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Sophie and Keefe were currently in a fight, which almost never happened.

The seventeen-year-old was sitting in her room, hoodie and sweatpants on. Having to see Keefe at school every day was already torture, but seeing him around town while hanging with her friends was worse.

It was a Saturday and Sophie was sulking in bed, watching the Office, when she suddenly got a text.

From Keefe.

Of course.

She sighed and picked up her phone. The message read,

'Hey Soph, I know we're in a rough spot right now, but I can't wait to have my girlfriend back. I just wanted you to know.'


'You know? Give me thirty minutes.'


Sophie turned off her phone and went back to watching the Office. And she waited, for thirty minutes, just like Keefe said.

And thirty minutes later, there was a knock on her front door. Sophie sighed and trudged downstairs. She flung the door open and there stood Keefe, in a raincoat, as it was raining. He was holding a bouquet of red and white roses, Sophie's favorites, and an iced vanilla latte, also Sophie's favorite. And around his arm was a plastic bag, which seemed to be filled with something.

He gave a weak smile and stretched his arms out a bit. Sophie sighed and let him in. The two walked over to the kitchen table and sat down across from each other.

Keefe handed her the flowers and Sophie took them with a smile. She took a quick whiff before setting them down on the table.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Oh, but I'm not done yet," he replied, handing her the coffee and plastic grocery bag.

She took a sip of the latte and opened the bag. Inside was a pint of her favorite ice cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, a spoon, and a bunch of her favorite candy bars.

"Awwwwww, Keefe, you didn't have to. And besides, I didn't get you anything!" Sophie said, reaching across the table and taking one of his hands into hers.

"Oh no, it's fine. And besides, I was the one who started this. I lied and said that I was at the game when I was really hanging out with Fitz and Biana and Biana's friends. But I promise that I wasn't hanging out with the girls, I was hanging out with Fitz. You're the only girl I care for, and you will continue to hold that title for the rest of eternity. Please, Sophie, I am so, so sorry and it was honestly a huge mistake because, as I said, I miss my girlfriend."

Sophie smiled down at their hands before looking back up.

"Okay fine, I accept your apology. Because I also miss my boyfriend."

Now it was Keefe's turn to smile. He pulled Sophie's hand up and kissed it, and then Sophie smiled.

"So, can we go up to my room and cuddle while I eat my ice cream and we watch the Office? Please?" Sophie asked, grabbing the ice cream and spoon.

Keefe rolled his eyes and smiled. "Of course. But can I also have a spoon?"

Sophie nodded and quickly grabbed a spoon. Keefe grabbed the ice cream and the other spoon. Sophie took his hand into hers and they raced upstairs.

The couple flopped onto Sophie's bed and cuddled up with one another. She opened her laptop and pressed resume on the Netflix show. Keefe opened the ice cream container and the two pigged out and watched Netflix until they fell asleep.

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