Not a Drill

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"Where are they?" I whisper and Hoseok shrugs as a response. We tied up Jungkook and left him in the living room as we searched for the others. We moved like a Swat team, left and right, hand signals, all of the televised things. "Hobi." I pointed to a locked door in front of me where we could hear soft whispering. He nodded and walked over so I could cover him. He kicked in the door and I ducked in, gun out and sweeping the room.

Hoseok enters behind me and we aim our guns at the figures in the dark. "Shoot us, we shoot you." A voice rises up and Hoseok and I exchange a glance for a moment. "Damn you idiots." Hosoek hits the lights and I find myself looking at Taehyung and Jin both with guns aimed at our heads. "Fuck." I curse and Hoseok puts an arm around my shoulders, kissing my forehead. "We'll find him." He says and I nod determinedly, looking over and meeting Jin's eyes.

"You're looking for Jimin?" Taehyung asks as he and Jin get up and holster their guns. "Jungkook is tied up in the living room." I say and watch them share a look. "We should've noticed something was off sooner." Jin says walking over and looking me over slowly. "All clear?" He asks as his eyes find the bandages and I shake my head. "I was given an exception or else I would've been the one kicking down the door." I huff and Hoseok rolls his eyes with a smile.

"Where's Yoongi?" I ask and Taehyung shrugs with a worried look. "We figured he was with you." Jin says and a panicked look flashes through all their eyes. "He can handle himself." I say but my voice trembles. "So can Jimin." Hoseok says and Taehyung and Jin pull out their guns as we all hear a crash from the hallway. "He went back for Jungkook. Fuck." I curse and whip around and the boys follow me as we sneak down the hall, guns drawn.

We peer around the corner and watch as Jimin cuts Jungkook's ropes and helps him, handing a gun. "Shit." I wave the boys back and we retreat down the hallway, ducking in a room with Taehyung standing at the door like a guard. "Jimin and Jungkook both have guns. We need to find Yoongi before they do." Jin says and I nod slowly, looking over at Hoseok.

"How will we find him?" I ask and the boys exchange a glance. "We've done drills for different events in the off chance they'd happen. If we initiate any protocol Yoongi will know what to do and we'll know where he's going." I can't hide the bewilderment on my face as I listen to them. "But Jimin and Jungkook will know what to do too. There's a chance they'll know where Yoongi's going and get to him first." Hoseok pipes up and I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Wait can I get an explanation please." I sigh and get completely ignored by the boy's already forming a plan. "I need a laptop. If we can get to my room I have the program to initiate any and all of the protocol training drills Joon made us do." Jin says and Hoseok nods, both finally looking at me. "We'll fill you in later if we have time." Jin shrugs and I roll my eyes, standing beside Taehyung at the door.

He looks over at me and I can't help but notice the worry in his eyes. Worry for Yoongi. Worry for Jimin and Jungkook. Worry for Namjoon. Worry for all of us. "Tae-" I start but realize I can't actually tell him that anything would be okay. "I'd promise you everything would be okay but I can't. I'd promise to get you the stars if I could, but I'm not going to promise the impossible." He actually manages a smile, remembering how he said almost the exact same thing to me when Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi were all missing.

"Let's go. We need to move quickly." Jin says as he and Hoseok head out into the hallway, covering each other. "I guess we follow." Taehyung says and we tail them, guns drawn and eyes trained on anything that moves. Our move down the hallway was uneventful and we quickly duck into Jin's room, locking the door in hopes of keeping it that way. "Okay, what should I run. What will give us the best chance of finding Yoongi?" Jin asks and Hoseok and Taehyung are quick to start calling out ideas and locations.

I however take a seat on the bed and watch them argue back and forth. "Just hurry up and choose before we're too late." I say softly and all three turn to look at me. "Right. If I run the northern breach then Yoongi will head to the weapon storage on the south side of the compound. If we can get there first we'll find him." Jin says, typing away at an astonishing pace. "North? South?" I mutter and press a hand to my forehead trying to wrap my head around this all. The compound is far bigger than I had originally thought.

"Ready?" Jin asked and Taehyung and Hoseok headed to the door each giving a nod. Jin pressed a button and an odd alarm sounded, almost like a cross between a police siren and a smoke detector going off. "Jinnie will you stay with me? I'll see what other tricks I can play to stop Jungkook and Jimin." He says and I walk over, keeping my gun trained on the doorway as Hoseok and Taehyung leave.

"What do you think sent them into this state?" I asked when the only sounds were Jin's fingers hitting the keyboard and the offputting siren. "Obviously something traumatic but I'm not certain what. They showed no signs of being beaten too harshly." Jin says calmly and I nod. "Whatever they did endure somehow you were used as their trigger object. I'm getting the feeling this is personal and that it's directed at you." I stare back at the door, trying to stay focused on the task at hand. We can question what happened when the game is back under our control.

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