make my way to the closet and quickly pick an outfit. An oversized grey sweatshirt, tight ripped jeans, battered up white converse and a black bandana. "Cute." He smiles at me from the bed, curled up into a ball almost like a cat. "Wake the fuck up." I slap his shoulder and walk towards the door as he sighs. "Fine. I'll go to my room and get some new clothes." He walks to the door and stops beside me.

"Thanks for the wake up call babe." He whispers, brushing his body against mine and kissing my cheek before slipping out the door. "Fuck." I sigh and lean against the door for a minute, messing with my damp hair. "Alright. Let's go get back my friends." I step outside and walk in the direction of arguing voices and the smell of bacon. "What's wrong now?" I ask walking into the kitchen and grabbing a piece of bacon from a plate. "The utter disrespect in this home. That's what!" Jin exclaims as he swats at Hoseok and Taehyung with a spatula.

"Awe, poor Jin." I shake my head and walk over to him, shoving Hoseok and Tae away. "Leave and come back when I say. Or else." I growl and then exchange a glance before running out of the room as I laugh. "Want some help?" I ask and he bites his lip for a moment, obviously trying to stall. "I promise I can cook. I'm not the idiot who burns water, I swear." I place a hand over my chest, about where my heart is, while flashing him a bright smile. "Fine, you can help." He sighs and we set to work.

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