• All The Way

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(Dee POV) (^^Kaiza in media^^)

"Hey, looks like you need some company." she said.

I mugged her," Um no you can leave now". I tried to close the door but she stepped through and came inside.

"Thanks, got any snacks?" I looked at her and slammed the door.

" No, leave".

She frowned and walked towards me "Aw why so stressed?" she tried to rub my shoulders, but I nudged her out the way.

"Im just tired and I DON'T need company right now." I said a little aggravated now.

I walked over to the kitchen while she followed me.

"Didn't I tell you to leave?"

She licked her lips "Yeah but iaint leavin til you're unstressed".

"You'll be here forever then" I sighed.

She came up behind me and kissed my neck. "Kai-" she stuck her hands in my pants and started rubbing my clit. My knees got weak as she started suckin on my neck and slowly stuck a finger inside of me. I moaned softly "you still stressed babygirl?" she asked. I moaned a little louder then noticed what she was trying to do.

I pushed her away from me

"You have to go."

She looked at me confused, "What did I do , why you want me to leave".

It made me even more mad she was pretending like she wasn't here just to fuck me.

"Just get out!" I pushed her out my house and locked my door and started crying.

This isn't the first time somebody used me for sex.. and money. Long story short my ex, Danny, only would wanna have sex whenever we argued, if she and I were both sad, or just whenever she was bored. She'd use my money to go shopping with her friends. She almost used all of my money from my account, when I finally caught on I dumped her ass and moved so she wouldn't know where I was. Last thing I need is her tryna find me and 'apologize' for everything. I went to my freezer and grabbed some ice cream to snack on. I went to my room and eventually I dozed off.

[Morning Time]

I woke up around 10 something to my phone being blown up by this random number. I rubbed my eyes and finally picked up my phone to see who it was. Kaiza, blowing my phone up saying," what did I do". Maybe I was being a little harsh, but still she can't just come up in my house and stick her hands in my shorts. I responded:

• Me: we need to talk, come over

• Kaiza: otw

Before she arrived I got up to brush my teeth and wash my face. It was all puffy and red from last night's crying.


I went downstairs just in time and opened the door. "Hey" she said. I just closed the door and we both sat on the couch .

"Look , im sorry for yesterday, it's just this all happened before and I didn't want it to happen again".

"Let what all happened again, what I did yesterday?" she asked.

"Yeah, let me tell you the whole story".

20 minutes later

"That's fucked up, where she at now?" Kaiza asked. "Hell idk , fuck that bitch". She smirked at me," See look , we could've been cool all along but you wanna go and assume I was gonne use you, babygirl I got my own money and I could go a week without sex sooo" she bragged. That gave me an idea.

"Wanna test that out?" I said.

She side eyed me. "What? Try no sex for a week?" I nodded "Yes, when's the last time you had sex?" I asked.

"Last night". I looked at her blankly.

"Are you serious" I asked kinda jealous.

"No dummy , it was a few months ago, been awhile" Kaiza said.

"Ok well since it's been awhile, how about tonight we..." I nudged her arm.


I laughed.

(Kaiza's POV)

As bad as I wanted to fuck her brains out, ima make her wait on it for assumin I was gonna use her ass.

"No" I said.

She looked at me crazy," What, why not?" she said pulling my arm. "You know what, nope! I am NOT about to beg!" she said quickly.

I smirked "Why not, that turns me on..." I said closer to her ear.

She bit her lip," be- because...."

Look at her, she couldn't even talk correctly. I decided to tease her a little bit. I lifted her chin up and kissed her. She kissed me back, ofcourse, and I slid my tongue in her mouth. The kiss got more intense and I started rubbing on her leg. She positioned herself to where I was in between her legs. I rubbed her pussy through her joggers and she moaned softly. She grabbed my wrist tryna put my hand inside her pants and I pulled away lightly and broke the kiss.

"Mm I thought I said no" I smirked.

She whined " Fine, you can't break me, or make me beg".

I smiled, this was going to be easy.

"Yeah ok, ill be back tomorrow to see about that" I said opening her door and leaving to go to my house.

(Dee's pov)

I watched as she left and decided to get myself off. I went up to my room and before I could even get started, she texted me:

• Kaiza: text me when you're done playing with yourself 😉

"Ughhh" I just decided to take a nap.

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