Broken Pieces

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"Jimin, honey. What happened to you?" I ask softly, making my way around Namjoon and walking towards him, talking softly. "Jinnie stop." He says and I can't help but notice the quiver in his voice. "Baby who hurt you?" I take a few more steps and he starts to shake, nearly fumbling the gun. "Please just stay back." He cries and I stop, holding my hands out towards him. "Just give me the gun Jimin, then we can talk like normal people do. Okay?" I wait patiently until he places the cold metal in the palm of my hand.

"It's okay, it's okay." I set the gun down and sweep him up in my arms as he breaks into tears. "I'm sorry." He says, and I tuck my head into the crook of his neck. "You're okay Jimin. I've got you." I whisper and gently kiss his cheek, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Everybody out. Now." I say, looking around at the other boys who quickly scramble out of the room. Namjoon stays put until I mouth 'I will never fuck you again' and then he follows the others.

"Tell me what happened." I say softly, sitting down and pulling Jimin down beside me. "When I was younger, my parents lied to each other and everyone else. They hated each other and somehow everyone always blamed me for their lies, I was only seven." He whispers and I nod, curling into his arms so he doesn't feel like I'm trying to comfort him in a way that makes him seem weak. "I hate when people lie because it only causes problems. My father was a drug lord and a weapons trafficker. His whole life, my whole life, was built on lies." He says and slowly puts his arms around me, if anyone looked at us it would look like he was comforting me.

"When he died my mother told me everything, the foundations came down and my life fell apart. I can't let people lie to me, I can tell when they do. I know it'll only screw me over all over again." He whispers, holding me tightly. "I know how you feel. My father accidentally got caught in the cross fire of the underground because of my uncle. He hid it from us but then someone killed my family and I found out." I sigh softly and draw my legs closer to my body, basically curling up in Jimin's lap. "That's why I built my life on lies, because that way no one could hurt me because they wouldn't know me. I lie about everything because it's the only defense I have anymore." I whisper and Jimin leans down and kisses my forehead.

"We're both so different." I say softly and he takes a sharp breath. I look up and follow his gaze to see him staring at the gun I set on the coffee table. "I'm so sorry Jinnie." He whispers and I smile leaning my head back on his chest again. "It's okay honey, not the first time I've talked my way out of a situation like that." I shrug and start to play with my curls, one hand twirling a strand of hair and the other holding onto one of Jimin's. He smiles down at me, lacing his fingers with mine before wrapping his free arm around my waist.

"Better?" I ask, closing my eyes and listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat under my head. "Better." He says and kisses my forehead again. We sit in silence for a while before there's a loud noise. My eyes fly open and I quickly pull my gun from the holster, aiming it towards the source of the noise. "Holy shit Jinnie!" I lower the gun with a soft sigh as I only find a startled looking Hoseok. "Hobi!" Jungkook whips into the room followed by the rest of the boys. "Fucking idiots." I mutter, putting the gun back in the holster and rolling my eyes.

"What's happening here?" Namjoon asks, his eyes falling on Jimin and I curled up together. "What's happening is that I nearly shot poor Hoseok and now I'm going home because I'm certain I'm sleep deprived." I mutter, standing up and hiding a yawn. "I'll drive you home." Jin offers and I nod, walking towards him. "Thanks Jin, I'll meet you outside." I say as he leaves the room before looking around at the boys. "Bye guys, remember that I don't appreciate you lying to me." I wave at them and make my way into the kitchen before I hear footsteps behind me.

"I couldn't let you leave without getting my hands on you one more time." Namjoon whispers in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "Is that so?" I murmur, turning my head enough to look up at him, a mischievous smirk on my face. "It is." He says, lifting me up onto the kitchen island. "Joon no. Jin's waiting for me." I whisper, leaning my head back as he gently kisses my neck. His warm hands clash with my cool body as he touches my bare skin. "Jin's a good guy, he'll wait a little longer." Namjoon smirks at me and I quickly wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately.

I love the way my body fits so tightly against his and how he doesn't hesitate to kiss me back. "Let me take you home with me Jinnie. We can start all over again from the last time we ended." He says and I bite my lip, trying to hold back a smile. "What do I tell Jin?" I ask softly and he shrugs, pressing his lips to mine again. "How about you start by telling Jin the truth." The lights in the kitchen flick on and we quickly pull apart. I unwrap my legs from around Joon's waist and he takes his hands off my body, stepping away from me. We both look over to find Jin standing beside the light switch as the other boys enter the room.

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