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The ninja was an even matched opponent from what Matt and I usually fought but that was only because we were fighting those who were unmatched by us. Using my bow I flicked it into a staff then used it to block the oncoming sword strikes from the ninja. He slashed my thigh with the blade but I managed to get a few hits of my own. Swinging the sword down onto me I used my staff to block it pinning it from reaching me. He pushed the sword down but I used my strength to push it away knocking him away a bit then he slammed down onto my staff again.

"You are strong young woman...but how much more can you endure." the ninja hissed at me, Matt was getting back to his feet while I shifted my stance to gather more strength.

"You have no idea." I answered clicking the button onto my staff turning it back into a bow twisting it and disarming the sword from the ninja's grip. As I spun I kicked him in the chest sending him backwards while the sword went flying across the room behind me. Dropping to my one knee I checked the injury to my thigh while Matt continued to fight the ninja in front of him. I heard something hit the floor when I looked up I saw a blade with a hook onto it that was laced onto a chain. The ninja spun it into the air slashed it towards Matt slicing it at his chest streaking his blood against the column next to them. Forcing my body up I charged at the ninja he spun when he heard my footsteps slashing the hook at me though I managed to dodge it sliding it underneath until I got in front of him. Swinging my fists at him he blocked it until on managed to strike him catching him off guard. Taking the chain that was on the floor he swiftly sent it at me slicing across my stomach as I winced from the pain. He was about to throw it again when Matt threw his stick blocking the chain from coming at me when the ninja turned to face him. Touching my abdomen I saw the cut was shallow but Matt's screams snapped my head up seeing the ninja was dragging Matt with the hook in his gut. Taking Matt's stick nearby I threw it hitting the ninja in the head as he snapped into my direction. "That the best you got?"

"強強い...あなたは何ですか?" the ninja gasped in Japanese (Strong..,what are you?) I cracked my neck, flexed my fingers and spat the blood that was on my tongue.

"あなたの最悪の悪夢..." I replied back (Your worst nightmare) before charging at him as he grabbed the chain that Matt removed from his stomach and threw it at me again. Moving towards the column letting the hook embed itself there before taking a hidden dagger from my holster on my thigh and threw it in his direction. It embedded into his hand which he dropped the chain as I emerged charging at him sending my knee into him knocking him backwards. The ninja pulled the blade from his hand using it against me which I blocked and dodged until he used a technique I wasn't expecting. Once a kick hit me he sent the blade into my stomach, he twisted it as I felt blood escaping from my lips. Before he could push the blade in more Matt arrived pulling him off me as I collapsed clutching the wound that was still bleeding. This fight wasn't over and I needed to get both Matt and I out of there before we couldn't walk away. Taking the knife I pulled it from my gut dropping it to the ground before zipping my sweat shirt up so it could tighten around my wound. After pulling the fabric forced a groan from my lips until Matt's yells forced me to look seeing that Matt wasn't going to last much longer. My eyes spotted my bow across the room as I pulled myself up and I rolled towards my bow grabbing it with my blood covered hands. Taking an arrow from my holster with blurred vision I hooked it to my string and used the last bit of adrenaline I had to aim my bow near the barrels where Matt had him pinned. "Hey...asshole!" The ninja turned just as I released the arrow towards the barrels seeing the sparks from my blinding arrow ignite at his feet until his whole body went up in flames. Blurred images showed me that I ignited the ninja who was charging at Matt until he collapsed to the floor and he no longer moved which told me he was dead. He was dead and I was the one who killed him. Getting to my feet I stumbled until I got to Matt's side taking the hook from his abdomen and pulled it free from his gut hearing him groan in pain. Before I could say anything I heard a pair of hands applaud as I turned to see Fisk emerging from the hallway with two men behind him.

"Thank you...Nobu was becoming a nuisance." Fisk exclaimed I had no more strength to lift my bow or retrieve another arrow but Matt wasn't ready to go down yet. I watched him get to his feet while he and Fisk exchanged a few words while my eyes rolled over to Nobu who was still consumed by the flames. I turned back around to see Matt had charged at Fisk laying a few punches at him but Fisk grabbed him throwing him down onto the wooden table. It shattered underneath him as Fisk wiped the blood from his knuckles until he moved towards his men. Angrily I grabbed an arrow hooking it to the string and saw Matt was still unconscious. Before Fisk could react again I fired the arrow into the column that was next to him sending blinding sparks at them while I rushed my aching body to Matt's side. With all of my strength I pulled Matt's unconscious body over my shoulder while I hooked my grappling arrow to the string bringing us to the window.

"Shoot them!" I heard yell as I fired the arrow at the nearby building as gunfire missed us until the arrow attached and repelled us from the building.

"Shoot them!" I heard yell as I fired the arrow at the nearby building as gunfire missed us until the arrow attached and repelled us from the building

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~~Oh shit....Thea killed Nobu...and now Matt and her are very bloody.~~

The Devil Within (Matt Murdock/Daredevil) FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now