• The Chase

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(Kaiza's pov) (^^london^^)
I woke up to my alarm going off. I opened my eyes annoyed and turned it off.

I looked over at the door and jumped at the sight of Layla standing in my door frame. That's when a wave of guilt came over me.

"Um h-hey can we talk.... abo-"

"Yeah , come in" I said quickly.

I got up to wash my face while she sat on the bed waiting for me to get back.

Once I was finished I came out and sat where I was laying before. She looked nervous to speak so I spoke for her.. to get this stupid situation over with.

"Yes I know you feel guilty, I do too. We were drunk and I guess we couldn't control ourselves. Everything we did was completely wrong and after today we should never bring this up, especially around Dee"

She nodded and opened her arms to hug me. I hugged her back and we went downstairs to go make breakfast.

After we ate our breakfast Layla left and I decided to go back to sleep since I was still tired.

(Dee's pov)
Class today was easy. Since it was the first day they didn't do too much with us. I just got out the shower and London went in shortly after. I wonder if her and that girl ever worked it out. I don't wanna be all in her business. I decided to face time Kai to see what did she do yesterday.


"Hey babe"

"Hey, how's it so far"

"It's easy, me and my roommate have all the same classes together"

"Oh that's good, somebody you know has all your classes"

"Yeah, I hope I make more friends though"


It got quiet.

Then I spoke again.

"So, what did you do yesterday"

"Uh.. I.. oh I was with Layla. She came over and we watched a movie and played games"

Why she stuttering.

"Hmm ok that's cool"

I thought of a distraction to get off the phone then heard London get out the shower.

"Well ok babe I have to go, text me I love you"

"I love you too"

And with that I hung up.


I brushed it off, not wanting to get too into their day yesterday. I know nothing happened, I just wanna know why she stuttered when I asked.

I pulled out my drawing notebook to practice more drawings and heard London come out the bathroom. She glaced at me when I looked up.


Her towel was low on her hips, showing her v line. She had a black nike sports bra on and her hair was damp. I must've been staring cause she cleared her throat and smiled.

"You ok ma?"

"Um y- yeah. Wait huh?"

"Huh" she said quickly. She realized she called me ma and I seen her checks turn red.

"Oh uh.. my bad"

She grabbed her boxers and shorts and went back into the bathroom.

I laughed to myself.

Why am I acting like this..

(Kaiza's pov)

I told Lay that I needed to go out to Walmart so I could get more groceries. I didn't wanna go out the house but she told me that it was ridiculous to hide from a "crack head bitch".

I got in my car and started it up. I waited for a few for my car to warm up, while I did that I turned on the radio and got on Instagram. I ran across this girl Instagram page, im assuming her name was London cause her caption said it.

I seen that babe was following her so I watched her story. She didn't really have nothing up except for her last slide. It was a boomerang of Dee walking towards her bed in a towel.

Jealous? Yes..

I clicked off, not wanting to start anything because I'm sure they were just friends. After I put my phone down I put my car in reverse, on the way to get Lay to go to Walmart.

5 minutes later...

I pulled up to Lay house and seen her already outside. She had on a all black jump suit. Look like she was finna rob a bank or some. She walked towards the car and got in, spanking the door shut .

"Hey" she spoke putting her seat belt on.

I stayed quiet for a moment.. then spoke.

"Hey, why you look so mad"

"Ugh, just people get on my nerves" she tossed her phone on her lap and sighed.

Wonder what her problem was.

I continued to drive to Walmart

I noticed a black car was following us. I tried to ignore it cause you never know if somebody's just going the same way you are. I continued to drive as if nothing is bothering me. I guess Lay could tell cause she looked at me confused

"Aye you good?"

"Me, uh yeah yeah"

"No you're not, what's up?"

"I don't wanna freak you or myself out but I swear that black cat behind us has been following us for like 5 minutes"

She took a look back. She slowly turned back around.

"She has a black hat on and a gun in her hard"

She sounded nervous.

I knew exactly who the bitch was.

"Aye lay? Look in my draw and get my guns out"

She did as told and gasped.

"Where you get all these gun-"

"I use to be in a gang..."

It got quiet for a good minute then she pulled out two guns and closed the draw up.

"So what do we do now"

"If she shoots at us we shoot back"

I started to speed up and they did the same. I seen someone in the passenger seat lean out and start shooting at the car.

"You comfortable with shooting?"

She looked frightened, then she nodded yes.

She pointed the gun back towards the car following us and shot at the front glass window, causing it to break and they lost control of the car. Once they lost us I decided to just head home, but a different route home.

Layla looked at me fearfully as I sped down the road.

"Them bitches wanna play, ok I'll show them how I play"

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