Chapter 1- Birthday

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"But dad" I whined stomping my foot with an exasperated sigh. I mean i got it, i wasn't exactly daddy's favourite and my whining, like some spoilt 8 year old, was not helping my cause. Of course my main aim was to convince my father to allow me to spend the day with a few kids from school on my birthday. However, as usual, dad was being paranoid again because of the 'kidnapping rates'.  Well that's his excuse anyway, i mean we had only planned on going swimming than a quick stop at McDonalds for lunch. It's not like i had been planning on partying all night at some club with a fake ID.

"Have you seen the kidnapping rates this year, it's increased by 25% just in this area...i'm sorry there's no way i'm letting you go have to stay home. i'll bring you a cupcake with your favourite icing instead" he stated his gaze fixated on an online video. I was hurt. On Lacey's birthday she went cinema, her favourite restaurant and was allowed to take a train out the city. I couldn't help but sigh, she was always the lucky one.

I got up shaking my head, picked my phone up and ran up to my room. The mahogany door stood seven foot high shadowing over me. The smell of the door was enough to cause you to wease, the small scratches on the exterior showcasing its age. I grasped the cool handle and swiftly opened the door walking in  allowing it to swing shut right behind me. I leant back against the door observing the low ceiling walls and the window on the roof. That's right, i got the attic room. Which would be cool however the dust that preoccupied the room and the spiders the frequently visited forbid me to believe so. I paced over to my plump bed scrolling my phone to find the only single person who could possibly cheer me up.

 "Hey baby girl" Sanjay spoke through the phone quietly a certain element of flirtyness in his tone. I rolled my eyes at his incredulous behaviour a smile tainting my lips. "Hey Jay, i miss you" I sighed tilting my head gazing at the picture on the desk. Having been friends with him since we were kids, i have found myself increasingly comfortable with him. I mean i guess that's expected but i guess i sort of kind of like like him.

 "whats up? you sound down?" he asks a rustling sound heard as if he's shifting position "Sorry im just getting comfortable when ever you speak like this it usually means theres a long story behind it" he teased.

I laughed lightly explain the events that happened with my dad. We talked for what seemed like hours. Talking about life and how parents mean can be.

"Okay baby girl i know this isn't exactly the best timing but i want to ask you if you want to go out with me?Like on a date boyfriend and girlfriend style. I mean I know it's super lame because I'm asking you through a phone but common I don't have no guts to say it person and plus we've been best mates like since we were in diapers and I didnt think you'll like me back especially since you're always talking about Leo or was it Liam? Ugh I don't know. forget I even asked why am I still talking? I think I'll just shut up. Why aren't you stopping me?" He rambled stammering on his own words.

I can just imagine is cheeks flushing red and his left eyebrow slightly twitching. He always does that when hes embarrassed. 

A laugh escaped my lips. "How about we have a deal" I replied slowly debating on whether i should or shouldn't. I mean lets be honest the guys a real charmer and we've known each other forever. i know him like the back of my hand. But i also know that brunettes aren't his thing. 

"Okay...whats the deal" jay whispered. 

"if...if you get me out of here then I will go" I stated. There was a slight pause before i heard a light chuckle

 "Too easy, Deal" he said before ending the call.


I heard the doorbell. It had been five minutes since I talked to jay and in that time i had gotten ready and dressed. "ALLY! SANJAY IS HERE!" I heard my mum declare. You could literally hear the boredom in hear voice. I shook my head and quickly looked in the mirror.

My brown hair was left in a high pony exposing my green eyes that seemed to shine with joy. I wore a simple plain black vest top with a dark purple matte skirt. I put on a jean jacket in case it gets cold and wore black timberland's. 

I ran down stairs and saw Sanjay with a black suit and ray sun glasses. Typical Jay, always going over the top. I ran to him and grabbed his hand. "Be back before 8 I am trusting you Sanjay to look after Ally" my dad said giving him a strange look i couldnt really comprehend. He nods  before pulling me out the door and we go.

"Okay first of all how the hell did you get my dad to agree" I asked looking up at him. "That's for me to know and you to hopefully never find out" he stated directing me towards a park. We walked hand in hand our hands swaying the breeze gently massaging my face making me glad i put my hair in a pony tail. I felt a tug on my hand and i look up to see Sanjay had been staring at me.

 "You look beautiful" Jay said softly resting his palm on my cheek. I felt a blush rising through my cheeks. "so ive been told" I wink giggling lightly. He laughs sitting down on a park bench patting the space next to him and i sit too. "Getting egotistic are we" He scoffed messing my hair up. "AYYY YOU BUCKET" I shook his hand of my hair and glare at him playfully.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes were" he mutters his hand under my chin. "Maybe once...or...twice" I trailed off my eyes glancing at his lips they were so lushes and lonely. Before I knew it he leaned in and kissed me. His lips was soft and smooth. I felt like I was in heaven. Seriously there's a bright light and everything. i wrapped my arms around his neck his lips moving with mine in sync.

He leaned back and took my hands in his. His green hazel eyes bore into mine. His black jet hair was bed head. I smiled biting my lip the feeling of his lips still on mine tingling. Who knew best friends could fall for each other. 

"Why did you ask me out after being best friends since kids" I asked softly. "Well I guess I fell for you" he whispered as he gently dragged his finger against my cheek. I look at him as he cleared his throat and looks away. Hes...lying?

"I know you, I am not your type why are you lying?" I ask slowly and calmly. "Then what is" he growled lowly his eyes flashing anger. "Redheads" I laughed pulling back from his touch that lay on my face. This was a prank. It had to be. 

"You know youre really smart" he muttered sarcastically gently tucking my fringe behind my ear then grabs something from his pocket and brings it to my head. A gun was pressed against my head. I looked at jay. He had a smirk plastered onto his face. 

"S-Sanjay w-what are you d-doing" I stammered like an idiot as he grabbed my arm roughly shoving the gun into his pocket and placing his hand over my mouth.

"I would shut up if you want Lacey to live" I violently flinched. I closed my eyes and pretended it was all fake and it was a nightmare. Sure Lacey can be a little bit too much of a bitch and harsh and a bit mean but she is still my sister.

"Open your eyes!" Sanjay screamed. I felt a harsh sting on my right cheek. My eyes snapped open but I was at an entry of a mansion. I blinked. "How..." I thought a loud. Sanjay chuckled. The building had to be bigger than 'evermore manor'.

We entered the mansion. It was beautiful. The place had a large chandler which centred the house two stair case on either side of the hallway led up stairs. On the walls hung ancient pictures which i dare to say are original.  a wooden book case covered an entire hall way and in the middle of the hall was a large ancient clock.

I would love to live here. "Like what you see" Sanjay says obviously amused by my shock of his house. I couldnt speak for some reason. Hey i was kidnapped.


holy fudge cakes i was kidnapped.

He slapped me again snapping me out of my thoughts.

 "Do. You. Like. It" he asked slow gritting his teeth.

I nod slowly. Tears fall at their own will whilst mine is being kept hostage by Sanjay. "Good you live here now" He stated with a chuckle. 

My eyes widen "Hell no" i exclaim trying to make a run for it.

He chuckled just before he placed a dirty cloth over my mouth pulling me to his hard chest. I held my breath and kicked trying to get off me. "Nu huh huh" he pinched my butt causing a gasp to escape. I inhaled the chloroform and slowly start to doze off. 

"Why me" I muttered before blacking out in the arms of my oh so lovely best friend. There better be a KFC bucket when I wake up

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