• No More What?!

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(Dee's pov)

For the past few days, Kaiza and I were just chillin. I don't know if we just friends or what, but im not about to let nobody else have her besides me so ima have to cuff her ass. It was Saturday morning and I decided to cook myself breakfast. I did my long stretch and got up to go to the kitchen.

I took out some eggs, onions, green and red peppers , and some cheese. Yes bitch I was making myself my most famous dish, an omelette with a side of alcohol.. well wine... cause im lowkey an alcoholic. That's another thing...I've had a bad history with drinking, but I've controlled it over the years. But once I got comfortable with Kai, I slowly started drinking again. She doesn't know I do it, that's the hard part.. trying to keep it away from her. She doesn't want me drinking too much or too wildly but since she's away a little drink wouldn't hurt... right?

Once I finished making my omelette I decided to facetime Layla while I eat so we could catch up, maybe go out today or something. Kaiza went to her mom's house today because it's her mom's birthday, so she'll be back later on today. I should definitely be sober by then.

"Hey bestfrieeend" I said.

"Hey bitch what you been up to, and I know you not eating yo famous omelette without muaaa" she said.

"Weellll, bitch you better come over so I can make you some!"

"Bitch im on the way!"

We hung up the phone and about 5-6 minutes later I heard my door bell ring. I opened up and Layla ran in.

"Where my omelette bitch."

"Damn hoe you came so fast I didnt even make the shit yet."

"Ahh bitch, well I can wait, anyways bitch I gotta tell you some shit you NOT gonna believe".

We went over to the kitchen and I began making her omelette," Bitch what".

She stared at me for a sec making me nervous.

"Bitch just tell me shit". It was silent for a few seconds, then she finally spoke...

"Danny just moved into town".

We both looked at each other for a while then I started laughing," BITCHHH you got meee, ok now seriously what you really gotta tell me" she still had that serious look on her face.

"Dee.. boo I am so serious, I been seeing her 'round here too often and I know she not just over here just to be here, that bitch must've moved over here in this area."

My mood instantly went from good to im finna kill a bitch. I made her plate, handed it to her, then sat across from her as she ate. "Bitch that was my reaction too... look bestfriend dont even worry about the bitch.. if she wanna get to you she gonne have to get through me and she dont wanna do that". All I could do was sit there, I couldn't say a word. "Damn, why would she move over here, you think she know im over here?" I asked. "Honestly I don't even know , I mean she didn't see me yet so I don't think she knows you're here".

She continued to eat and all I could think of was Danny. "You wanna go out today or you wanna just stay here by yourself?" she asked all concerned like. "It's ok bestfriend ima just stay here for today" she nodded her head and finished up her food before washing her plate and hugging me goodbye. "Text me later bitch".

I wish Danny would try to apologize or even speak to me... that would be very foolish of her. I texted Kaiza to see if she's enjoying her time.

Me: Hey , you having fun?

Kaiza: yeah but im finna be omw back home

Me: Aw why so early, and bring me cake!

Kaiza: cause she finna go out to eat with dad , yk a luh romantic dinner.

Me: Oh ok , well I have to tell you something when you come back.

Kaiza: ok, be there in 15 mins

After I texted Kaiza I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth so it wouldn't smell like alcohol. I knew sooner or later she might find out but not this way I hope. After I did that, and other things, my door bell rung.

Wow she came that fast.

I ran downstairs opening the door.
"Hey ba-" before I could even finish my sentence thinking it was Kaiza, it was Danny standing in my doorway.

"Hey Dee, lo- long time no see?" she spoke. My blood began to boil,

"What the fuck do you want" I blurted.

"Look , I know things didn't work out for us but I came to say im really so-" I punched her ass right in the fucking nose making her fall to the ground and her nose started bleeding.

"broo WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?" she yelled.

"Dont act like everything is good between us , it will NEVER be good for us". She got up off the ground tryna swing at me. She missed and I punched her in the stomach a couple times. I could only fight good cause I use to box a few years back. While she was on the ground I got on top and started beating her , there was blood all on my hands and shirt. I kept going until everything went blurry and numb then I just blacked out.

I woke up in a hospital bed confused as to why I was here. Kaiza came up to me in the bed," I know you been drinking Dee". She had this look of disappointment that showed in her face.

"Look I know you're mad at me for drinking but Kai I barely drunk alot" she looked at me as if I was dumb.

"Dee you drunk so much to the point you BLACKED OUT!"

"You're kinda right, how'd I get here though?" She sat down and sighed," As I was pulling in I seen you punching some chick in your drive way and her nose looked broken then I seen you fall out and I grabbed you and brought you here".

Where would I be right now if she didn't pull up in time?

"Kaiza I-"

"Save it, we promised that you weren't going to drink anymore because of what it does to you now look where you are, in a fucking hospital bed" her voice was calm, which kinda scared me, but I knew she was pissed off. I mean I don't blame her, I know she cares for me and doesn't want anything to happen to me and here I am, just drinking like it's ok.

"Starting tomorrow im throwing all your alcohol in the garbage. I'll be back, I need some fresh air". With that she up and left the room.

Few hours went by and I was finally able to leave the hospital. I went home and seen that Kaiza was already here throwing my drinks away.

Bye bye henny, bye bye tequila, bye bye my babies.

"Hey" I said weakly. I didn't think she wanted to see me but when she noticed me she smiled.

"Well hello there my little alcoholic". I smiled a little and walked to the kitchen watching her throw my shit away. It made me mad as hell, but I just laid my head down so I wouldn't have to look at it being thrown away.

"Uh uh pick yo head up and look at me while I throw it away" she spoke.

"Why the fuck I gotta wat-"

"Because I fucking said so now look at me!"

Idk why but her telling me what to do made me kinda horny. I picked my head up and watched her. "Ughhhh can you atleast strip for me if I gotta watch you throw away something I love?" I asked.

She turned and walked towards me grabbing my neck," Listen to me when I say this Dee, you will never ever in your life drink alcohol again and just because of this shit you just pulled on me today, no more sex".

When she said that my heart dropped to my ass. "No more WHAT?!"

She walked back to the alcohol proceeding to throw it in the trash," You heard me , no more sex, Atleast until you get yo shit together" she smirked . She was having fun with saying that knowing damn well she not finna fall through with that.


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