• I Was Drugged

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*When Dee went out with London*
(Kaiza's pov)

I called one of my old friends so I could go out today since Dee was going out too. I don't know why but I was jealous. I've never been jealous before. Trust me I wasnt going out to do hoe shit, I just wanted to clear my mind of it.

There was this party going on and it started at 8. It was 4 so I had a good amount of time to chill. I decided to call her over so we could just catch up and chill until 8 came by.

My friend came over and I hugged her.


"Hey its been so long since I last saw you"

"Its been what 6 months?"

"Hell yeah"

We sat on the couch and we caught up with everything that's happened in our lives. I told her about the crazy chick that tried to come after me. She told me about all her hoe stories. It was just nice to finally talk to someone that I've known for so long.

She then told me about one of her friends, Yanna.

"I have this friend, her name is Yanna, she's real cool and she's gonna be at the party. She's kinda weird but not too weird"

"What's weird about her"

"Mm, I can't really explain but she's just weird. Just be careful around her"

"Uh ok"

That kinda made me not wanna go anymore because her weird ass was gonna be there.

                                  < 7:50 >

Me and my friend, Nia, got up and headed to the party.

We finally got to the party and got out her car. It wasn't hella people but it was the perfect amount to where it couldn't get too out of control. We walked in and looked around for Yanna.. well she was I was just following her. I didn't know what the girl looked like. Thats when Nia stopped and smiled. I looked at Nia then followed where she was staring at. Im assuming that was Yanna.

(A/N: Picture will be at the bottom)

"Hi Yanna"

"Hey Nia, who's this"

"This is Kaiza, my friend since Elementary school"

"Hello" she shook my hand.

She wasn't giving off weird vibes, it was fine at first.

"Hey" I shook her hand and returned it back to my side.

"Well, come on lets go to the living room, they're about to start the games"


"Yeah games, you've never heard of games?" she said fastly while staring in my eyes.

Ok yeah now she's giving off crazy maniac vibes.

I looked away from her , breaking the eye contact, then she began walking to the living room while we followed.

We got to the living room and saw a few people sitting in a circle. Yanna went and sat in the circle and waved us to come sit in the circle too. I wasn't too sure of it but I mean it's just a game right.

"What game is this?"

"Truth or dare"

Ofcourse it's truth or dare. I sat next to Nia ofcourse and some random white girl with aqua blue hair. I sat across from Yanna, I was kinda glad. I could tell that she was the 'controlling' type of chick.

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