I'm Not Dead Yet

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Agony. Like fire coursing through my veins. Head to toe pain. The contrast of bright white and pitch black spots dancing before my eyes. Hot and cold alternating at random intervals. Slowly I regained my concious thought and could register words being spoken but couldn't be bothered to open my eyes and get up, running my brain was painful enough. Or maybe I physically wasn't strong enough to function at full capability. Either way the pain in the boys voices was enough to remind me that I still had something to fight for. "She'll wake up right Hobi?" I heard Jungkook whisper softly and the response he got really pained me. "I don't know! I don't fucking know! I'm not a doctor and I'm panicking!" Hoseok snapped at him from somewhere to my left and I told myself I had to get up for their sake.

Slowly I twitched my fingers and fluttered my eyes a little. I opened them wider and turned my head slightly to look around. The room was black, no light coming from any windows and oddly I was all alone. I swore that Hoseok and Jungkook were right here just a second ago. Taking my time I sat up and groaned softly, resting a hand on my abdomen and flinching away at the odd fabric under my fingertips. Squinting my eyes I made out the fact that I was only in my bra, bandages wrapped around the rest of my torso tightly like a medical corset. "Fuck." I muttered and slowly stretched my body until it ached but I could move comfortably.

"I don't know what else to do." I hear softly from behind the closed door and run a hand through my hair with a tiny sigh. "I don't know. Go check on Jimin maybe he'll know something now that he's calmed down?" I make out Jin's normally calm voice trembling with uncertainty. "Jimin?" I say softly to myself and hear them both freeze before the door knob slowly turns. "You heard it too?" I hear Hoseok whisper as the door swings open some and light comes pouring in. "Fuck, can you maybe not." I hiss and raise a hand to sheild my eyes as they both gasp.

"I'm so sorry!" Hoseok cries and hurries over, sitting beside me. "It's not your fault baby." I soothe, cupping his face with my hands and brushing away his tears with the pads of my thumbs. "I'm going to murder you myself!" Jin shouts and I shift a little so Hoseok's body is between Jin and I. "You scared us all so bad and without my permission. You shouldn't have done that! What if you had died!? What would we do? Sell your dead body to get Joon back? I don't goddamn know. Fuck you scared me." He slowly winds down and sits on my other side, leaning over to kiss my forehead and I smile, wrapping an arm around each of their arms and pulling them closer to me.

"I was scared and I missed you too." I whisper softly and bury my head in his chest with a sigh as Hoseok gets up and throws a blanket around my shoulders. "Jin don't kill Hobi! We need him to-" Jungkook shouts and stumbles into the doorframe, Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi behind him. I raise a hand and wave at them slowly, ducking my head and letting hair fall partly over my eyes. "Jinnie!" The unified cry goes up and they push past each other to get into the room which makes me laugh. "I'm sorry it was probably all my fault!" Jungkook says as the four them sit on the end of the bed. "Don't you scare us like that ever again." Suga scolds me. "I wish I could've done something to help." Taehyung says softly and Jimin nods. "I wish I was here." He says and I smile at them, adjusting the blanket around my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm not dead and we've got you two back-" I reach a hand and poke Jungkook's and Jimin's chest gently. "-I'd call that a win." I watch them exchange glances before smiling. "Don't you dare get shot again though." Yoongi says sternly and I roll my eyes. "I wasn't planning on it the first time." I sigh and he grabs my arm and gently pulls me over to him. "Not funny Jinnie." I kiss the tip of his nose and smile. "Look I'm sorry but everyone can stop worrying about me now. It won't happen again." I say and reach over to gives a sad looking Taehyung a hug. He tucks his head into the crook of my neck happily, cuddling me into his warmth.

"I want a hug too." Jimin whines and I giggle, wiggling out of Taehyung embrace to toss my arms around Jimin's neck. "Well hello there." I laugh as he pulls me onto his lap and I cuddle up against him. "I didn't know we planned on rescuing you so soon. Someone should really tell me these things." I joke and he laughs, brushing hair from my face. "Someone should've warned me that you had been shot. I might've cried, a lot." He says and I frown before kissing his cheek. "Well everybody's okay now. So let's focus on that." I say and turn to Jungkook. "I didn't get a thanks for diffusing the bomb vest and saving my life by taking a bullet for me." I chime and he laughs, drawing me away from Jimin.

"Thank you very much. But please don't ever risk yourself for any of us like that again." His eyes search mine as he waits for a promise I can't make. "I am my own person and if I want to make sure that we stay together I'll take as many bullets as needed." I state stubbornly and hear sighs all around. "Jinnie we don't want you hurt." Yoongi says and I roll my eyes dramatically. "I would walk through a fucking minefield and you couldn't stop me. Just accept that I care about you guys and would do anything for you." I'm not kidding, at this point I'd do everything for them. I'm truly feeling like I belong here and I'd go through hell and back to make sure they're safe.

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