Dyed and Disguised

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I only started living with the boys about a week ago but I've been visiting rooms that weren't my own quite frequently. Tae, Jin and Hobi were starting to notice but didn't really say anything, as long as no one was out for each other's blood they were calm about it. We started up again with just some small jobs after my return from the sex trade to slowly work me back in, Yoongi's words. Tonight Jungkook and Taehyung were taking me to a little 'soiree' that the Kims' were hosting.

I had a mission, get into the mansion of Kim David, find a way to his office, steal a file containing sensitive information. I was ready for action and couldn't wait to play my hand at the table again. As I was sitting there and thinking this through my phone rang and I quickly reached for it. "You're going to be late, where the hell are you?" A very upset Jin says and I bite my lip. "You know, around?" I try and he groans.

"Jinnie not funny, get to the base and get ready now. You're either set to go in an hour or you don't go at all." Jin was running point on this operation and I didn't like him being so bossy but I need to get into the field. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes." I hiss and hang up with a sigh. "The dye is dry, you're good to go." The woman who just did my hair says and I get up, slipping her a bill and leaving the salon. I walk down the street a few blocks to the truck I talked Joon into letting me take and get in, throwing a few bags onto the passenger seat.

I drive back to the base and manage to get in and get to my room without being detected. I quickly start to get ready, excited to display my new hair color. I put on a leather halter top, leaving it unzipped enough to leave little to the imagination. I paired it with a leather miniskirt and knee high boots. I throw my hair up into a ponytail and curl it before putting on makeup and walking out the door.

"She won't answer her phone idiot. I've already tried. And if I screw this up Joon won't let me lead operations." I hear Jin say frantically as I walk towards the living room. Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin were all out on a mission involving the Spades so Jin was left in charge. "If I knew it meant so much to you I would've called." I say as I enter the room and their heads turn in my direction.

"Wow Jinnie." Taehyung says softly and I smile. "You dyed your hair?" Jungkook exclaims as I sit down beside him. "I sure did. You like it?" I bleached my hair to a platinum blonde before getting the tips done in an electric shade of blue. "I think it's awesome." Hoseok pipes up from where he's sitting and watching a movie. "Awe thanks." I smile and look up at Jin. "Sorry I bothered you. I didn't know it meant this much." I pull I pout and he rolls his eyes affectionately.

"Whatever, get in the van. All three of you." I laugh and walk out with Taehyung and Jungkook. We drive to the venue and I head for the service entrance while Jungkook and Taehyung take the guest entrance to the mansion. I find a group of giggling girls and make my way over to them, adjusting my earpiece quickly. "Hey girls." I say and they look over at me. "You must be the new girl." A tall blonde smiles at me and I nod.

"I am and I'm so ready." I smile and we all laugh, heading inside. "Ladies, the stage is to the left feel free to warm up some." A man says and we follow the hall he pointed at to arrive in the center of the venue. The heart of Kim David's mansion. I walk out to the stage and feel a tiny nervous tremor go through my body. "Don't worry, once you're out there dancing with a pole is natural." One of the girls says and I nod. And yeah, I only got into this party by pretending to be a stripper.

"You're not just employees, you're family. Here's to an empire!" I hear as we walk out onto a stage and I see Mr. Kim holding a glass up in a toast. "To an empire!" Kim's men reply as the bass starts pumping. I spy Jungkook and Taehyung out of the corner of my eyes, they're talking to someone but at the same time trying to keep an eye on me. I let the music flow through me before gripping the pole and winding body around it. I get more than a few cheers and whistles from the men, most offering up money.

I drop down from the stage and walk across the floor to one man who's been calling things out at the front. I lean down over him and he smirks, holding up a few expensive bills. I take them and delicately hold them with my teeth before sitting down on his legs and moving my body side to side. He smiles like an idiot as the men around us cheer and I slowly get up, taking the bills from my teeth and tucking them into my cleavage with a smirk.

I catch Jungkook staring from across the room and send a playful wink his way before climbing back on the stage. I catch Taehyung laughing and patting Jungkook's shoulder before heading towards me. He meets my eyes and holds up a stack of bills with two fingers. I smirk and twirl around the pole a few more times then head his way before any of the other girls try to claim him. He flashes me a seductive smile before sitting down and leaning back in the chair.

I seat myself on his lap without a second thought and he smirks, using one hand to tuck the bills into the waistband of my skirt while the other men gasp at his risky move. I smile and put my arms around his neck, proceeding to shift back and forth in an eloquent lap dance. His hands settle on my waist and he tucks his face into the crook of my neck. "I did this for three reasons. One, because it'd bother Kookie. Two, because I can effectively drag you away so we can look for the file. And three, well, I simply just wanted to." I smile as he presses a kiss to my collarbone.

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