• The Apology

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(Dee's pov)
I woke up and opened my eyes. I looked over and London was knocked out. I looked down and .. oh I didn't have my boxers on. I got up and searched for my boxers. Once I found them I went to the bathroom and closed the door. I rest my elbows on the counter and rubbed my eyes.

God what did I do last night?

I hope things aren't weird between us now. I want to ask when she wakes up without being weird. When I walked back out the bathroom London was up on her phone.

Well that was unexpected.

I walked to the side of the bed I was laying on and layed back down. I grabbed my phone and faced London. She look at me and smiled. She had some perfect ass teeth. I smiled with her.


"Good morning" I sat my phone down.

She was observing my face. I guess she wanted to know if things were ok between us too.

"Sooo... about last night..." she smirked.

I chuckled. Not even gone lie she did wayyyy better than Kaiza. Well idk how she fucks, im at square one so I don't know how she really gets down. I don't know if I wanna take it there with her though. I still loved Kaiza... sadly.

"Are you ok with what happened last night" she asked.

"Yeah im fine with it"

She smiled.


We sat there in silence and she finally got up.

"Im going to go cook breakfast, come to the living room"

I did as she said and went to go sit on the couch in the living room. While she was in the kitchen cooking breakfast I seen Kaiza texted my phone. I don't care how many times she apologizes I can't be with someone who does these things to me. I love her so much but I just can't..

I looked at the messages and sighed.

5 messages from: Kaiza

I sat my phone down and decided to just watch some tv until she's done cooking.

Once she was finished she came into the living room to tell me the food was done. I came with her to the kitchen and we ate our breakfast.

Me and London was just chilling, playing uno when my phone was blowing up with face time calls from Layla. I didn't wanna speak to Layla.. the shit she did was out of pocket. I ignored it but it seemed to have gotten on London's nerves cause she kept eyeing my phone.

"Oh im sorry.. ill put my phone on do not disturb"

"No... talk to her. Listen to what she has to say. I know what she did with Kaiza was wrong in so many ways but just talk to her. Maybe it's an emergency"

And with that my phone rang again. I looked up at London, she stared back at me. I then grabbed my phone and stepped outside to talk.

Once I picked up Layla began speaking.

"Dee please just listen to me. I love you so much you are my bestest friends in the whole wide world. Well now we're probably just strangers.. but I know what I did was wrong but please trust me when I say I regret everything I've done with Kaiza. You dont ever have to talk to me again after this but just hear me out"

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.


"Ok, when it happened we were both drunk, I didn't expect the night to end like that. The next day after it happened we both agreed to just get over it and pretend it never happened. I know what I did was so fucked up but Dee im sorry... I dont ever wanna lose you as a bestfriend but you have every right to never talk to me"

She was crying as she spoke.

There was silence. I was just thinking. Why? My main question is... why? I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I took a few steps away from the phone, just to try to process everything through. I finally gathered up everything I wanted to say.

"I accept your apology..."

She slightly smiled.

"..but I don't ever wanna talk nor see you or Kaiza ever again."

She went back to crying.

"But- but-"

"Dont "but but" nothing. You told me I had every RIGHT to stop speaking to you, so that's what im choosing to do"

I was slightly yelling when I said that. Then there was silence.

"Is there anything else you'd like to say before I never speak to you again?"

"Just that I love you and I'll never forget you"

With that I sighed and hung up the phone. I didn't realize I had tears streaming down my face. I wiped them away to make it look as if I wasn't crying and went back inside the house.
London looked at me concerned. I sat back down on the couch and sighed.

"Well that was quick, care to explain?"

"Ugh I really don't want to... but ill explain anyways. Basically she called to apologize and what not and she was saying that i have every right to not speak to her again so that's what im doing."

London started at me.

"I mean yeah she fucked up but to cut someone you really care out ya life like that it's pretty tough"

"Yeah.. it just sucks why I had to cut her off.."


Sorry it's short I wanted to hurry and post since it's been almost a week since I last posted. Ima post two more chapters later on tonight.

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