• Furniture Shopping

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(London's pov)

"London..what are we?"

The question I've been waiting to ask her is finally out. She beat me to it actually. I didnt wanna have a suck ass responce so I really thought about what I wanted to say back. And since this was real life and not text messages.. I had to think fast.

I looked at her and sighed. I smiled at what I was finna say. Then I finally said it.

"You're mines"

She stared at me and smiled, showing teeth.

She kissed me and then hugged me. Then I heard her sobbing. I rubbed her back.

"What wrong"

She sniffed.

"Its just.. you've been here for me when I most needed it and im just so greatful you let me stay here with you and-"

"Shhh its ok its ok"

I pulled her back into the hug and rubbed her back. She wasn't crying crying, just a few tears. She backed up and wiped off the remaining tears that came out, then she kissed me again.

"Thank you for being here for me"

"It's no problem"

We were at the house that Dee was moving into again since they were done with all the work that they had to do so we could examine it again. We walked around the house for a few minutes and I smiled seeing her so happy. I mean while we were at tattooing school she looked happy with Kaiza too but she also looked broken. Kaiza had cheated on her for "revenge", which was just childish. But she say that was a while back. Either way it go it's still childish.

"This house is so beautiful"

"Im sad now you finna leave me forever " I sobbed.

"Girl bye, you can stop by anytime"

"Haha, yeah I know" I smirked to myself.

We continued to look through the house some more and shortly left afterwards. The man had told her that she can move her stuff in the house whenever and he gave her the house key. We were now on the way back to my house.

"You know ima get me another copy of this key so you can come in whenever right"

I smiled. I mean duh .. ima be over everyday.

"Oh really?"


"So when you plan on moving your stuff in and stuff? And yk you gotta go furniture shopping. I can help with that if you need help"

"Hmm, since its a week day I guess this weekend ill move my stuff in and we can go furniture shopping"

"Lets just go furniture shopping tomorrow and then just move your stuff in on the weekend"

She glanced at me for a moment to think, then she nodded.

"Ok, sounds like a plan"

We pulled up to my house and got out. I unlocked the door and walked in. Dee closed the door. I walked to the kitchen and thought of what I wanted to cook.

"I would like salmon for tonight's dinner"

I turned to her.

"And who told you that you could pick tonight's dinner choice?"

"Uhh me duh. Can I have rice with that too please? Thanks"

She blew a kiss at me. I turned around and caught myself blushing. I ignored it and took out the food and ingredients needed to make the rice and salmon and got to cooking.

(Next Morning)
I woke up and Dee was up on her phone. I turned towards her and stared at her. She smiled this big smile and looked over at me.

"Can I help youuu"

She said it all playful like.

"Yes you can help me.. help me get up cause I dont have the energy"

She turned back towards her phone and shut it off.

"Ok, you need help .. I'll help you"

She turned close to me and got closer to me. Like extremely close to where our faces almost touched. Her hands slowly traced its way from my thighs all the way up to my stomach. I instantly got soaked. How was THIS gonna make me wanna get out of bed? This just makes me wanna rip her clothes off.

She continued to trace them up and down, each time getting closer to my pussy. I held my breathe so she wouldn't hear me panic inside.


I froze .. can she hear my thoughts??

I slowly let my breathe out and let out this long sigh. She continued to go up and down on my body, teasing me like crazy.

"You feel like getting up now?"

She stared me in my eyes. I stared back and nodded no.

"Well ik what will"

Her hands were so close to going inside my boxers. She placed her hands on my stomach and she grabbed it. Since I was sensitive I chuckled.

"What's funny"

She says soothingly.

"Oh uh n-nothing"

I stuttered. I seen her smirk.

Instead of everything going the way that I wanted it to go it went left. Dee started tickling me and I started laughing uncontrollably.

"You wanna get up now!?"

"YES YES just please stoppp"

She stopped and backed up, examining me.

I stopped laughing and looked at her examine me.

"Like sum you see? You know you can take a picture .. it'll last longer"

She thumped me.

"Hey what was that forrr"

"Being dumb, now get up before I do it again"

I quickly got up and made sure I had my eyes on her.

"What you looking like that for? I don't bite"

I smirked.

(Dee's pov)
Me and London were on the way to a furniture store and I've never been more excited. We arrived and got out the car.

We walked inside and were greeted by one of the employees. We responded back and began to look around.

"So what specifically were you looking for?"

"Uh, I want the couches to be black"


"Yes.. black. Or grey?"

"Nah do black"

I nodded.

We looked and searched for the type of black couch that I wanted.. which took awhile. We finally found it and I bought it. Next on my list we're curtains and bed spreads.

(After shopping)

We got all the things from the furniture store and we got some dudes to put the furniture up in my house. Ofcourse we paid them.. and ofcourse we couldn't have done it ourselves, so why not get someone else big and strong to do it. We were on the way back to the house before London got a phone call.



"Who would like to know?"


"Oh, uh hey"


"Im pretty sure she wouldn't wanna talk to you"


"Sure, bye"

Then she hung up. Who could that have been?

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