another alternate universe

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"Hey, Sencen."

Keefe turned around, still chewing his lunch. The boy was eating his peanut butter sandwich in the cafeteria of Foxfire High School, San Diego, California.

"Hey, Soph. What's up?" the Junior asked.

"Nothing much. Just skipping P.E.," the Sophmore replied.

Keefe laughed and offered her a bit of the sandwich. She gladly accepted it and they ate his sandwich, potato chips, and carrots.

They soon finished off the lunch and had fifteen minutes to talk before Sophie's class ended.

"So, how has your day been?" Keefe asked, stuffing his Batman lunch box away in his backpack.

"Ehh, school is school. But I decided after I finish 'Stargirl', I'm going to read 'Anne of Green Gables' because I've heard it's an amazing book and I figured I'd have to read it sooner or later."

Keefe smiled and said, "I have soccer practice after school, but would you like to go get ice cream after?"

Sophie gave him a smile and nodded. "Sure, I'd love too."

Keefe nodded and smiled at her. He was about to say something else when the bell rang.

"Huh, fifteen minutes is already up? Okay. Bye, Keefe!"

Keefe waved goodbye and sighed. When will I ever tell her how I feel?

After school, Sophie walked over to the school's soccer field and sat down on the bleachers. Keefe was dressed in short, white, basketball shorts and a plain blue shirt. His blonde hair was perfectly ruffled and he was standing in the field, his hands on his hips and he was lightly panting.

He looked up and smiled at the girl. Sophie smiled back and waved. The boy waved back and Sophie's heart skipped a beat. And for the next hour, she watched the boy practice soccer.

After his practice, he ran up to her and she stood up, smiling.

"You did awesome," Sophie said, the two walking to Keefe's car.

"It was only practice. Our first game is in a few weeks, you should come."

"Oh you know I will."

Keefe smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Let us go and get ice cream!"

Sophie laughed and they got into his car. They drove to the local ice cream shop and ordered ice cream. He drove her home, they hugged for a long time, and she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before bouncing into her house.

Sophie immediately ran up to her room, shut the door, threw her backpack onto the floor, and flung onto her bed, a smile spread across her face.

She sighed and hugged a throw pillow to her chest. A text notification dinged on her phone and she picked it up, smiling even wider when it was from Keefe.

'Hey. I loved hanging out with you today.'

'Hey! Yeah, I did too. We need to do it more often.'

'Oh, definitely. Maybe Saturday?'

'I'm sorry, I can't Saturday. Sunday?'

'12:30 I'll pick you up?'

'It's a date :)'

Sophie smiled and hugged her phone with her pillow.

"Sunday," she whispered.

"Sunday," he whispered, lying on his bed.

Sunday morning, Sophie woke up and smiled, checking the time on her phone. 8:30. She threw back the covers and stretched, realizing her hair was a mess. She grabbed a bath towel and walked into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and blowed dried her hair afterward. She curled it into loose curls and the rushed back to her room. She changed into a cute, cropped white t-shirt and light blue shorts with light pink high top converses. She pulled her blonde hair into two low, loose pigtails for a summery look. She applied a bit of makeup and smiled at herself.

Keefe woke at 8:45, stretched, and took a quick shower as well. He shook out the water from his hair before giving it a quick blow-dry. He changed into khaki shorts and a plain, light blue t-shirt with white converses.

They both ate breakfast and had a little bit of time to relax their nerves. And at 12:10, Keefe took a deep breath, stuffed his wallet in his pocket, and drove to Sophie's house.

At 12:10, Sophie checked her phone and rocked back and forth a bit on her bed, her mind a bit of a nervous wreck. She texted Biana, just to pass the time, but also to vent.

'Biana, I'm so nervous.'

'It'll all be good. You two are like, made for each other.'

'Yeah, ig. Twenty more minutes.'


Sophie sighed and turned off her phone. She continued to rock back and forth a bit but decided that she needed to do something so she wouldn't be a nervous wreck. So she got up and walked over to her desk. She pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil and started to doodle. And twenty minutes later, she was left with a perfect picture of Keefe in his soccer uniform.

The doorbell rang and Sophie grabbed her phone before rushing downstairs. She flung open the door and smiled when she was met with the blonde boy.

"Well, it looks like we subconsciously decided to match," Keefe said when he looked at her outfit.

Sophie giggled and wrapped her arms around his, hugging him as if they had been dating for quite some time.

"Yeah, I guess so. But where are we going?" Sophie asked, keeping her arms wrapped around his neck and leaning back into his arms.

"It's a surprise, c'mon!"

Sophie closed the door and the two climbed into Keefe's car. He drove them across town and they parked in front of the '50s themed diner. Of course.

They walked in and got two seats at the booth. Keefe ordered a coke with two straws and as they were waiting, Sophie took his hands and started fiddling with them.

"Thanks for uhm, taking me out today or agreeing too. No guy's ever wanted to go out with me like this."

"Well I'm glad to be the first."

Sophie laughed and smiled at the counter.

"You have a beautiful smile, you know that, right?" he asked.

Sophie smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Yours is better," she said.

He smiled and his ice blue eyes lit up.

"Coca-Cola with two straws," a worker said, giving them the soda.

Sophie took one straw and Keefe took the other. They had a few sips before they started talking again.

Keefe grabbed a straw but Sophie grabbed his wrist.

"What if that's mine?" she asks.

" really matter?"

"Well, if it is mine, it'll have my saliva on it."

"But if I kiss you, I'll still get your saliva on me."

"Keefe, that's disgusting."

The blonde boy laughed, but she still grabbed his face with her hands and pressed her lips to his.

It was quick and fast and when she pulled away, the boy's face was red.

Sophie laughed so hard, she snorted.

"Well......that was unexpected," he said, taking one of the straws and having a sip.

"Just like most of the things I do," she replied.

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