Rescue and Return Pt.1

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I wiped the bloodied knife on a cloth with a disgusted look on my face. "That was ugly for everyone, wasn't it?" I ask plainly, looking over the dead body at my feet before turning my eyes to the man gagged and bound on the floor beside him. I pull down his gag and crouch down in front of him with a sickly sweet smile. "You're going to tell me where Kim Jaewoo is aren't you? Or do need to attempt the same thing that happened to your friend here?" I point the tip of the knife at the body that's just slowly oozing blood onto the floor.

"She's in the back, okay? I'll show you just please don't kill me!" He wails and I roll my eyes dramatically. "Tell me what way." I say, pulling him to his feet and shoving him in front of me. "Left." He says and we turn down the hall. "Through that door." I break the lock with my gun to get into the room, finding it empty. "Under that rug, there's a trapdoor." I crouch down and yank the rug back, exposing a small door. I break the lock on this door too and open up the trapdoor while a girl inside it screams into a rag stuffed in her mouth.

"It's alright sweetheart, I'm here to make sure you get back to you daddy safely." I tell her, her father's information said she was only seven years old, so I have to be gentle with her. I quickly drop the knife in my hand and kick it away, reaching out a hand to her. She slowly makes her way over and I pull her out of the area and back to the actual floor level. "You're alright honey, you're alright." I quickly untie her hands and remove the gag before she bursts into tears. "I've got you, it's okay." I pull her close to my body and see the man I was holding hostage with my knife at his feet.

"I need to to cover your ears and shut your eyes nice and tight okay?" I ask and she nods with a sniffle, squeezing her eyes shut and pressing her hands to her ears. I quickly draw my gun, shrug helplessly at the guy and fire. He hits the floor as I return both the knife and gun to their reserved places before scooping the girl up in my arms. "Your name's Jaewoo right?" I ask and she nods, putting her arms around my neck. "People like to call me Vixen, like the fox." I tell her and she smiles faintly. "Foxes are cute." She murmurs and I feel a smile spread onto my face as I walk.

"They are aren't they?" I enter the room where the other dead body is and quickly look around. "Whoa, did you see that pretty bird over there?" I point at the window on the opposite side of the building and she looks over excitedly, as I quickly exit the building. Three vehicles pull up and park in sync as I close the door of the house, way out in the forest. "Fox-lady I'm scared." Jaewoo wails tucking her head in the crook of my neck and despite the uncertainty of the situation I'm still smiling. She's so cute.

"Stop doing our jobs better than us!" I laugh as none other than the entire Bangtan crew piles out of the trucks. "It's okay Jaewoo, these are my friends. They won't hurt you." I say softly, walking towards the boys. "I'll accept those words as a compliment." I say and look them over before stopping a good few feet away from them. "I wanna go home." Jaewoo says with a sniffle and I shift my arms around her, to look at her tear streaked face. "Awe, I'll get you home sweetheart. Don't worry, alright?" I kiss her cheek and she giggles softly.

"That was so cute." I roll my eyes and slap Jin's shoulder angrily. "Shut it Jin." I hiss and he laughs. "Please can I see my daddy?" Jaewoo asks and I smile at her. "We're a little far from home right now honey, it might take a while to get to your daddy." She frowns and I bite my lip, thinking quickly. "Hoseok, will you take Jaewoo for a second?" I ask and he walks over. "No!" She squeals, holding onto me tightly.

"It's alright. Hoseok is the nicest person here, he's going to be very nice to you. I promise." I meet her eyes and she nods slowly. "Pinkie promise?" She holds out her pinkie and I wrap my own around it. "Pinkie promise." I pass her to Hoseok who instantly starts to spin in a circle making her giggle. I pull out my phone and quickly call my contact, praying for service.

"Vixen?" The voice on the end of the phone calls out softly. "Mr. Kim? Is this you? I found your daughter but she'd really love to hear your voice right now." I say and hear someone start crying softly, Jaewoo's mother I'd assume. "Yes, it's me. Please can I talk to her." I wave Hoseok over and he stands beside me, putting an arm around my shoulders. "Jaewoo, it's daddy." Her face lights up and she claps her hands together. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" She chants and I smile at Hoseok.

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm going to make this up to you okay? When we get back I'll get you the puppy you've been wanting." He says and Jaewoo gasps excitedly. "Really!?" She exclaims and I giggle softly. "Really baby. Your mom and I can't wait to have you back. We'll see you then alright?" She calls goodbye and I return the phone to my ear. "I'll have her home in a few hours hopefully." I nod at his directions and hang up.

"Ready to go home?" I take her from Hoseok and spin her around as she giggles. "Jinn-" Namjoon says walking towards me and I quickly shake my head. "Vixen." I gently say and he nods. "Oh yeah, Vixen. Could we maybe drive you back to the city? Unless you plan on hot wiring a forklift." He points at the only actual other vehicle nearby and I laugh. "That'll be great actually. Can we maybe ride with Hoseok though?" I ask and look from Jaewoo to the smiling boy.

"I'll drive you guys." Taehyung volunteers and I nod. "Thanks Tae." Hoseok and I sit in the back with Jaewoo in between us and Taehyung gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. "Let's get you back home honey." I kiss her forehead and we start down the open dirt road, leaving the house and my increasing body count in the dust.

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