Apologies and Bargains

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"You fucking asshole, what the fuck were you thinking?" I hear Namjoon hiss and I sigh softly. "He wasn't thinking, Jungkook doesn't think with his head or his heart. He thinks with his-" Yoongi shuts up quickly as I walk into the room, I slowly make my way over to them and sit down in a armchair, curling my legs under my body. "Can we talk?" I feel like I look so small right now, the way I'm curled up, the way Jungkook's shirt is dwarfing the size of my body, even my manner of speaking makes me seem small.

"Sure." Yoongi says and Taehyung and Jimin slowly release the other two boys and leave the room. "I'm really sorry." I say and look between the three of them. "I'm sorry for fucking up your lives." I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "And I'm really sorry for causing so many problems." I clasp my hands together and rest them on my lap. "Jinnie, you don't have to-" I shake my head, cutting Namjoon off. "I'm sorry I slept with you. I ruined our relationships, and your relationships within the group. I really messed up bad." I use my tongue to wet my lips and I catch the way they all let out a soft sigh. "See! I screwed up! You're all under my spell and I didn't mean to cast it in the first, second, or third place!" I exclaim, sitting upright. "We knew what we were getting into Jinnie." Jungkook says, looking over at Joon and Suga who nod.

"I didn't." I say softly and slump down into the chair, holding a hand to my forehead. "I hate it when you fight, especially when it's over me. It makes me sick. I don't deserve to be in some place of honor because I'm not a fucking goddess okay? Stop cherishing me." I sigh into my hands and choke back a sob. "I don't even know how I feel. I really don't. I care about you guys, so much it hurts and now I've dug myself a grave too deep to get out of." I look up at them, the pity in their gazes neatly making me flinch.

"You were not the only one who made mistakes." Namjoon says and I try and swallow the lump in my throat. "Do I regret what I did? No, Jinnie you're special. I only regret that it's caused you this much trouble." He says and I flash him a faint smile. "Joon has a point. You're about as perfect as a human can get and I can't force myself to get over what happened between us. I'm just so sorry about everything it's caused you." Yoongi says and I sniffle, holding back tears.

"I feel like I had the worst fuck up out of all of us. I knew how you felt, I knew you were torn, hurt and angry, you even told me. And then I took advantage of that. Then my screw up led to this and I can tell I've just stressed you out and I'm so sorry." Jungkook says and I nod slowly. "I'm not going to forget what happened, I know you won't either. But I just wish that I could find a way to move on from it." I sigh and run a hand through my hair, lowering my gaze.

"We move on." Namjoon says and I look up at him with wide eyes. "What?" I ask softly, seeming to be the only one that's confused. "I agree. We put it behind us. The past is the past, the present and the future are open for whatever." Jungkook nods and I look at Suga with a distressed hand gesture, wishing someone would help me understand. "Jinnie, we're saying that we aren't mad at each other, definitely not at you. We want to put it behind us. No more fighting. What happens we just go along with, if you pick any of us, even if you just walk out and find someone new, we'll support you." He says and I let a few tears fall down my cheeks.

"I don't deserve you guys." I whisper, trying desperately to wipe away my tears. "We don't deserve you." Jungkook says and I look up at him with a tiny smile. I get up and throw my arms around Namjoon because he's the closest before reaching out and grabbing Suga's hand and dragging him over. Jungkook throws himself into the pile and I huddle in their warmth for a moment with a smile.

"I'll try and figure out how I feel, so I don't have to keep you in the dark for too long." I breathe and they all laughs softly. "Take you time Jinnie, we'll still be waiting." Namjoon says and I kiss each of their foreheads. "Alright, let me go. I need a shower." I wiggle out of their grip with a giggle before tumbling onto the floor. "And that's not an invitation." I say standing up with a tiny huff and walking away as they laugh from behind me. "Are you sure?" Yoongi calls and I smile over my shoulder. "I'm not decided yet." I say and skip down the hall, watching out of the corner of my eye as they exchange looks.

I lock my bedroom door with a giggle, leaning back against it with a contented sigh. "Maybe I should just leave." I snap my eyes open and glare daggers at the couch off to the side as a voice rises from the silence. "What do you want Jimin?" I ask softly, crossing my arms over my chest and biting my lip. "A chance." He says and I arch an eyebrow as I walk over to him. "A chance for what exactly?" I ask, leaning down over him. "A chance to join ranks with Joon, Suga and Kookie." He says and I laugh softly, tossing hair over my shoulder.

"You sure have one odd tactic going on then Jimin." I giggle and turn on my heels but he grabs my wrist and pulls my body back towards his. "Maybe I just want to know what's got everyone else wrapped around your finger?" He whispers in my ear and I smirk, grabbing his hand. "Then come find out." I lead him towards the bathroom, closing the door with my foot once we're both inside.

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