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Sophie Foster was in the library of her school, San Diego High. She had her laptop and science notebook open, ready to start researching for her project.

Just as she started looking up whatever it was, someone sat in front of her. She did a double-take and found a pretty adorable boy.

He looked to be a year older than her, and he was reading Pride and Prejudice.  He had fluffy, blonde hair and ice-blue eyes. He had muscle but was wearing a long sleeve sweater, obviously trying to hide them. He had a notebook open and a pencil stuck behind his ear.

Sophie smiled and took one more look at the boy before she turned back to her computer. Out of the corner of her eye though, she noticed him look up at her.

She heard him close the book and notebook and fold his hands on the desk. Sophie looked over at him and smiled, copying the hand motions.

"Hi," he whispered.


"So, I'm new here and my English teacher is making us read Pride and Prejudice, but I honestly have no clue about anything. Can you help?" he asked.

"Well, what's your name? I should probably know that before helping out a stranger," she said with a slight giggle.

"Ah, cute and funny. Just my type. I'm Keefe Sencen. And you are?"

"Uh, Sophie Foster."

"Well alrighty, Sophie Foster, come sit next to me."

Sophie nodded, a bit caught off guard by his charm, but smiled and moved anyways.

When she sat next to him, he showed her his notebook and she looked over them. He had surprisingly good hand writing.

"So my teacher said we have to write an essay on the meaning of who had pride and who had prejudice. And I'm not completely sure."

Sophie laughed and Keefe smiled down at her. He was definitely falling, my friends.

"Well, have you even read the book?" she asked, taking it from his hands.

"Yes, I've read it! Back in the seventh grade. I just, never understood it, ya know?"

Sophie smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I get that. But, from what you do remember, who had the pride?"

"Well, I would say me because I would love to ask you out so we can get coffee sometime, but I'm too much of a nervous wreck to do so."

Sophie smiled and bit her bottom lip. "Was that a subtle way of asking me out?"


Sophie shook her head and laughed. "Keefe Sencen. I've only known you for five minutes and you've already weaselled your way in. But yes. Here's my number. Text me and we'll work things out."

Sophie wrote down her number in the margin of her notebook and got back up. She packed up her stuff and waved at him as she exited the library.

Once she left, he pumped a fist to himself. Score.

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