• Cafe

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(Dee's pov)
It was 11:45 am and I finally woke up. Kaiza was still knocked out and she wouldn't be up until like 1:30. I got up and could barely walk. Yeah last night was pretty uhh... some night I tell ya.

I got up and took a shower. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. When I came out the bathroom Kaiza was still sleep. I went downstairs and Lay was sleeping on Dayja.

Aw so cute, nasty asses.

I went into the kitchen and pulled out the bacon, sausage, eggs, onions, cheese, and yeah all that good shit.

I took everything out that I needed and began cooking. Lay woke up soon as I slapped the bacon on the pan.

"Well good morning fat ass"

She laughed and rubbed her eyes.

"Fuck you. Good morning" she stretched.

She must've had a good night cause she never goes to sleep without her durag.


She got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I put the sausages into the oven and made everybody omelettes. When I finished making breakfast Kaiza came downstairs.

"Good morning baby"

She came over to me and gave me a kiss.

I took out all of the plates so everyone could grab what they wanted to eat.

We were all sitting down together eating breakfast just chillin until I got a text message.

#: hey, wassup

:uh who this

#: london lol, you didn't forget me already did you?

:ohhh lol my bad I didn't think you'd text me so soon

#: lol yeah a nigga bored rn, what you got planned today?

:not shit, you?

#: nothing honestly

I put my phone down and continued to eat. It was still more left over so ofcourse I was going for a second plate. Then I got another text.

#: wanna hang today?

: sure, where at

#: that new cafe place by target

: ok sure

#: ok great, see you at 4?


I smiled. I bet Kai was wondering why I was smiling at my phone. She had looked up at me confused, eyeing me and the phone I held in my hand. I guess she didn't think much of it cause she continued to eat.

Everyone finished their food shortly after and I ended up doing the dishes. I didn't mind, I loved cleaning. While I was cleaning I seen Kai had my phone. I instantly got heated, it's not like I was hiding that me and London was going out for coffee or anything but why are you being so over protective of who I text.

She sat my phone back down on the table and went upstairs. I knew that I had to go up there so when I finished up I dried my hands off and grabbed my phone. I got inside the room and seen her laying down all mad like. She knows that when she's mad I always ask whats wrong so we can argue but I ignored her.

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