Targeted by Choice

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"We need to check out the scene around here. See who we're dealing with." Namjoon sighs at Yoongi's idea, shaking his head slowly. "We're supposed to be laying low." He points out and I look around the small living room. Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok are all squished onto the couch. Jin and Yoongi sit in the side chairs with Namjoon leaning over the back of Jin's chair to look at his laptop.

I'm sitting cross legged on the floor by Yoongi's chair, my head resting against his leg as he plays with my ponytail. "No, it's a point. We should probably see who's around here that we need to watch out for." Jungkook says and gets a few nods. "But where are we going to find them. There's bound to be more than enough clubs for them to stay separate." Hoseok adds and I bite my lip as I think.

"No. The police in Busan are harsh, always on the lookout. Only gang owned clubs are safe for them. And that number can't surpass more than three. We narrow it down we find the places we need to scope out." Jimin says and I nod my head. "But how do we find them?" I ask and Jin smiles, typing on his laptop. "We hack the police." He says and I laugh as I watch Namjoon just turn and walk away.

"When Jin finds where we're going, I'm heading out." I say and there's a silence as everyone wonders whether to argue. "I'll come with you." Taehyung offers and I blink up at him, watching as he nods to my questioning gaze. "Alright. But just us. Too many and it gets suspicious." I say and the other boys exchange glances. "No way. You two shouldn't go alone." Yoongi says and I frown up at him.

"Listen to me Yoongi. We might both be younger than you but it doesn't mean we're any less experienced." I hiss, spinning around to look at him, getting onto my knees so that my eyes are at a level closer to his. "Darling I don't underestimate you or Taehyung. This is genuine worry." He says, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on his hands. "Your opinion isn't required." I huff, getting to my feet and ruffling his hair.

"Go disrespect me somewhere else." He huffs and I wave Taehyung after me as I leave the room, waiting for him to follow. "You don't have to come." I say, leaning back against the kitchen counter and he chuckles, running a hand through his hair. "Jinnie, there is no way in hell I'd let you go by yourself." He says, stepping forward and brushing hair away from my face.

"Awe you're sweet." I stretch up on my toes and kiss his cheek before we hear Jin call for us. "Come on." He grabs my hand and drags me after him and we both look over Jin's shoulder. "If I've done my research correctly, you'll be going to a place called Highlight which is in a bad neighborhood and most definitely gang owned based on connections." Jin says and I nod, sharing a look with Taehyung.

It's not much later before Taehyung and I are dressed to go. I'm wearing a pair of black leather pants, black heels, a black mesh shirt with a black bra underneath, my hair thrown up into a high ponytail and dark makeup. I tuck a gun into the back waistband on my pants and watch as Taehyung does the same. "Be careful. Come back if anything seems wrong." Namjoon says and I nod, letting Taehyung slip his arm around my waist.

"We'll be alright Joon. Besides, you have a camera on me." He says and Hoseok walls over, handing me a black leather jacket. "You can't just walk in when people can clearly see you gun." He says and I roll my eyes, giving him a gentle shove before putting on the jacket. "I would've had that covered." I point out and he fake salutes, wrapping an arm around Jimin's shoulders and leading the boy back towards the living room.

Taehyung and I call out goodbyes after a few more mini lectures and leave. We arrive at Highlight not too long after, flashing the bouncer fake IDs to get in. "Stay close." Taehyung whispers in my ear and I smile at him, quickly scanning my gaze over the room. We head to the bar and sit down, aimlessly chatting as we glance around. "That's the head of Sisterhood behind you." Jin's voice is soft in our comms and I glance over my shoulder, watching a group of women walk in.

"Taehyung, isn't that Chi Ming? He runs the operations for one of the largest law firms in Korea. Why is he meeting with the men from Westside?" I hum and Taehyung, looks back to where I'm watching the exchange. "This is definitely not the crowd we want to get into trouble with." Taehyung says softly and I nod. "Get out, we've seen enough." Jin comes through the comms again and Taehyung exchanges a look with me.

"Okay." I say under my breath and get up. As I quickly do one last sweep of the room my eyes lock on those of a young woman who likes nearly identical to me. The only immediate difference is her eye color, her outfit, and her short blonde bob cut hair. She gets up and heads to the back of the club as Taehyung grabs my hand and pulls me towards the front.

"Did you see her?" I ask and Taehyung gives me a curious look, a confused smile on his lips. "See who Jinnie?" He asks as we walk down the street, taking out our earpieces. "Sorry. Nothing. Never mind." I quickly try to cover it up, shaking my head. "No Jinnie. You saw something, what was it?" Taehyung asks and I flash him a small smile. "Just forget about it." I insist as we turn the corner.

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