of course its us

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"Sophie, I'm going on this with you."

She was surprised, for he never called her Sophie unless it was something serious.

"Keefe, no. You're staying home. This is dangerous and you just woke up. I'm not letting you get yourself into danger," she said back, her hands on her hips.

The group was at Everglen, about to go fight the Neverseen, again. But Keefe had just woken him up from his coma-like state and Sophie wasn't about to risk his health.

"No, Sophie. When will you get it in your head that I'm sticking by your side no matter what?" Keefe said walking towards her and grabbing her arms.


"I'm with you, forever as always. There's no way I'm letting you go into danger without me because team Foster-Keefe or not, you're the only thing that matters most to me and I'm not about to lose you, even if it means I lose myself."

Tears welled up in Sophie's eyes and she hugged him.

"We're doing this together," Keefe whispered.

"Hey lovebirds! Let's go!" Biana called.

Sophie laughed and they exited the building, ready to fight the enemy.


"Of course it's us two that ended up in the hospital wing," Sophie sighed from her cot.

Keefe laughed then groaned because of his bruised ribs.

"Well, at least we're stuck here together for a few days," he said with a light laugh.

Sophie chuckled and looked down at her arm cast. She had broken her Radius and it had to be in a cast for a while.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. It'll heal," Keefe said.

Sophie nodded but it wasn't that. It was the fact that they were so close to defeating the Neverseen this time, but Sophie had to fall and break her arm and Keefe had to fall to catch her, therefore bruising his ribs.

"It isn't that, is it," Keefe said.

Sophie shook her head.

"What is it?" he asked.

"We were so close to defeating this time, but I ruined it all."

"Oh Foster, it wasn't your fault! My stupid mother tripped you."

"Yeah, but if you hadn't fallen to save me, we would've won."

"Yeah, but we were in it together. I'm sorry Sophie, but I feared something worse could've happened."

Sophie huffed out a breath, annoyed that he was right.

"Hey, Elwin?" she called.

"Yeah, Sophie?" he called back.

"Can you move my cot next to Keefe's?"

He didn't answer, he just simply moved her cot over and went back into his office. With her free hand, she took one of his and held onto it like it the only thing keeping her alive.

"I'm so sorry, Foster. Next time, I promise," Keefe whispered.

Sophie nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. He turned his head and kissed hers, which comforted her.

"Keefe, I think I'm in love with you," she whispered.

"As a friend?"

"No, like for real."

The boy smiled, thankful it finally happened.

"Good thing I love you, too."

Sophie lightly laughed and squeezed his hand. The two ended up talking forever and eventually, they fell asleep and Elwin snapped a picture, of course.

Keefe woke the next morning to see his hand still clasped in Sophie's. He smiled and kissed her forehead, which woke her up.

"Where are we?" she groaned.

"Healing Center. Be careful, you broke your arm," Keefe whispered in reply.

Sophie nodded and nuzzled her head into his shoulder.

"I'm tired," she groaned.

"Yeah, I know."

"Can I go back to sleep?" she asked.

"Of course."

Elwin then came into the room with a tray. The tray had four bottles and a book.

"Good, you kids are awake. Sophie, take these three and Keefe, you take this one."

Sophie downed her three and Keefe did his one. Sophie immediately fell asleep after she took the third one and Keefe smiled.

"Here's a book for you to read. Yours won't make you pass out, but you'll be bored and I think you'll enjoy this."

Elwin handed the boy a book titled 'The Princess Bride' and Keefe smiled.

"This is a movie back in the Forbidden cities. Foster talked about it."

"Well, it's a small world. Have fun, kid."

Keefe smiled and set the book on his lap. He ungloved Sophie's hand and intertwined their fingers. He closed his eyes and opened his mind to hers. Once they were connected, he started sending her soft breezes in the color of light blue and yellow. He opened an eye and noticed a smile creep on her face.

"Foster, are you awake?" he asked.

"Only a bit," she sent into his head.

Keefe laughed and squeezed her hand.

"Can I read aloud 'The Princess Bride'?"

She gave a slight nod and Keefe took his hand back. He opened the book and started reading the first chapter.

"This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it. How was such a thing possible? I'll do my best to explain. As a child, I had simply no interest in books..."

He continued to read until he realized she had fallen asleep. He smiled and set the book on his lap again.

He took her hand again and fell asleep, leaning his head on hers.

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