Chapter 42- why...

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The next thing I know was a fist making contact with my right cheek. "TELL ME" he yelled. I shook my head. he punch me in my stomach making me cry out in pain.

Wow, this isn't the dream. is is?

I slightly tilted my head. "why". he just stared at me through the darkness. I felt pain in my stomach but it was healing- I didn't do the deed so how am I pregnant this isn't making any sense. "Why do you do this to me" the light that was shining in me was turned off and a light was turned on. I looked at him, curiosity filled my eyes.

"You are so naïve" he said. slightly smirking. He shook his head as if disappointed and sighed a very VERY long sigh. "how so" I spoked. how the fuck am I naïve? If anything he is naïve, I am a DARK ANGEL and he is a VAMPIRE I could kill him with a click of my fingers!

"Eve is still in you" "oh fuck off with you and your Eve" I complained. "You asked a question I am answering it! Eve has the power to rule this entire world- no the entire Universe and if I have her captured I will have that power" I rolled my eyes. "then call her or did she reject you too" I smirked remembering how Sabah had reject him... "WHERES SABAH" I screamed I franticly looked around the room.

It was a cellar. It was huge and empty. a few shelfs with some over-dated wine. cob webs were everywhere and on a small bed in the corner of the room a small body lay. Her breathing was sharpened and instantly reminded me of Cody.

"You have been out for 2 hours, make Cody come back or you'll never see your friend ever again" he said following my eyes. I snorted "I don't know how" I lied. "lier" he said shortly.

"Don't believe me and if anyone's a lier it's you, you said you will leave her alone but instead you do the complete opposite!" I ranted. I am sooooo pissed right now and I miss Ae so much I haven't seen him in 5 hours ever since I woke up! "That's before I knew you tried to kill my sister, I know you hate me but Cody did nothing" I stared at him. "I don't hate you" I said quietly.

"I fucking despise you, I hope your body fucking rottens in hell and I hope you one day find your mate and they will treat you like you did to me you asshole I hope I am there to push you deeper in that dark fucking hole of guilt and you will be unable to climb out because of your fucking greediness of power that you'll never get you hurt a lot of people" he stared at me not even the slightest bit effected by my words.

"You don't know me" he whispered. "Oh really" I said sarcastically. "You don't judge a book by its cover" he said a little louder. "well let's look at the context: you kidnapped me, forced me into becoming your mate, used me to get to Eve and somehow disappeared from my LIFE" I practically was screaming at his pathetic face.

I really need Ae to calm me down. and as if god heard my plead a crashing noise came from upstairs.

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