Deal With The Devil

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Matt was still not really talking with me but I wasn't going to walk away, he was going to need my help and until he realized that I would keep following him. The other night his friend was taken by the Russians and I was there to help him save her from the shadows. Tonight he was stalking the police at the station trying to find anyone who knew about Fisk. I did my own research coming up with nothing on the man; he was good with covering his tracks and hiding in the shadows. Though he couldn't stay hidden forever, no one can stay a ghost forever. Right now I was watching Matt again running across rooftops until I saw him stop by the fifteenth precinct. I wanted to approach him, see what he was up to but I knew two things; he wouldn't talk to me and he would do everything he could to get away from me. He would even fight me to tire me out or possibly knock me out so I wouldn't to follow him. So I kept my distance but I knew that he knew I was following him but this time it was like he was letting me. He was right now standing on a crate in an alleyway outside of the police station until I saw a cop exiting through the back door. His phone beeped as he looked down to read it but he didn't get a second to look because Matt jumped from his spot and landed in front of him. They fought for a moment until Matt placed his wrist into a lock bringing the cop to his knees in pain.

"Scream and that arm becomes your good one. We clear?" Matt asked the cop didn't respond he just nodded yes to Matt's question. I moved a bit closer to hear the conversation between them. "You killed that Russian in interrogation."

"I had no choice, he jumped my partner." The cop answered though Matt twisted his wrist again causing him to yelp loudly.

"You lie to me and I hurt you." Matt warned the cop had a sly smile to form from the pain before looking over at him.

"You suck at interrogating..." he snickered I grabbed an arrow from my quiver, loaded it to my bow and fired it letting it hit besides his face like I did with the other guy from the other night.

"But I'm not...answer his questions or I'll let the next arrow hit you." I replied from behind Matt pointing my next arrow at him.

"You killed him 'cause he said a name, Wilson Fisk." Matt exclaimed in which the cop snapped his eyes off of me to Matt like it took him back.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The cop answered I fired the next arrow hitting the other side of the cop's head nicking his ear. He looked back at me as I drew another arrow back from my bow.

"Next will be your face..." I hissed watching the cop swallow sharply before looking back to Matt who was waiting for an answer.

"Okay, okay! I shot him 'cause he said a name. So what? From what I hear, you like to kill Russians too. We heard you chopped Anatoly's head off." The cop pointed out which surprised me but I kept my stoic face at the cop. Matt wouldn't kill anyone and I have been following him so I would've seen him kill if he did anything.

"And now I want his brother." Matt replied coldly twisting the cop's wrist until it popped even more now shattering the bones in his hand.

"I don't know where he is!" he started though Matt knew if he was lying as he applied even more pressure to his wrist. I thought he was about to spin it completely around like the Exorcist did with her head. "I swear! I swear! I Swear! Please! Please!"

"How are Fisk and the Russians connected? Why did he kill Prohaszka for them?" Matt asked though the cop didn't want to answer so Matt tilted his head in my direction nodding at me as I fired the arrow which pierced his shoulder and he yelped loudly unable to remove it. "Why?"

"You really are two stupid sons of bitches, aren't you?" the cop groaned using the hand with the arrow in it to grab his hidden gun but Matt reacted before he could. He slammed his foot down onto his leg cracking it then kicking his face to the wall knocking him out. I retracted my arrow holstering it moving up to Matt as he picked up the phone that the cop dropped.

"I don't need your help...go home." Matt ordered turning to leave when I lashed my hand to his arm stopping him.

"Look I get that you are probably pissed that I showed up and I know you had a lot of questions. But you can't take on the Russian Mafia with just your fists." I started watching Matt groan softly as I took a step towards him with my hand still holding his arm tightly. "I am willing to make a deal with the devil if you just let me help you."

"" He replied handing me the phone which I released his arm and took it into my hand. I scrolled through the text messages that the cop had received reading them quickly as Matt adjusted himself. "What did the last text say?"

"It's a list of locations...four of them. 47th and 12th, 48th and 9th, 42nd and 11th and finally 44th and 11th." I answered seeing his head tilt towards me almost like one of them sound familiar to him.

"44th and 11th? Troika Restaurant. That's where they were holding the boy." Matt explained I looked back down at the list again in my hand.

"These are list of where the Russians are." I answered seeing Matt nod in which I handed him back to phone as he placed it in a hidden pocket in his uniform.

"Alright...let's go." Matt muttered I nodded following behind him with my bow in my hand as we headed to the location I told him. I knew one thing; the Russians were in legal with Fisk so they have information we needed. Let's just hope that they are willing to give it to us.

 Let's just hope that they are willing to give it to us

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~~Hopefully this doesn't blow up in Thea's face.~~

The Devil Within (Matt Murdock/Daredevil) FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now