Not A False Alarm

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"Alright, run left breech again." Namjoon sighs, leaning over Jin's shoulder as the rest of us slowly return to the dining room, panting slightly. "Are you going to join in?" Yoongi gasps out, catching his breath. "Someone carry me." Jimin says softly, leaning on Taehyung before the other boy pushes him away. "Someone has to monitor you guys." Jin says and Namjoon nods, pointing to one of the cameras and muttering under his breath.

"I watch you guys run the route to make sure you're safe and at the same time I have Jin checking city cams in the nearby area and also finding a place for us to hide out." Namjoon says without looking up from Jin's laptop before he whips around and resets the camera feed on his own device. "Okay, I guess that sounds reasonable. Can I sit out? I think I'm gonna fuck up my gunshot wound." I say breathlessly and Hoseok's eyes widen.

"Let me see." He says softly and I shake my head, setting my hands on my hips. "I'm fine." I say and he rolls his eyes dramatically. "You're fine when I say you're fine." He says and I simply sigh, lifting my tee up so that he can see the bandages. "There's no blood, so that's a good sign." He murmurs, running a hand over the bandages lightly. "Tell me if this hurts." He says and applies pressure to the area where the bullet went through.

"That's kinda painful but I mean it's an internal wound too right?" I whisper and he nods, stepping back and letting me hide the bandages again. "You're fine Jinnie, a little strain might actually help the tissue rebuild stronger." He says and I shake my head, sharing a tired look with Jungkook. "Whatever you say. Let's just get it over with." I huff and get myself ready to run again.

The siren sounds and I race through the kitchen, like we trained to do over the past few days. "We go as a team Jinnie! Remember that!" Taehyung shouts and I slow my sprint waiting for them to catch up to me. When the boys are relatively close again we dash through the hall, headed for the right exit. "Bang. Bang. Gunshots, flashbang. Police! Ah!" Namjoon says in our comms making us laugh as we slow to a halt before drawing our guns at the door.

"Formation three." Yoongi says, taking point since he's the oldest. Jimin nods and slowly opens the door, Hoseok stepping out and sweeping his gun around the perimeter. "Stay low." Yoongi murmurs and we slink one by one outside. "Oh shit, they're coming behind you fast. Hurry." Namjoon's voice fills the comm theatrically which makes me giggle. We pick up the pace and make it to the property boundary in record time.

"Good work. That was your fastest time yet. Bring it back and we'll go over the escape Jin has mapped out so far." Namjoon says and Jungkook throws an arm around my shoulders with a tired smile. "My legs are going to give out." I mutter cheerfully and we all laugh, putting our guns back in their holsters as we walk. "Guys! We have a problem get inside and grab your things now!" Namjoon exclaims and we exchange glances with each other before breaking into a run.

"That doesn't sound comforting!" Hoseok says and we hurry inside, meeting Namjoon and Jin in the living room where we quickly grab our bags. "Okay, run the same route you just did." Jin says and we all take off as fast as we can with our gear. "I'll make sure we didn't leave anything behind that will help them!" Hoseok says and as Jungkook and Taehyung reach out to stop him they wind up grabbing his bags instead.

"Fuck it! Keep going!" Namjoon growls, glaring at Hoseok's retreating figure as the rest of us push forward. "He'll be okay right?" I hear Jimin ask, looking up at Jin anxiously. "Guns out!" Yoongi snaps as we approach the doors and Jimin instantly jumps into what he was trained to do, quietly opening the door so we can get out. "Go. Go. Go." I say quietly as I follow Yoongi outside, gun out as we sneak towards the exit we agreed upon.

We get out of the compound, up a hill where we're hidden and can watch for Hoseok. "There!" I exclaim and point at his figure as he sneaks towards us. "Okay. I've got us a vehicle." Jin says as he comes back, dangling a set of keys on his finger. "How?" Taehyung asks softly and he chuckles. "Fake name. Fake ID." Jin nods at Hoseok as the other boy joins us.

"I unplugged your PC that's connected to the laptop." Hoseok says to Jin as we follow the eldest boy to a black SUV. "That was smart. Thanks." He says as we throw our bags in the back and then pile inside. "I also drew some fake plans about where we were going. Crumpled up some random notes and threw them in the trash, maybe they'll throw them off." He shrugs as we buckle up and Namjoon drives off.

"So now what?" I ask softly and get their attention focused on me. Namjoon glances at me in the mirror, Jin lookd back at me from the passenger seat, Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook look over their shoulders from the first row and Hoseok and Taehyung each blink at me from either side in the back row. "So now we start praying." Yoongi murmurs and I sigh, resting my head on Hoseok's shoulder.

"Jinnie." He whispers to catch my attention and I blink at him, only catching glimpses of his face in the streetlights we pass, everything else nearly pitch black. "I checked all the bedrooms, to make sure we didn't leave anything behind and you seemed to be the only one. I thought you might want these." In the dark I strain my eyes to watch him pull three thin chains out of his pocket.

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