• Collecting My Belongings

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(Kaiza's pov)
I've been trying to get in contact with Dee for the longest. I talked to Layla and she told me that they're not bestfriends anymore. I didn't wanna move on but I know she wasn't gonna take me back after this. It just sucks knowing I'll never be close to her again.

I got a knock on my door and I opened it, it was Layla. I stepped to the side and let her in. Honestly, I was tired of Layla. She always comes here to chill and shit eat all my food up and use up all my good a/c. She cries here and there about Dee but tries to cover it up with drinking, I dont always wanna drink 24/7, shit gets annoying after awhile.

"Look Lay, I think its best if you stop coming here"

"Why, what did I do"

"Everytime you come here it reminds me of why me and Dee broke up and I just dont wanna think of that repeatedly. Plus you only come here to sleep over and eat all my damn food up"

"Well excuse me for trying to be here for you"

"You don't even be here for me, yeah you're here but do you comfort me? No! Do you give me advice on what to do? No! I don't even see why you're here now"

I was now yelling. I had to set it straight that I don't want her here anymore.

"Ok, fine"

She grabbed all her belongings and opened the door to leave.

"Oh and Kai, don't worry about getting Dee back, from the looks of it she's already moved on"

She then slammed the door to leave.

I got so frustrated I started punching my wall. I hated getting this mad, I become destructive when I'm angry. I stopped and started to breathe.

Calm down... just calm down.

I slowly breathed in and out.

Once I calmed down I opened my eyes and searched for my phone. I looked at my notifications and there was a missed call from Dee.

"Oh shit how didn't I hear this"

I dialed back and the phone rung for a few seconds then she picked up.


"Uh hey"

It got silent. Then she spoke.

"So I called you to tell you I was coming by to collect all my things..."

My heart dropped to my ass. She really was moving on.... I wanted to cry.


"Uh yeah, what were you saying"

"I said i was coming by to come get all my stuff .. from your house"

"Um ok yeah that's cool"


Then she hung up.

A few tears streamed down my face but I wiped them away quickly. I sat down on the couch and waiting on her to arrive.

Two hours later I heard a light knock on the door. I got up, fixed my clothes up and opened the door. Oh and btw I only had a sports bra on with joggers.


"Uh hey"

I let her in then closed the door. She sat her bag and phone down and sighed. She looked at me and paused. She eyed me all the way down to my feet and back up til she stopped at my face.

"U-uh we need to talk" she stuttered.

"Talk about how you just eyed me down just now?"

"No, about you cheating... again"

She spoke calmly, that always scared me that she didn't really raise her voice unless someone made her really angry. Maybe I still could fix this.

"Oh yeah.. that" I scratched my head.

She leaned on the end of the couch and I widened my eyes. She realized she was on the arm of my chair and quickly got up and sat on the couch correctly. She knew I didn't like when people did that to my couches.

She sighed and rubbed her eyes, she looked so stress. Maybe I should just let Dee go, I've put her through so much.


She looked up at me.

"I know you hate me rn.."

She nodded to agree.

"...and I know we're not going to get back together, but I really want to stay in touch with you. I cant cut you completely out of my life like that Dee, you know I still love you, doing that would kill me."

"Then you should've thought about that when you were fingers deep inside of Layla!"

She looked away from me and sighed again.

"...I know I messed up. Look if it'll make you feel better you don't ever have to talk to me again ok? I just wanna be here for you whenever you need help, I'll always be here for you Dee"

She had tears in her eyes, she silently got up and went upstairs to go get her things.

Once she got all her things inside of her car she came back in to get her bag and her phone. She eyed the room before she left.

"Ima miss this" she said silently.

She walked out of the doorway and I watched her get into her car. She pulled out of the driveway and drove away.

I whispered to myself.


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