• Misunderstanding

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A/N - aye ik the beginning trash but ion feel like changing it around to make it better so bare with me lmao..

A/N - in the mist of retyping.

(^^Dee POV^^)

It was 1 in the morning and my annoying ass neighbors were arguing again. I tried covering my ears with my pillows but I could still hear them bitches.

Enough was enough, I got up and went downstairs with just my sports bra and black gym shorts on to go to my neighbors house. I knocked on the door and this fine ass stud opened the door. She had a tattoo on her neck with two nose piercings and a durag tied on.

"Yes can I help you?" she said.

"Umm, can you keep it down it's 1 in the fuckin morning and I got work tomorrow!"

She smirked at me as if I was joking.

"What you smilin for?" I said all irritated. I was already tired as fuck and she was taking me as a joke right now.

"Nothin, just thinkin' of the shit I'd do to you" she said.

Not gonna lie that shit made my pussy catch a heartbeat but I had to end that shit neeoow!

"Yeah anyways, like I was saying can you keep it down?" 

She came closer and whispered in my ear.

"I was wondering if you'd do the same when I-"

I cut her off and said," Look im tired as fuck and im not about to stand out here an-"

"Come inside then." she stepped to the side and offered me to come in.

I know that if I would've went inside some shit would've happened and I don't even know shorty.

"No im fine, bye".

I turned around and proceeded to walk home. Once I got inside I went upstairs, rolled in my bed, and knocked out.

[Morning Time]

It's 8:50 AM and I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm was about to go off, so I decided to just get up. This was probably the first time I actually had a good ass sleep, them annoying ass neighbors were always arguing. I must've set her ass straight. I get up and head towards the bathroom showering, brushing my teeth, and putting my clothes on so I could leave the house. I grabbed my phone, my earphones, and headed downstairs. Since I got up a little early I decided to make myself some cereal.

Ten minutes later I finished, washed my bowl, and left my house. I locked my front door and got in my car. I sat for a few to let my car warm up since it was becoming winter time and it was getting a little cold outside. I got on instagram to stall some time and turned the music on in my car. Once my car got warmed up I put it in reverse, backed out my drive way, and went to work.

My phone started vibrating in my lap, I looked down and seen it was my Bestfriend, Layla.

"Heyyy bitch , what you doin ina car?"

"Girl finna go to this fuck ass job of mines, why?" I laughed.

'Girl causeeee I wanna go to the mall todayyyy, wanna go when you get off, whenever you do" she rolled her eyes.

I laughed," Yeah, I get off at 3 but I might leave earlier, my boss never there anyways so who cares."

"Ight bitch , you know where I stay, just scoop me when you get dressed and shit."

"Ight, bye bitch". I laughed and she hung up the phone.

I hated going to this job, my boss is never there and my manager is this white man who tries to flirt with all the cute customers that come in. One day ima just quit. It's just the fact we don't even have a boss foreal. Good, I be leaving early so whatever. Oh, by the way I work at zaxbys. It's not too bad , I eat a fry here and there to keep me going, a bitch be hungry so fuck it.

I arrived at zaxbys and parked in my usual spot and got out of my car. Ugh another pitiful day with this perv. I can just imagine the shit he's gonna do and say today. I opened the door , clocked myself in, and went ahead and started taking orders.

[few hours later]

It was 2:30, almost time for me to go and just as I got excited, my fine ass neighbor walked through the door. I promise you if I wasn't here right now my ass would probably be staring, hard. I brought my focus back to her and watched her as she walked up to me.

"Hey ma" she said licking her lips. I can't have her seductive ass doing this to me right now, not at work for god's sake.

"Um , its Dee not ma, anyways what would you like to order today" I say tryna keep it professional.

She smirked and leaned forward staring me in my eyes," Well then Dee, can I get a Cobb Salad".

Im pretty sure my panties were soaked right now.

I cleared my throat," Mm yeah , what's your name?" I asked.

"Kaiza... but you can call me dadd-"

"Ok that'll be $8.29 please. Card or cash?" I put my hand out to get the money from her. She handed me the money and I gave her her change and her receipt. She took it and sat down waiting on her salad. I went to the back and made her salad myself, I made sure I took a long time so I could make her mad.

I came back to the front 10 minutes later and saw her come up to me , but she was smiling. "Here you go" I handed it to her.

She winked. "Thanks, see you at home babe".

Ugh she made me so mad and horny... fuck her. She walked out and soon as she left, it was 2:59. I got all my shit, clocked myself out, and went towards my car.

I drove home, got ready, and called Layla.

"Hey bitch im off work im finna be on the wa-"

"Dee can we go another day, im with bae right now" she said. In my mind I was like 'this mother fucking bitc-' but you know what I was tired anyways.


I hung up and started to get undressed. I took my clothes off and just had on my shorts and my sports bra. I turned on the tv and soon as I sat down my door bell rung. Ugh , I got up and went to see who it was. It was Kaiza.

Layla (Dee bestfriend)

••••Layla (Dee bestfriend)

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