one year anniversary

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"Happy one year, Sophie!"

Sophie turned around and gasped, her hands flying up to cover her mouth.

Her blonde boyfriend stood with balloons and flowers in his hands, a gigantic smile plastered on his face.

"It's already been a year?" Sophie asked, walking over to Keefe and lightly touching the flowers.

"Yeah. It feels like we started dating yesterday."

Sophie sighed and the memory of when he asked her to be his girlfriend came flooding back.

A tear slipped out and she wrapped her arms around his waist. His arms slithered around hers and he nuzzled his face into her neck.

"Let's go inside," Sophie said, releasing from his grasp and grabbing his wrists.

They walked inside and to the huge dining room. Sophie grabbed a vase and placed the flowers inside. She handed it to Keefe and he waltzed into the kitchen, filling it with water.

Sophie tied the balloons to a chair and smiled when she saw Keefe come back. He placed the vase on the table and ran over to give her a proper hug.

Her face nuzzled into his neck and so did his. "You mean the world to me," Keefe whispered.

"And you are mine," Sophie replied.

She felt him smile and she smiled, too.

"Alright, what would you like to do today?" Sophie asked. Keefe's arms loosely stayed around her waist and they both smiled.

"Let's go eat. My treat."

"Oh, you don't have to."

"Sophie, you don't have a birth fund. I'll pay."

Sophie groaned and rested her head on his chest. "Okay, fine."

"I'll go home then and change and pick you up in two hours? Sounds good?"

Sophie nodded and kissed him before walking him to the door.

"See you soon!"  Sophie said, smiling as she watched Keefe light leap away.

She closed the door and leaned against it. She sighed and smiled before yelling out, "Mom? I need help!"

Edaline came rushing down the stairs and smiled.

"I have so many dresses. He's probably taking you to Atlantis Sling, the fanciest restaurant in Atlantis. Maybe a red or purple dress. Has to be ballgown. Ooh, maybe even an A-Line!"

Sophie laughed a little and followed her mom upstairs. She took her into Jolie's old room, which was now Sophie's second walk-in closet, but instead of regular, work clothes, it was full of dresses and heels.

"How long have you been collecting this stuff?" Sophie asked.

"For a while. Some of it is Jolie's while the others are dresses from my teen years that don't fit me anymore."

Sophie nodded and suddenly got a weird feeling in her. Normally, she hated dressing up, unless it was something important, but seeing all these dresses made her all giddy inside.

"Oh god," she whispered.

"What?" Edaline asked.

"Oh GOD! I'm turning into Biana!" she yelled.


"I'm suddenly all excited to dress up, which I've never felt before. Mom, I'm scared."

Edaline laughed and hugged her daughter. "That's a great thing though! Now, let's go find a dress and some shoes."

The two searched for about an hour before Sophie settled on something she liked. It was a red a-line dress with spaghetti straps. She paired it with gold heels and Edaline did her makeup. She was given a good eyeshadow and a small winged eyeliner.

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