world war ii

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It was 1944 and the Ruewen family, living in the state of Illinois, were starting dinner for that night. Sophie, sixteen, and Edaline, thirty-eight, were in the kitchen, preparing steak and potato salad.

"Mom, I'm scared," Sophie said, not taking her eyes off the potato she was cutting for the salad.

"Why, sweetie?" Edaline asked while cutting the meat and placing it in the oven

"Dad's been gone most of my life. He left before I was even born for some job, came back when I was ten, only to stay three years, and then left again but for the war. I barely know him. And then, when he left for the second time, I became close with Keefe, as you know. He's always been there for me and now, he might be drafted, too. Biana is worried her brother, Fitz, is going to be drafted, too. I don't know what to do."

"You love Keefe, don't you?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe? He's adorable, caring, puts others before him, he's the perfect guy. And I can't think of losing him."

"Well, if he does get drafted, you'll just have to write letters. Just like your dad does."

Sophie nodded and solemnly continued to cut the potatoes. And as Edaline took the meat out of the oven, the doorbell rang and Sophie set down the knife. She walked over and opened the door to find Keefe standing in her doorway. In his shaky hand, there was a letter with an official American Army stamp.

"I......came right over once I got it. I didn't want to be alone," he said, looking down at the floor.

Sophie took his free hand and led him inside to the couch. "It's okay. I'm here."

He took in a deep breath and slowly opened the envelope. On the inside was writing and the two read it together.

A tear rolled down Keefe's cheek and when Sophie hugged his arm, trying not to cry herself, the tears came pouring from him.

"Ssshhh, it's okay. It's going to be okay," she whispered, letting a single tear fall.

" dad......"

"Keefe, it's going to be okay. You're going to do amazing."

"I can't leave you."

She snuggled into his arm and rubbed it. "I'll be right here when you come home."

He nodded but he didn't look certain.

"What if I don't come back?"

"Don't talk like that!! You're coming to come back. You're the strongest person I know."

"But Fitz has more of a six-pack than I do."

"I mean you're able to light up a room with one joke. Hopefully, you'll be gone for a year and come back. You'll be okay, I promise."

"Why make a promise you can't keep?"

"You're going to do great. I'll write to you every week and I'm not asking you to write me back but it would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to miss you so much," Sophie said, fiddling with his button-up shirt and smoothing it out.

"Soph, it's okay. I'll write to you whenever I can. I promise."

He held out his pinky and Sophie wrapped hers around his. They kissed their hands, a thing they've been doing they were five, and hugged. His arms were strong and warm and Sophie finally let tears come. She wiped them away and rubbed his arms.

"I'll be back before you know it."

She nodded and the truck picking him up stopped in front of his house.

Before he boarded, he hugged her one more time and whispered, "I love you."

Sophie was about to say it back but he was on the bus and driving off before she even got a chance.

"Are you going to write to him?" Biana asked as the two walked down the hallway of their high school.

"Well, yeah. But what do I say? He told me he loved me but I don't want to say it back over writing. I want to say it in person."

"Then tell him that school is still sucking and he should happy he doesn't have to learn geometry."

The two girls laughed and entered the cafeteria. But Sophie's mind was elsewhere. There were so many things she wanted to tell him. To smile about with him. But she couldn't. Not now. Maybe not ever.

One day, roughly a week and a half after he left, she had come home from school and immediately sat down at the table to do homework. But before she could even open her math textbook, Edaline came with a letter in her hand. She placed it in front of her daughter and Sophie glanced at it. When she read the return address and saw Keefe's name, she had never opened a letter faster. And as she read it, a smile grew and grew until it couldn't get bigger.

"Wow, I've never seen you so happy," Edaline commented, sitting across from Sophie.

"Well, he says he's doing great and he misses everyone. He and Fitz have been together a lot but he's made a few friends. He's also in England, which probably isn't so grand anymore. And he's been eating vegetable stew the whole time. Says he misses our cherry pie."

Her mom smiled and squeezed her hand. "They'll both be back before you know it. I promise."

Sophie smiled back and nodded, looking down at the letter. "Has dad sent anything?"

"We should be getting a letter from him soon. Don't worry, he never misses a letter.

She gave another smile before letting her mom start dinner.

"Biana, has Fitz sent you guys any letters lately?" Sophie asked her friend as they sat in their local park, enjoying a nice picnic.

It had been two years since the two had left. Sophie's dad had come home earlier that year and while they were all happy he was home, Sophie was still waiting for Keefe.

"Yeah, we got one a few days ago. He says Keefe hasn't been sending anything because he's been busy with something. But they should be coming home soon."

She nodded and picked up an apple. As she bit into it and as Biana took out the sandwiches, a movement caught her eye. She looked up and saw two boys, who looked eerily similar to Fitz and Keefe, standing a couple of yards away, looking for something or someone.

"Biana," Sophie said, nudging the girl. Her friend looked up and dropped their lunch. She ran towards her brother and tackled him in a hug.

Sophie set down her apple and started to walk towards Keefe. Slowly, it turned into a jog that grew into a full on sprint. He was ready and caught her in his arms, spinning her around lightly.

"You're home," she mumbled into his shoulder.

"Yeah I am. I can't believe you waited for me."

"Everyday. I waited everyday."

Keefe smiled and pulled away to look at her face. She had changed a bit but her eyes and smile were still the same.

"How's my mom and dad?" he asked.

"Still divorced."

He sighed and laughed, slightly shaking his head.

"Hey, I love you," Sophie nonchalantly said, fiddling with the collar of his shirt.

A smile grew on the boy's face and he hugged her again.

"You do?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course I do. Ever since middle school."

He laughed and let go, only to kiss her. Sophie placed her hands on his chest and closed her eyes. It was perfect.

When he pulled away, he whispered, "It's always been you."

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