• I Forgive You Daddy

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(Dee's pov) (^ Kaiza in media ^)

It's been about 2 weeks since I've last spoken to Kaiza. She had been texting my phone constantly but I hid her replies because I don't want to hear from her anytime soon. She stopped blowing me up sometime around yesterday afternoon so that's a relief. The fact that she went out and fucked another girl for 'revenge' or whatever she wanna call it is was just plain disrespectful and childish. If she would've just listened to me this would've never happened, all of this could've been avoided..

I called up my bestfriend since I was home bored and alone.

"Hey bitch what you doing?"

"Girl making me a cake what you doing?"

"Girl sittin here bored, I'm finna come over."

"Ight bitch, I'll have the door unlocked". With that I ended the call and grabbed my keys making my way to Layla's house. Before I got in my car, I seen this girl get out of her car and walk into Kaiza's house. Hmm, moved on already huh. I got in the car slamming my door and driving off to Layla's house.

< Layla's house >

I pulled up to bestfriend house and opened the door to see her on the couch watching Netflix.

"Hey bitch , come sit down". I locked the front door and plopped down next to her.

"So .. how you and Kaiza been?" she said slowly.

"Shit, nothing. Haven't spoke since the last time I was at her house and looks like she moves on pretty fast, I seen a girl walk into her house right before I came here girl.",  I said getting mad again.

"Aww Dee yall just need to talk it out , let me see your phone" she held her hand out to grab my phone. I gave it to her and just knew she was about to text Kaiza something.

"Aww see look she been tryna talk to you but you didn't text her back" she pointed at all the messages Kaiza has sent me over the past few days.

"Girl she fucked a whole nother bitch, the fuck I look like tryna work shit out".

"Ok iaint gonne lie bestfriend that was shady as fuck, but look she did it out of anger and best I know she regrets it. She probably was in the moment and did the first thing that came to mind to get you off her mind. You need to talk to her man, I know she misses you like crazy".

I thought for a minute to see if talking to her was worth it. I mean I do miss her but that shit was just overboard.

"I'll think about it".

At first I only came over to stay for a few hours but I decided to just stay the night tonight. We picked a movie to watch and ate some cake while we talked. I kinda forgot my bestfriend had a luh boo.

"So, how have you and Dayja been?" I smirked. She blushed.

"Girl we good we good , we had went out to eat the other day at that new restaurant a few blocks down oh ma god it was SO romantic".

"Aw that's good, yall still friends orrr..."

"Girl I don't even know foreal like , we haven't asked each other out yet, ima ask her maybe this weekend so we can officially be a couple"

"Mm ok ok, yall was going somewhere this weekend or sum?"

"Oh nah we was just chillin"

"Oh ok". We then got on our phones.

I was scrolling on Instagram then seen Kaiza post a picture with her and the girl I seen walk into her house. I was about to scroll pass then I read the caption.

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