Friends, Foes and Flings

850 47 4

I had no clue what the hell was happening until the doorknob turned and I nearly shot Yoongi. "Whoa, fuck." He cried out and I quickly lowered my gun with a sigh. "Sorry guys." Hoseok and Taehyung follow him in and I run over to give them each a hug. Jin turns off the siren and spins around in his chair to look at us. Sure, Jin's muscular and looks like he could fight anyone if he felt like it but he looks like his environment is solely that chair.

"The hacker vibes rolling off of you are so hot right now." I say and clap my hands over my mouth as I realize I just said that aloud. "I mean, how are we stopping Jungkook and Jimin." I walk towards Jin and lean past him to reach the laptop. I saw him watching cameras earlier so I pull them up again my eyes scanning for any signs of the two boys. "So what exactly are my hot hacker vibes like?" Jin spins the chair around to keep his face near mine and I nearly smack him just from the teasing tone in his voice.

"Shut up." I mutter and he smirks, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me down onto his lap. "If I were them I would either check the weapons stores, look for a secure place to hide out or I'd be looking for us." He says and reaches past my body to take a hold of the laptop and change cameras, his chin on one of my shoulders. "There." I say softly as Jin's flipping through cameras and I catch a figure darting around a corner. "Will you stop being secretive." Yoongi says from behind us and both our heads whip around in his direction.

"They're headed for the bunker. Looks like they're going down past the interrogation room." Jin says and my eyes widen in surprise. "Interrogation room?" I exclaim and they laugh at my shocked tone. "You'll learn eventually." Jin says and kisses my cheek while I sigh dramatically. "Are we going to get them?" Hoseok asks and Jin nods, pointing past me to a drawer of his desk. "There's comms in there, get one for the three of them. Yoongi do you have a gun on you?" Jin says and I stand up, opening the drawer and looking for the comms.

"We aren't going?" I ask grabbing three as Jin grabs a gun from under the desk and tosses it to Yoongi. "I'm staying here to keep them in contact and to monitor the cameras. Someone needs to watch out for me and I figured it'd be you because Hoseok would have all of our heads if it was our fault you reopened that wound." Jin says and I laugh as Hoseok nods in agreement. "Fine. Go have fun and be badass without me." I sigh and hand each of the three boys a communicator before throwing my arms around them and kissing their cheek.

"Good luck, don't shoot unless you really need to." Jin says and they nod, leaving the room and closing the door as I draw my gun and ease backwards towards Jin. His arms wrap around me as he sits me up on the desk with a smile, turning his attention back to the laptop at my side. "Will you teach me how to hack?" I ask softly, gaze still trained on the barrel of my gun and the door beyond it. "I don't hack. I'm not hacking right now, I mean." He says and I smile, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"Then teach me something else." I whisper in his ear and he smirks adjusting the comm in his other ear. "It seems like they're barricading themselves in the bunker, I just saw them go in." Jin says and I look at the screen, clicking my tongue. "Tough luck boys, we're a few steps ahead." I say and Jin smiles, rolling his eyes and taking out the comm. "Look, I told myself that you were off limits Jinnie. Because first it was you and Namjoon. Then Yoongi. Jungkook and Jimin. I can't keep telling myself no when everyone else gets to say yes." Jin says and I slowly lower the gun, looking down at him with a smile.

"Then just say yes." I murmur, leaning down and letting my lips graze over his. "I shouldn't. I'm the oldest, I'm supposed to be responsible." He says and I feel his hands run up my thighs before settling on my hips. "If you're the oldest you should do whatever you want without giving a fuck." He kisses me gently and I simply just let him for a moment before I kiss him back, one hand on his chest and the other hovering over my gunshot wound.

"Jinnie, we don't have to." Jin says softly, noticing the placement of my hand. "Pain and pleasure go hand in hand Jin. You do what you want and I'll handle myself." I whisper and press my lips onto his as he lifts me off the desk and down onto his lap, spinning the chair around. "Are you sure?" He asked again and I roll my eyes, dragging him to the bed by his arm. "Bring back that same certainty you had before and just fuck me." I sigh and he smiles, pulling his shirt over his head and pushing me back down onto the bed.

"I hope they take their time." Jin whispers and presses another kiss to my lips. Jin is so unlike any of the other boys, he's commanding and rough but at the same time he's gentle and respecting. "Oh ouch. God." I whine and arch my back as a response to the pain coursing from my gunshot wound. "Jinnie." Jin's voice is muffled slightly by my hair as he kisses the top of my head in a worried manner. "I'm good. I like it." I hiss and graze my fingernails down his back. "I like it too." He whispers and we fall into another heated kiss.

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