Goodbye To An Ally

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I woke up the next morning with Matt shaking me, I stayed the rest of the night at his place and the conversation we had ended without anything else being said on the top of me not being an angel. He told me the tragic news; Ben Urich was dead, murdered in his home last night. Strangled by an unknown assailant which is what everyone believes but we all knew who did it. Wilson Fisk. Right now we were in the cemetery to be there for Karen, she was visibly distraught by losing Ben because he believed her. Guilt hit me because Matt and I decided to take the night off from crime fighting and from me complaining what Ben called me in his articles that he was now dead. We told him that we were staking our lives on taking down Fisk and we ended up putting his on the line as well. And the grim reaper paid up. Stole his soul from this world after Fisk snuffed it out with his bare hands for reasons we didn't know. Matt was holding my hand into his while the other was holding his cane tightly. Cold winter air brisk across my skin but I was no cold, I was numb. The service was beautiful with the snow trickling down lightly like heaven was crying for the loss of a true warrior of justice. Matt and I were the muscles but Ben was the brains. He was the voice and we were the fists. He was about to out Fisk for everything that happened in Hell's Kitchen but he stopped that from happening before it could be public. That means we had to stop Fisk ourselves and we had to do it our way because there was no other ways. The law was not on our sides, the authorities were deep in Fisk's pockets and would never side with us. We were on our own and frankly I wouldn't have it any other way. The service ended where Karen excused herself to go give her condolences to Ben's widow who was sick and was in the hospital. This was the last thing she needed to deal with while she recovered, my heart broke for her knowing that the love of her life was taken from her against the will of nature.

"I'll be back in a moment." Matt whispered to me I nodded watching him move over towards the Priest who delivered the ceremony to have a quiet conversation separate from everyone else. I took a step towards the casket bending down placing my hand onto the wood box and lowered my head for a moment. Looking around to make sure I wasn't over heard I face Ben's casket again.

"We will take that bastard down Urich...we will make sure he pays for everything he has down and we will do it for you. I swear." I replied softly with slight anger in my tone of voice before feeling Matt's hand touch my shoulder then helped me to my feet again. We were walking with Karen back to the office before stopping near mine, looking at the door I saw the name 'Archer Investigations' looking back at me. This once felt like a normalcy during the times of going out in the night and beating criminals. Now it just felt like an obstacle and beating up criminals was now the norm. "Hey...I'm just gonna check on a few things, I'll see you later." Matt just nodded as I entered my office, still quiet due to only I working and I headed into my office. Pulling off my jacket I quickly turned on my laptop seeing I had over twenty missed messages from potential clients. So many clients wanted to know if there significant others were cheating on them as I didn't feel like even responding because the answer was always yes. I haven't had one client whose significant other wasn't cheating on them which was really sad to say. I don't know how long it has been when the office door opened and Matt popped himself in again, probably to check to see how I was doing.

"Hey Thea...would you mind helping me out with something?" he asked I looked up from my laptop seeing that he had something.

"What's up?" I exclaimed shutting my laptop standing up and moving over towards him seeing him taking a step to close the gap.

"Foggy and I talked to Brett and I overheard some of Fisk's cops were looking for Hoffman because he could crack Fisk's operations." Matt explained I was a bit surprised to hear Hoffman's name since the last time we saw him was when Matt knocked him unconscious at the hospital when he killed Blake.

"I figured Hoffman was already dead." I answered seeing Matt make a small shrug to my response before I crossed my arms.

"What I think is Owlsley is storing him somewhere as an insurance policy if Fisk tried to cross him? So Karen, Foggy and I thought checking into the financials to find any of the buildings that they could store him. Thinking a Private Eye would be perfect for the job because that is what you can do." Matt smiled almost like he was trying to talk me into helping him.

"Are you really trying to brown nose me Matty?" I asked watching Matt's smile drop for a moment then began to stutter until I pressed my finger to his lips to silence him. Moving a bit closer until I was close enough to kiss him but I didn't. "I'm kidding...let's find this scumbag." I pressed a kiss onto his lips and he led the way into his office here Foggy and Karen were already looking through the financials.

"Oh...hi Thea. What are you doing here?" Foggy wondered I saw Matt move passed me taking the seat near his other best friend.

"Well if we are going to look through Financials then we were going to need a fresh set of eyes plus Thea being a PI makes her an expert with spotting strange anomalies." Matt explained I nodded Karen smiled handing me a stack of papers and I took the seat in between Matt and next to Karen. My eyes scanned every document looking for any consistencies that the rest of the group could miss. An hour or so went by until I heard Foggy's groan of annoyance breaking my concentration.

"I don't see anything...maybe we aren't looking in the right place." Foggy pointed out the three of them were bickering until I spotted something off.

"Wait...look at this." I answered passing the paper to Foggy who was looking at the documents but he wasn't seeing what I was. Annoyed I snatched the papers from him lowering them so Karen could see before I pointed at the first amount. "Here...the amount doesn't change after this property here disappeared. If Owlsley wanted to stash Hoffman somewhere, he would do it somewhere that he knew no one would double check."

"Not unless that someone had your trained eye Archer." Matt smirked proudly in which I just gave him an eye roll before seeing Karen checking over the numbers on both stacks.

"Thea is right...the numbers don't match if you add them together." Karen exclaimed I saw Foggy check the papers again when Matt stood up again. He excused himself taking me with him and once we were out of ear range we stopped.

"We got a location...suit up and meet me there." Matt answered I didn't need to answer because Matt knew I was on it. I left his office without a word and knew it was time to take Wilson Fisk down once and for all.

 I left his office without a word and knew it was time to take Wilson Fisk down once and for all

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~~Will they take Fisk down????~~

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