• Leaving Day

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(Layla pov)
The doctor walked in the room.

"Family of Kaiza?"

"Yes that's us"

"Well I have good and bad news..."

I sighed.

"So she's lost a lot of blood. But the good news is we found someone to donate her some. They are currently donating so when that's over I'll be back so you can come see her. She will be staying here over night but she can leave first thing in the morning. She's pretty tired so it's best if she stays and gets her rest so she can feel better and energized tomorrow. " he smiled then walked away.

I eased up knowing that Kaiza was gonna be ok.

"So what did he say bitch"

"Kaiza lost a lot of blood bu-"

"SHE WHAT? Nah im on the way"

"Bitch can you let me finish first?!"

".....sorry, go ahead"

"Like I was saying... she lost alot of blood but they found someone to donate her some so that's what they doing right now. He said when they done they was gonna come back and let us go see her"

"Ok , that's good news"


We sat there on the phone until the doctor came back. We eventually hung up because she told me it was getting late and that she needed rest for her class tomorrow and her roomate was trying to sleep. I told her goodnight and told her I'd call back if something is wrong.

The doctor came back and we went to go see Kaiza. She was laying peacefully in the bed with things attached to her arms and chest. She was sleep so we only got to look at her. Before we left I placed her phone on her lap so she could be entertained whenever she woke up. I left then went home.

(Dee's pov)
This was the last week we were going to be here. My month being here was fun, it was mosty easy. Me and London got closer, not in a flirty way but she's actually cool. We went to all our classes for the day and came back to the room. We was just chillin until I got a facetime call from Kaiza. I put my earphones in and answered.

"Hi baby, you miss me?"

"Duh ofcourse I do. You ok?"

"Yeah, they just got all this stupid shit hooked up to me, Lay finna be on the way shortly to come get me and take me back home thank god"

"Im happy Lay was there for you"

"Yeah me too"

We conversated about what all happened that night and it sounded so crazy. I probably would've been shot everybody up if I was there. When Lay got there I told her hi then hung up so they could both get home safely.

Me and London were just chilling in the room listening to music. Ugh I cant wait to go home.

(Dee's pov)
It was finally the last day of school and I was so relieved. We all received our tattooing license so we felt great today. I texted Kaiza and told her I was ready and she texted back saying that she was 10 minutes away. I sighed, I was going to miss this place somewhat. Everyone was so nice and layed back. As I sat at the front waiting, London came over to me.


"Hey Lo"

"So um, before you go I wanted to get your number so we can stay in touch"

"Oh , sure"

I put my number in her phone and smiled giving her phone back to her.

"Th-thanks. You know I expected you to be this girl that thought she was so perfect and stuck up but im glad we hit it off"

I smirked at what she said. Stuck up? Never.

"Im glad we hit it off too"

We sat there in silence for a moment. Then Kaiza texted me:

Baby: Im outside baby
Me: otw out

I grabbed all my belongings. I looked at London and gave her a hug.

"Text me" I yelled before I walked out.

(Kaiza's pov)
I waited in the parking lot with Lay. She was so excited she decided to come along with me. Minutes later we seen Dee walk out smiling. Lay waved at Dee jumping up and down.

"Heyyyy bestfriend"

"Layla" Dee laughed

Once Dee put all her things in the trunk she got inside the car. Lay had her phone connected to the aux cord so she played music while I drove back home. Before we got home we stopped at  Pizza Hut and got some food. I had something planned back at the house to celebrate her having her tattoo license.

"So how do you feel now that you have your licenseee" I smiled and looked over at Dee.

"Im so excited. Who can I tattoo first" Dee cheesed showing all of her teeth.

Me and Lay went quiet.

"Soooo who can I tattoo first" she asked again.

Lay lowered the music and stared out the window purposely avoiding what Dee said.

"Come on guys, stop being pussies"

"Oh iaint pussy, I just don't know what other tattoo I want" I lied.

"Mm I can suprise you now pleaseee" she layed her head on my shoulder.

I turned my head and kissed her forehead.

"Ahhh, sure baby you can. Only on my arm though"

"So I can do it today right?"

"Sure fine whatever" I laughed.

The rest of the ride was fast. We pulled up into the driveway. Me and Lay grabbed Dee bags for her while I gave her the keys to go inside.

Once she opened the door she gasped.

Me and Lay laughed at her reaction. Im pretty sure I did a good job.

Once we walked in we placed her bag onto the couch. I changed up the whole house theme to a white and burgundy color. Everything was completely different, and I set up the living room to where she knew automatically we were having game night. I got her some gifts wrapped up on the island. She went right over to them.

"Is this for me?" she asked knowing it was.

"Ofcourse silly" I came over to her and hugged her. She kissed me, it kinda almost got intense until I realized Lay was still here. She was outside grabbing the pizza from outside the car.

Lay came back in. "Lets get this movie night started"

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