Rescue and Return Pt.2

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We're barreling down the road at twice the safe speed to drive anywhere when suddenly Jaewoo looks up at me. "Can you sing? My mom and I like to sing in the car." She says blinking her eyes at me and I bite my lip. "What a question that one is. How about it?" Taehyung looks back at me with a cheeky smile. "Please?" Jaewoo asks and grabs onto my hand. "Fine, we'll sing. But not just you and me, Hoseok and Tae too." I point at both of them and we all laugh.

Taehyung hits the radio and we started to sing at the top of our lungs to all the songs we knew. Hoseok made a point of being completely off-key because he knew it was starting to bother me. "Have you ever even heard this song before?" Tae called over his shoulder as Hoseok started to belt out random words. Jaewoo giggled and I smiled at her, brushing some hair back from her face fondly.

The lights of the city are only just coming into view when I feel a weight on my arm. I look down to find Jaewoo asleep with her head resting against my arm. "You'd make a really good mother." Hoseok says softly and I look up at him with wide eyes. "Oh, no thank you. Never ever." I quickly shake my head and he chuckles. "I do not ever want to be a mother. I don't want to physically have a kid and then raise them, on my own or with my 'soulmate'. Sure kids are adorable but I could never actually look after one." I ramble awkwardly, and hear Taehyung try to muffle his laughter.

"Wait, don't tell me. You both have high hopes that somehow you'll both get to be a father one day, even when the underground is so fierce, you still keep believing." I say and look between them both. "I mean sure, I'd love that but it'll never happen." Hoseok whispers and looks out the window. "Isn't that what everyone wants? Even if they don't actually know it?" Taehyung asks and I frown, looking down at Jaewoo before turning my gaze out the window. "Well I don't." I force my voice to sound strong, all my hopes and dreams for the future died when my family did.

We sit in silence for a long while before I finally fall asleep, my arms around Jaewoo who snuggles closer to my body. I don't hear the conversation that Hoseok and Tae have once I'm asleep I only catch their final words as I start to wake up. "Suga's been different lately, and for some reason I think he's doing something behind our backs." I hear Hoseok say as my eyes flutter open. "Hey look who's awake. You had an adorable nap." Taehyung says, meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror.

"Adorable?" I mutter and look down at Jaewoo snuggled up in my arms and curled against my body. "We're here!" He says joyfully, pulling to a stop and I look out the window. "How'd you get here?" I ask confused, still mostly asleep. "This was where anyone who found Jaewoo was supposed to bring her. We had a mission but you beat us to it." Hoseok says as I unbuckled myself and Jaewoo. "Are you guys coming? I wouldn't have made it here without you." I say, picking Jaewoo up in my arms, her head resting on my shoulder.

"No, we can't. You can't keep tossing half your payday back at us." Hoseok says and Taehyung nods to back him up. "Well maybe this is my way of slowly coming back to you." I say softly and hear Taehyung get out of the truck quickly. Suddenly my door opens and he's smiling at me. "If that's what's happening I accept on behalf of Bangtan." I giggle and let him help me out of the truck. Hoseok gets out and walks on my left and Tae on my right as we enter the abandoned building.

"Mr. Kim? Hello?" I call out softly, Taehyung putting his arm around my waist and drawing his gun. "Vixen?" The lights turn on suddenly and I hear Hoseok pull out his gun too. "Jaewoo!" Mr. Kim, snaps his fingers and his security detail puts away their weapons. "Authentication please." I say, walking forward. I'm not letting go of the sweet little girl in my arms until I'm certain she's with her true family. He holds out a card and I nod at Hoseok who steps forward to retrieve it.

"It's real, trust me." He says and I nod. "Jaewoo, wake up sweetheart." I whisper and her eyes slowly open as she yawns. "Daddy?" She reaches out for him and I notice the smile on her face, that's enough validation for me. "Go ahead honey." I set her down and she runs to him, he instantly scoops her up and kisses her cheek. "Despite what you said earlier, I know you still want kids." Hoseok whispers in my ear and I shove him as Taehyung tightens his arm around my waist.

"Mr. Kim, if you don't mind I'd like the reward split between my account and the one belonging to Bangtan." I say and he looks up at me. "Oh, of course." He nods and I turn around, prepared to leave. "Wait!" I look over my shoulder at Jaewoo who's trying to get out of her father's arms. He sets her down and she runs over to me and I crouch down to be closer to her height. "Thank you Fox-lady." She whispers, throwing her arms around my neck. "You're welcome honey." I hug her back, unable to stop the smile from appearing on my face.

"Bye." She says and skips back to her father and I stand back up. "Bye Jaewoo." I wave and walk away, quickly getting out of the building. "You alright?" Tae asks, pulling me into a hug. "Is it weird that I'm going to miss her?" I ask and he chuckles softly. "No, because you have a heart so that's how it was going to react." He tells me and I sigh, leaned into his embrace. "Do you mind if I come back to the base with you guys? I don't really want to be alone for a while." I say and they instantly agree.

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