Chapter 24- i choose

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(photo is of Ally now)

"THI-THI I DON'T WANT TO GO" i yelled as the strong force dragged me closer to the bright light. "who's Thi-Thi again i keep forgetting" he said obviously amused. i mean if i saw a women doing the moon-walk whilst yelling rather loud and trying to hold on to thin air, i would be pissing my self. literally.  "You now where was i ah yes DON'T TAKE ME TO THAT EVIL WITCH SHE WILL TURN ME TO A TOAD" i grabbed a hold of Theodore's leg and kept pulling him to avoid the force that was dragging me in the opposite direction.

"please can you let me go gosh and i thought she would be mature" he muttered the last bit. i frowned.  "how did you know me oh let me guess some fancy legend told you that one day a beautiful girl will win a battle that has been going on for decades, she shall just look at them and they will all faint because of her unexplained beauty" i said in a posh voice whilst trying to fight of a smile. i finally gave up and let the force drag me but i was moving very very slowly.  I swear a volcano is be hide me cause all of a sudden i felt vibration from be hide me but the sound was mixed with a half donkey half seal.

I trendy around to see that Theodore was there not Mount Etna i gave a sigh of relief then i pouted "you are right literally apart from the beautiful part they will faint cause of her beauty but they will faint because of her ugliness" i gave a fake last breath and fall to the floor but the stupid force still dragged me. "dude you know your already dead right" he asked i sighed but got up and walked beside him. "i wish i was alive so i can hurt Sanjay soo bad...wait can i haunt him pweessss" i gave him the puppy dog eyes that no one can resist even Lacy.

"well..." he said trailing of his black hair covering his eyes. i moved it and placed it so  can see his forest green eyes. "what is it" i asked hoping he understands my life is already screwed. "do you know that this 'Eve' that everyone is talking abo-" he was cut of by an overly high squealing noise.

I looked at the direction of the sound to see that Amber was there. We was at some mansion that looked a little bit like Hotel Transylvania the movie you know the animation ah whatever you guys should watch it cause this place is way to big to explain. "Whoa wheres Dracula and Mavis and please tell me Frankenstein is here" i said as walked towards the large building. it somehow was so big it covered the light that was dim by now.

"well if I'm Mavis and Richard is Dracula you could always be Frankenstein" Amber's high pitched voice said or something like that the bitches voice made my eardrums burst. "um i know a guy that can change your voice box for you down on earth and they only charge £10 or cant you afford that ether" i said whilst rubbing my ears to try and ease the pain. She rolled her eyes as Thi-Thi gave me the eye. now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"so what the heck am i doing here"i said. Theodore suddenly pulled out a large script thing. "how you do dat" i said. "well you get to choose do you want to die or live" i did a hum sound as if i was thinking but lets be honest i am freaking having a mental party i finally get to choose if i can die or live but i wanna stick around and bug Amber.

"whats in it for me and why is she here" i said in a bitchy tone. "well if you die you will be with your mum and dad, you will be free of all responsibility you will be able to do anything you want but.." always a freaking but on the good part. "but if you live all power will be yours you are the only one that can stop the war that will happen in 90 days between the Vampires and the humans the thing is Ally your sister will start it" to say i was shocked and about to pass out was an understatement. "i wanna live but how will i stop-" he shook his head "that's for you to decide" with that i was dragged into darkness...

HELLLLOOOOOO. i know i said i will add the twins but no one commented any names so hurry up i hope you like the ending and sorry about yesterdays chapter it was short and crappy any way i hope you enjoy the book so far we are about half way.

anywhooo byeee

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