Chapter 50- big meanie

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My eyes were red. Have you ever been in a bath and it's sunny, so when you close your eyes the only thing you could see is red?

Well that's all I could see. "Lacey...close the curtains" I groaned. I tried to move my hands so i could rub my eyes, but something was restraining me from doing so. "Lacey If this is a prank, you are so dead" I yelled. I tried pulling my hands but only causing friction making my wrist sting. my legs were also tied to what in guessing the legs of a chair.

My back was against the back bit of the chair. my arms were on the arm rest (also tied down) . I slowly opened my eyes, I hissed at the sun and moved my head to the right...i mean left...oh I don't know I was never good at my lefts and right.

Anyway from what I could see, it was a bright, damp rooms. Chains hung everyday. There was a table of torturous items; knifes, scissors, needles of every kind and even a fudgin butchers knife with blood...i sure hope it's fake.

I can't remember what happened yesterday but I do know that it Sabah's birthday soon. "Lacey, Mum, Dad I would like to get out of here know" I yell once my eyes adjust to the rest of the room.

I look around an notice that there are scratch marks on the wall, ya know the three long lines that you see in movies. Wow is it Halloween?

The wallpaper (if you can call it wallpaper) was ripped. blood (I think it's ketchup) was splattered on the cement floor and on the walls.

It was a tiny room and I came to the tough decision of wanting to leave the 'beautifully decorated' room. i look around some more in the uncomfortable chair in till my eyes landed on a door. It looked heavier then those doors specially for fires!

"Guys don't you think this is to far" I said, unsure if my family was even be hide this. The last thing I remember was getting in a fight with dad because he wouldn't let me go out on my birthday.

The door opened and a tall handsome man came in. He looked a lot like Sanjay but a lot older.

"Hello Ally" he said. I was taken back by how the heck he knew my name. "w-who are y-you" I stuttered like the idiot I am. "I guess your having amnesia, it will were of soon and it's me Sanjay" a sigh of relief left my lips.

At least he is here. "can you help me get out of here. My wrist hurts" I said truthfully. He nods. "why do you look so old?" I asked as he undid the ropes on my hands. "you have been in a coma for 19 years,you would often get up and walk through your sleep so we had to tie you down" my mouth hung open making him chuckle in amusement.

"Where's mum and dad and Lacey and Sabah" I asked. "Ally, your mum and dad died in a car crash, Lacey is a pop star and Sabah kinda disappeared" tears fell down my face. I have no family. Well me and Lacey always argued so she probably doesn't even want me.

"Hey, hey don't cry baby girl" a smile took over my features at the nick-name he gave me. once all the ropes were off. Sanjay helped me up and carried me bridal style through the door.

I buried my head into his muscular chest and took deep breathes. My brown hair was getting in the way of my face. I was wearing a white night-gown (A/N cough cough) an slippers.

When Sanjay stopped, he gently place me down on a soft bed that smelt like chestnuts. "Are you tired" he asked. "no" wrong time, wrong place. I soon yawned making him smirk at me. "ok maybe a little, I just woke up from a coma I am actually hungry though" he shook his head. "you haven't changed" now I smirked.

He got up and took of he's shirt. He was so well built and had a fudgin six-pack but that was not what caused me to gasp, it was a nasty scare that took over the right of his shoulder.

"What happened" I said breathless, my only friend hurt, that broke my heart into mini pieces. "Nothing common let's sleep" I groaned. "I'm hungry and I am not 13 any more" I pouted whilst crossing my arms.

"Well too bad" he pushed me gently back on the bed and huddled with me. his hands on my waist making sure I don't leave. "your a big meanie" I said giving up. "your right your not 13 your 5" he chuckled.



Oh snap Sanjay did not just do dat. remember to vote,comment and share. I hope you are enjoying this book so far and is it just me or is the time going like really fast?

Anywhoooo byeeee

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