dinner party

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"Keefe, you have to come to this dinner party," Lord Cassius stated, watching as Keefe slipped on a white button-down shirt.

"But why?" the blonde empath asked.

"Because it looks good for both of us," Cassius shot back.

Keefe rolled his eyes and slipped on a fancy blue jerkin with silver detailing He changed into black dress pants and brown, knee-high boots.

"Okay, I'll come, only if I can bring a friend."

Lord Cassius nodded and left Keefe to change. Right after the boy finished changing, he grabbed his imparter and hailed Sophie.

"Hey, Keefe. What's up?" Sophie asked, clearly just have gotten out of bed.

"Woah, Foster. You look like you've just gotten out a five-month coma!" the boy stated.

"Well, it's six in the morning, of course I have bedhead," the blonde telepath said.

'Well, whatever. You look cute. But I was wondering, would you like to accompany me to my dad's dinner party tonight? It's being held at Everglen because Alden and Della finally agreed to let him host it there. But the Vacker's have some family outing or whatever so they won't be there."

"Wow, Keefe. Uhm, sure, I'd love to come. What time does it start?" Sophie asked.

"Five pm. Sharp. And it's a fancy dinner party, so I recommend you wear something, fancy. Maybe a dress in this color?" he asked, showing her the color of his jerkin.

"Yeah, okay. Mom might've kept one of Jolie's dresses in that color. I'll see you there."

And with that, the girl's face blinked off the screen.

Keefe smiled and walked into the bathroom, ready to style his hair.

Sophie rushed into the bathroom, grabbed a makeup bag, brush, and hair clips. She then ran back to Vertina, her mirror/personal stylist.

"Vertina, I need help."

The little face popped up in the corner and grimaced.

"Why do you look so tired in such a beautiful dress?" she asked.

"Because I'm going to a dinner party in an hour  and it might turn into a ball dance thing and I want to look good because Keefe's my date and please help me."

Vertina laughed and smiled. "Okay, so......"

Then Vertina worked her magic and twenty five minutes later, Sophie was looking like an angel.  Her blonde hair was in loose curls and was laced with light glitter. The front locks were pinned back our if her face. And with the makeup, she had covered up red spots and her eye bags with concealer and applied dark blue eyeshadow, the same color as her dress, onto her eyelids. Not too much but not too little. After doing her eyebrows and adding mascara to her eyelashes, she slipped on silver heels and clipped a silver pin on her tied back hair. The clip was a silver leaf and as Sophie spun around, Vertina gasped.

"Wow, you look spectacular! Now go get that Sencen boy because he won't know what hit him!"

Sophie blushed, thanked Vertina, and headed downstairs. She had a quick snack  before heading up to the crystal chandelier full of light leaping crystals.

She called out Everglen, stepped into the light, and was carried off.

She arrived on the lawn of Everglen and sucked in a breath. It was five pm and she walked up to the door. She knocked and none other than Keefe Sencen opened the gigantic, double door.

"Wow, uhm, hey, Foster. Uh, thanks for coming. Uhm, come on in."

Sophie thanked him and walked in. There were loads of people there, way more than she would've expected.  The place was decorated for the winter season, and it was just absolutely beautiful that Sophie didn't have words.

"It's beautiful, right? Ro helped put it all up, and yes, there was a bunch of groans of protest."

Sophie laughed and Keefe held out his arm. The blonde telepath gladly took it and they walked into the main area. There were tables lined with food and people milling around, chatting and telling tales.

Sophie and Keefe made their way over to one of the food tables and they each grabbed a fancy glass plate and filled it with a mountain of food. They then grabbed utensils and walked to the center of the room. They ate and talked and laughed. At some point, they decided to play some practical jokes. I won't get into detail, but food was thrown and giggle's erupted. Thankfully, no one was hurt and the two jokesters weren't caught.

At around seven pm, Lord Cassius made an announcement.

"Thank you all for coming. Now, as a Sencen tradition, we always have a dance. A waltz, to be specific. So, grab a partner and let's head into the ballroom."

Everyone grabbed their partner and walked into the ballroom. Soon, it was only Keefe and Sophie in the eating area.

"Soooooooo, uh, wanna dance?" Keefe asked, holding his hand out.

"Yes, I would love to."

The two walked hand in hand into the ballroom  and once they made their way in, Keefe places his free hand on her waist, and she placed hers on his shoulder. They started doing the waltz with everyone else and were talking and laughing.

They had been dancing for about twenty minutes when Keefe took his hand off her waist and pulled her to the side of the room.

"Thank you for coming, Sophie," he said, keeping his hand clasped with hers.

Sophie looked into his fierce but soft ice blue eyes. She smiled and he smiled back, making her heart melt. She noticed how he called her Sophie, and she was pretty sure her heart had exploded.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Keefe."

She then got as close as she could to him, stood on her toes, and pressed her lips to his.

At first, the empath was surprised. But he accepted it, placed his free hand on her face, and closed his eyes. Sophie repeated the last step and smiled against their pressed lips.

She pulled away and smiled at Keefe. He smiled back at her, but his eyes shone with a light that made Sophie's heart melt all over again.

She pulled him into a hug and he didn't hesitate to return it.

They didn't say anything to eachother, but they didn't need to. Their actions spoke for eachother.

They had finally found eachother.

So this is kinda a competition with bri but i published it before her so aha but i hope u enjoyed it!! ❤️❤️

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