Moving Day

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He suddenly draws a knife and I stumble backwards quickly, taken by surprise. "Who are you? What do you want?" I ask and he laughs softly. "Revenge, what else?" He says and I narrow my eyes. "Do I even know you?" I blink at him, darting my gaze towards Suga anxiously, my eyes pleading for him to stay back. "Do you remember Jack? Jack Winburm?" He asks and I pause for a moment, raking my brain for an answer. "I do." I say finally, remembering the night I perched on the rooftop and shot him as he was walking with his bodyguard. I remember that his sister had paid me to do the job and more importantly it was the night before I met the Bangtan crew.

"He was my brother, and I've finally found you. It's finally time you pay." He says and attempts to slash at me with the knife, I dodge rapidly. It's hard to fight someone whose desperate because desperate people have nothing to lose. "I'll have you know it was your sister who paid me to do it." I gasp, kicking him in the diaphragm. "Shut up!" He charges at me and I feel my eyes widen as my foot catches on the corner of the coffee table. "Jinnie duck!" I go down so fast it startles Mr. Winburm and he doesn't have enough time to dodge the bullet.

I watch him hit the ground and gasp looking over my shoulder at Jimin. I run over and throw my arms around him, kissing his cheek. "Thank you." I whisper and he smiles. "I think you better get your things because I'm not sure the university is going to want to keep you now." He says and I sigh softly. "But I have nowhere to live." I say and he frowns. "I actually have an idea about that." Suga says walking over and Jimin arches as eyebrow.

"There is an extra room at the base, if you want it." He says and my eyes light up. "Actually?" Jimin nods and I giggle happily. "Thank you guys." I pull Yoongi into the hug and we all laugh softly for a moment. "Need help packing?" Jimin asks and I nod. Between the three of us we get all my belongings, minus the furniture, packed up in a record amount of time. "I called Jim to let him know, he says the room is all clean and ready." Jimin says walking into the room as I'm leaning my head on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Thanks Jimin." I say and yawn, sitting up and stretching. "Let's go then." We load the boxes into the pickup truck and I bid farewell to the university, I've been so busy with my underground life that it doesn't really matter to me anymore. We pull up to the base and I hop out of the cab, my feet barely touching the ground before someone bursts out the door and sweeps up into their arms. "Tae!" I cry out, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Come help us carry something." Jimin says, grabbing a box from the back of the truck.

"Sure thing. I'll carry something." He follows after Jimin and Yoongi without putting me down and I giggle into his chest as he carries me bridal style. "Tae what are you doing?" I hear Hoseok shout and I laugh, looking up at Hosoek. "I'm helping." He insists and I laugh harder, burying my face in his chest again. "Taehyung, that's not what I meant when I asked for help!" Jimin scolds and I continue to laugh. "It was a good effort." I say and kiss Taehyung's cheek while he smiles.

"Don't worry, I'll go actually help." He says, setting me down on the couch in the living room. "I can too." I say and he shakes his head. "Nope. Just stay here, pretty please." I sigh and nod, pulling my phone out of my pocket. "Alright, look I'm not going anywhere." I say and he laughs before racing away. They carry all the boxes in and everytime I offer to help someone tells me very politely that I don't need to. "You're idiots." I mutter as Suga, Taehyung and Jimin collapse on the couch around me.

"Lovable idiots?" Tae asks and I giggle, snuggling up beside him. "Sure, lovable idiots." I say and he smiles, wrapping his arms around me and keeping me close to his body. "Where's the others?" I ask Hoseok who's been keeping me company in the living room the entire time. "Who knows, they're probably doing something fairly important if Joon took Jin and Kookie with him." Hoseok shrugs and I nod. "Alright, I'll go unpack. Someone shout something stupid if you need me." I blow them a kiss and walk down the hall and into the room littered with boxes.

I look around, a queen size bed sits on the left with a nightstand on the side closet to the door and a dresser on the other. Near the dresser is a set of doors I open to find a pretty big walk-in closet, not a monstrous walk-in but it's nowhere near tiny. I walk to the right and there's another door which opens to a beautiful ensuite bathroom, only available to this room. On the right side of the room, excluding the doorway to the bathroom, it's raised up a little higher than the normal floor level. There's a loveseat, two armchairs, a coffee table and a big flatscreen. In between the closet and bathroom doors is a desk with a lamp sitting on it. The walls of the room are a dark burgundy color which highlights the cream carpet nicely.

As soon as I'm done my mini tour I start by putting away my clothes, then finding good places to keep my weapons. The picture of my family sits on the desk along with a two piece heart shaped pendant and a locket. I take the chest, the only piece of furniture I brought, and position it at the foot of the bed, I then open it up and set a few blankets in the bottom, the arrange a small collection of stuffed animals before shutting it again. I then hop into the bathroom to have a quick shower, fairly pleased with my work.

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