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"RM am I right?" One man in a black suit asks, standing up from the nearest side of the table and offering his hand. "Mr Kim." Namjoon gives him a curt nod and we push past him. "No offense but this isn't the place for your doll." The man at the other end of the table pipes up and I watch the other boys exchange glances out of the corner of my eye. "I can assure you Mr Xi that she's not a toy." His hand slides down the side of my leg to tap the gun holster and Mr Xi laughs.

"You can give a woman a gun but all it does is make the pretty little thing look sexier." He leans back and kicks his feet up on the table, playing with the rings on his hands. "And now it's my turn to give you a warning. Unless you want a bullet in your skull you'll stop talking like I can't fucking hear you." I growl and the man arches an eyebrow, a smug smile on his face. "Feisty. I like her. I'll gladly take her off your hands for any price." He says and I look up at Joon as he laughs.

"No." The one word holds so much venom that both the other leaders flinch and the boys laugh. "I'm sure I could find your another whore just as pretty and willing to hang off your arm." Mr Xi persists and I roll my eyes, blowing a bubble and popping it loudly to capture his attention. "I stand very well on my own two feet. And I'm a lot more than just pretty, my death toll swamps yours so I'm going to ask you again to watch your mouth." I snap and the other boys sit down along the chairs set out. Namjoon sits in the middle and I sit beside him, Mr Xi's gaze never leaving my figure once.

"You wanted someone to listen, then get talking." Namjoon spits out and Mr Kim launches into his speech and I pretend like I'm listening. "I'm not deciding anything. We're here to make sure you both leave this room alive. Anything after that isn't our problem." Namjoon says, his voice tired after listening to the men bickering for what seems like hours. "I believe it is your problem. These men are spies. Traitors to both of us Mr Kim." Mr Xi smiles, his gaze raking over the boys, excluding Jin, Namjoon and myself.

"Stop distracting me!" Mr Kim snaps and I absentmindedly tap my nails on the wooden table, staring off into the distance. "Those two, I believe they worked for you. I know for a fact this one worked for me." He points at Hoseok and I do my best not to react. "What nonsense." Namjoon scoffs and Mr Kim frowns, his gaze locked on Jungkook and Taehyung. "I don't believe it is nonsense." Mr Kim snarls, slamming a hand on the table.

"We're in the company of liars!" He cries and in an instant I'm on my feet, one gun aimed at Mr Kim and the other at Mr Xi. "And we're in the company of upper class filth, I think we have it worse." I growl and watch Namjoon smirk, leaning back and kicking his feet up on the table. "See gentlemen, she's much more than some pretty plaything." He directs his words towards Mr Xi who laughs. "So you'll admit she's still your side piece." He jokes and Namjoon looks me up and down.

"On occasion." I kick his leg and he laughs which only makes me roll my eyes. "Yoongi cover Mr Kim. I'm tired of holding two guns." The boy whips out his gun and aims at Mr Kim, flashing me a smile. I walk around the table until I get to Mr Xi, holding the barrel of the gun against his head. I watch his face pale and run a hand down his chest, grabbing his tie and yanking on it. "I thought you liked me?" I growl as he chokes slightly and I let go, leaning on the back of his chair and gently tapping the gun against his head.

"Call her off." He begs and Namjoon meets my gaze, laughter sparkling in the depths of his eyes. "Why would I do that?" He muses and Jin laughs. "She insane!" He exclaims and I giggle, sitting on the table in front of him and tossing the gun from hand to hand. "And you aren't bitch?" I look him up and down, disgust on my face as his eyes widen in panic. "You're all insane!" He looks around wildly and I arch my eyebrow.

"I'd speak a little nicer if I were you." Hoseok purrs, walking over and putting an arm around my shoulders. "You treasonous snake!" Mr Xi snarls and Hoseok slowly draws his gun. "What was that?" He asks softly and Mr Xi lowers his gaze. "Please don't kill us." Mr Kim says and I roll my eyes, looking over my shoulder as Yoongi gets up and plants the gun in between Mr Kim's eyes.

"Do it." I smirk and Yoongi laughs, fake saluting me. "Nothing personal." The gunshot echoes and Mr Kim falls limp. "Ouch." I mutter and look back at Mr Xi. "Can't leave any witnesses." Hoseok and I raise out guns side by side and his eyes basically pop of of his skull. "You'll be hunted down." He says and I look at Hoseok who nods. We pull the trigger at the same time and I click my tongue, sliding off the table.

"If only they had some decency." I shake my head and they other boys laugh as we get up and head for the doors. I push them open and shoot the closest guard and Yoongi takes the other. People scream and I roll my eyes, raising my gun and sending a few warnings shots. "Everyone down!" I snap and guests hit the floor faster than I expected. "Tae, want to take Jimin and raid the front desk so we get something put of all this?" Both boys smile and pull out their guns, shooting out a few lights just to freak out people some more.

"You're so hot when you get criminal." Jin whispers in my ear and I smirk as his hands settle on my waist from behind. His lips brush over the skin of my neck as he gently plants kisses, I bite my tongue to hold my composure and he chuckles softly. "Hope you wanted a shit ton of money." Jimin laughs walking over and dangling a bag over his shoulder. "Let's go." Taehyung smirks, shooting at the chandelier and we leave the building as it falls to the floor.

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