Even Worse Than Before

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I can't even think straight anymore, I'm physically and mentally exhausted and I know he is too. "You speak one word of this and I guarantee that next time it'll be worse." He threatens softly as I lay my head on his bare chest, listening to the rapid pulse of his heart. "Of course." I whisper, looking up at him before letting a ghost of a smile cross my face. "And if you ever step out of line or question me. You know what happens now." He says, sitting up and slipping his clothes on. I slowly do the same, watching him as he looks over his shoulder at me. He tries to hide it but I catch the way his smile quickly disappears when he sees me looking this way.

"Let's go, we promised Jimin and Jungkook we'd come to the base." He says and I stop dressing for a moment, looking at the marks on my skin that are uncovered. "I need different clothes, I'll be back." I run to the closet in my undergarments, grabbing a pair of tight black jeans and putting them on before slipping into a long sleeved navy sweater and nude heels. I quickly redo my makeup before running my fingers through my hair as I walk back to him. "Here." He hands me my phone and I nod, quickly shoving it in my pocket and letting him lead the way out the door. The ride to the base I can only describe as more awkward than getting caught trying to seduce the wrong person on a mission, which has happened to me at least twice, I don't make mistakes anymore though.

"You don't say a word." He says as he parks the black pickup, looking over at me from across the console. "I know, I know." I huff, wondering how exactly I can get the sweetest revenge. "Good." Suddenly he leans over and kisses me, cupping my cheek with one of his hands. I give in and kiss him back, a rare moment of softness for both of us before pulling away. I run my thumb over his lips gently, erasing any trace of my lipstick before getting out. He comes around to my side and leads me in, we get to a space that almost looks like a living room, where we find the rest of the boys.

"Jinnie!" Jungkook cries and runs over, enveloping me in a hug that I awkwardly return. "Uh, yeah. Thanks Kookie, but I'm not quite ready for physical contact yet." I say softly and wiggle away from him. At the words physical contact, Namjoon looks over at me, an unreadable look in his eyes. I quickly push past him and sit down in an armchair, curling my legs close to my body and looking around. "What?" I ask when I realize that everyone is alternating between looking at Namjoon and then looking at me. "I don't know, just something feels different." Jin says finally, his gaze settling firmly on Namjoon.

"I apologized, maybe that did something?" He shrugs and sits beside Jin who looks away. "Nope. It did nothing, I still hate your guts." I clarify, meeting Joon's eyes and smirking at him. There's a fire burning in the depths of his eyes that I can see when he frowns at me. "I only need you to listen to my orders, not like me." He says and I sigh loudly before giggling softly. "I'd rather kiss a frog than listen to you. Go ahead and try to change my mind." He shoots up and grabs my arm, dragging me out of the room. The other boys are all left in different states of shock, Jimin looking like the only one who knows what's really happening.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Jinnie?" He growls, sitting me up on the kitchen island. "I'm being me, is that so wrong?" I whisper, batting my eyelashes at him. "Did I not just teach you anything?" He hissed, leaning his chest against my legs and running his hands up my thighs while I muffle a tiny gasp. "You wanted to put me in my place, too bad for you because I just got wilder. You can threaten me all you want but next time you're pinning me to the bed I'm not going to be as easy to control." I hiss in his ear, running a finger along his jaw as he looks up at me.

"I guess I just have to try even harder to teach you that lesson then." He smirks and I begin to wonder when along the line did our threats become flirty suggestions. "I think you will, because I plan on being quite the rebel." I lean down and press my lips against his softly before sitting straight upright, leaving poor Namjoon confused. "Get me down and back away, someone is trying to listen." I whisper in his ear and he quickly picks me up, making sure my feet don't make a sound when I touch the floor. I reach up and slowly remove the lipstick smear from his lips before looking towards the door.

"This is a private conversation if you don't mind. We're desperately trying to work out our differences, unsuccessfully, but still trying." I say walking to the door and peering around the corner to see Taehyung and Jin smiling sheepishly. "Well Jimin just said-" Taehyung starts but Jimin quickly shakes his head and the other boy shuts up. "No please, go on. What did Jimin say?" Namjoon says, coming up behind me. I've never seen six men so scared than facing both Namjoon and I with our arms crossed and glares on our faces. "He thinks you two did something." Jin says slowly and looks around. "Something like what?" I hiss, and watch Jin slowly back away from me.

"I can feel the sexual tension in the room, something happened between the two of you. I just know it." Jimin says and I chuckle softly. "Please, I'm still planning ways to murder him, I'm not going to do anything that falls under the rainbow of 'sexual'." I roll my eyes and walk away from Namjoon, curling up beside Yoongi. "Fuck, can you at least try to respect me?" Namjoon says and I shrug gently, pulling out my phone without giving him an answer. He's just acting now, he knows what he's going to do to get me to respect him. But I don't plan on giving up easily.

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