• The Plan

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(Dee's pov)
It's been a week since Kaiza told me about the incident with her and that girl and its had me worried ever since.

Should I leave?

Does she need help?

What's gonna happen next???

I got snapped out of my thought when London came in the room.

"Hey, you wanna go out somewhere.. get some fresh air?"

"Yeah sure"

I grabbed my phone and my fanny pack and walked out with London. We got inside her car and drove for a bit. We stopped for food and we decided to go to the park to eat. She parked her car in a parking space and we got out the car. There was a bench a few steps away so we placed our things there and got comfortable.

"So, how is it so far?" she smiled.

"Oh its good, everything is easy so far. I like it"

We began setting the food out so we could start eating. We stopped by Wendy's and got a couple of things to last us the rest of the day. Well try to last us the rest of the day.

We ate and conversate. It was a good day.

"So how you and your girlfriend doing?"

"Me and Kaiza are fine. Well something happened the other day and I don't know what to do"

"What happened"

I kinda hesitated to tell her.

"There's this girl that's been stalking her. Just the other day she was following her in her car shooting at Kaiza's car while my bestfriend was in the car. I wanna do something to help in case something like this happens again but I don't know"

She looks as though she was thinking for a minute as she bit into her sandwich , then she came up with an idea.

"How about this, I have brothers back home that can help in case it happens again"


"Yeah, I can get him to find the stalker, beat her up real bad, maybe kill her.. depends what they wanna do, and she'll leave Kaiza alone" she smiled as if what she said wasn't violent.

"Oh that's wonderful!" I got up and hugged London real tight. We were hugging for a while, then I pulled us apart, staring into her face. She smiled then I smiled and went to go sit back down. We continued to eat and talk until it started to get a little dark.

"We better head back to the room , it's getting dark"

"Yeah you're right" I grabbed the food and we headed back to the car.

Once we got back in the car and drove back she asked me did I need anything before we stopped to the room. I said no.

We got into the room and put our leftovers in the mini refrigerator we had in our room. We didn't have much in there cause we both always finish our food.

It was late so we decided to call it a night.

(Kaiza's pov)
I told Layla she could stay with me until Dee came back from her school. Last thing we need is Layla going missing or something.

"So you wanna go somewhere today"

"Hell nah"

"Why nottt I wanna party girl"

"Go ahead, like it's not a damn crazy bitch looking to snatch us up"

"Ughhh can we just go kill her already"

"We don't got no back up no help and who knows, she probably watching or listening to us right now"

The room got quiet.

Then I got a phone call. It was from a unfamiliar number. I answered.


"Hey uh is this Kaiza, Dee's girl"

"Yes, is Dee ok"

"Oh yeah she good. Im her roomate's brother"

"Oh ok , what's up why you call"

"Im just here to tell you that me and my brothers are here if you need help with that chick"

"Ohhhh yeah thank you so much, so what's the plan"

"So here's the plan...."

Im finna spice it up cause im slacking rn. Sorry if the chapter short ima make the next one long and crazy. Stay tuned.

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