Gang Members With Benefits

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Jimin was right that day, there was sexual tension between Namjoon and I. He's been right every other time we've been together too, the tension only gets stronger each time. Every brief moment we're alone Namjoon is finding ways to assert his dominance over me, both as a leader and as my partner in whatever's going on between us. He's come to notice that gentle touches and whispering soft sexual things in my ear is slowly driving me wild.

The thing he forgets is that this is a two way street and I'm taking every chance to say something sexual aloud, or to wear something that I know will drive him crazy. The other thing I've begun to notice is that we still hate each other, I still disrespect him, all we're doing is having sex in secret. "Jinnie." I shoot my head up and reach for the knife in my pocket before realizing I'm not in danger. "What?" I ask Hoseok in a sharper tone than I meant to use. "I just wanted to know if you were coming to dinner with us. That's all." He quickly says and I smile, reaching out and taking one of his hands in mine.

"I didn't mean to snap at you baby, I was just distracted." I say softly and he smiles reaching out and pulling me into a hug. "I know kitten." He says and I relax in his arms with a soft sigh. In the weeks since I've know the boys I've become almost close to them, I'm beginning to trust them. "So will you come?" Taehyung asks and him and Jungkook smile excitedly in my direction. "Well only if it's okay with Mr. fearless leader." I say dramatically and smirk at Namjoon. "Only if you promise not to kill or seduce anyone." He says and I arch an eyebrow with a giggle.

"I'll promise the first part, I can't change the fact that I'm a complete turn on." I run my hands along the curves on my body with a small smile, without looking up at Namjoon, I know I'm driving him wild. "Fine, let's go then." He rolls his eyes and the rest of the boys get up, racing each other to get to the vehicle first. As soon as they're gone Namjoon walks over to me and sits down, pulling me onto his lap. "Did you tell me not to seduce anyone because you like having me all to yourself?" I whisper, straddling his lap and pressing my lips to his.

"Maybe. Maybe because you'll probably just get us in trouble." He says as we pull apart. "Maybe I will find someone to seduce, just because I want to see how you're going to treat me." I murmur, getting up and walking away, I hear him groan softly and I giggle, looking back over my shoulder. "I like the thought of you getting possessive over me." I wink and hurry towards the door before he can catch up to me. I don't think I'm going to make it for the length of this dinner.

I get in the van, sitting down between Yoongi and Jimin before yawning and snuggling up beside Jimin, putting my head on his shoulder. I watch Namjoon get in the passenger seat and look over at me, almost as if he was making sure I'm there. He narrows his eyes at Jimin and I before turning around again and pulling out his phone. "What's going on between the two of you? You're always looking at each other and reading each others eyes." Jimin whispers and I stare straight ahead, not answering him. "I will find out even if I have to put a gun to your head Jinnie. We don't keep secrets from each other, you're no different." He growls and I close my eyes, curling closer to his warmth. "Try me Jimin." I hiss softly before opening my eyes again and sitting upright.

"Please tell me there's a bar in this place. I need a drink, or two, or many." I sigh loudly, getting everyone's attention. "There is, but why?" Hoseok says and I roll my eyes dramatically. "Because life is hard and I want to get drunk?" I shrug my shoulders and glare at the back of Namjoon's head as his body moves while he tries to muffle his laughter. "Something funny?" I ask and he looks over at me, a mischievous grin on his face. "It's taken you this long to realize that life is hard?" He asks and I roll my eyes again. "No, I didn't just figure it out babe, life's always been hard but I just really want to slaughter someone right now and I figured you- I mean they, would be safer with me drunk." I hiss and he rolls his eyes, a smile still painted on his face as he turns around to face the front again.

"Can the two of you stop fighting and pissing each other off for maybe three minutes? Is that too much to ask?" Jin sighs and I giggle softly as the other boys laugh. "Come on, we're a gang, can't you put your differences aside and just accept that?" Jungkook asks and I lean against Yoongi, resting my head on his shoulder. "I've already accepted it." Namjoon says and I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Well I accepted it before you did." I fire back and he looks at me, arching an eyebrow. "Are we really going to fight again?" He asks me sweetly and I move to sit closer to him, grabbing onto his wrist and yanking his face close to mine. "Do you want to test me?" I growl and he smirks, moving his head to press his lips to my jaw, right under my ear. "We'll see what you have to say later sweetheart, when I'm dominating you like always." He whispers, planting a soft kiss on my jaw. I can't believe he has the audacity to do such a thing while we're surrounded by the other boys. I glare at him as he gives me a taunting smile. "You're not getting it easy tonight, I am not submitting after what you just did." I whisper in his ear and pulling away before he can retaliate, crossing my arms with a huff of annoyance.

"It's cute of you to threaten me." He chimes and I bite my tongue to stop myself from being provoked. There's a stillness in the car as the boys, except for Jin, looks between Joon and I. Jimin's calculating looks are unnerving me, I feel like he's getting too close to figuring out what's going on. I know that everyone can feel the sexual tension between us, but Jimin still seems to be the only one really putting anything together, the others just accept it for what it is. But I'm still a badass who knows her way around all types of weapons and fighting styles, I challenge anyone to try and figure this out and say it to my face without ending up dead at the end.

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