You Speak Russian?

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We managed to get ahead of Vladimir and one of his henchmen as I climbed up to the one crate on the right side and Matt took the left one. Soon Vladimir and his henchman moved passed us as we both jumped from our positions in front of them. I took on the guard while Matt fought Vladimir, I managed to take down the henchman with one bad arm before turning to see Vladimir was temporary dazed. I could hear sirens coming our way and before we could move Vladimir I heard guns being cocked in which I froze.

"Hands up! Don't move!" a cop yelled from behind me as Matt stopped fighting Vladimir turning to the cops in front of us. My fingers tightened on the staff waiting for a signal from Matt but he didn't give it. "Drop the stick..."

"Get on your knees!" another cop screamed I obeyed dropping the staff to my feet then went down to my knees and so did Matt. He put his hands at the back of his head and I mimicked his movements, I felt the cops forcefully ripped my hands from my head and pinned them behind my back. I heard the cuffs click as my eyes turned to Matt who was now standing and the cop was getting ready to pull his mask off. Another cop behind mad a gun trained on me and another had one trained on Vladimir. Before the cop could expose Matt's identity I watched him headbutt him and knocked the other away. I ducked away slipping the cops feet from the one and I kneed the cop who had his gun trained on Vladimir. He managed to get a shot out which impaled Vladimir's chest as I flipped backwards in the air bringing my arms to my chest. With my hands now in front of me I managed to disarm the one cop and smacked his gun to the one cop behind him. He threw a punch at me which I caught using the momentum to hit the cop in his face as I slammed my knee again into his chest and with a twist of my wrist I brought the cop I was holding to the floor. Slamming my knee down onto his face he went out as I looked at the other cop before grabbing an arrow from my quiver then slammed it to the floor. It blinded the two cops that were left as I emerged from the smoke bracing my hands around the cops neck, kicking the back of his legs and brought him to his knees. With a slight pressure I heard him gag until he slipped unconscious and I dropped his body to the side just as I heard Matt finish with his cops. Panting I grabbed the handcuff keys from the one cop moving to Matt's and undoing them for him then handing the key so he could uncuff me.

"The cops are working for Fisk, too?" I asked seeing Matt panted heavily with a small nod yes to my question as I grabbed my staff turning it back into a bow and braced it across my chest.

"Let's just get him somewhere safe." Matt exclaimed moving towards the unconscious Vladimir lifting him and throwing him over his shoulder. I followed behind him as we headed towards another abandoned building as I opened the door with my foot and shut it as soon as Matt came in. We headed up a few floors until we got to a room where he was out of sound range as Matt lowered him to the ground just as he was coming around. "Where is Fisk?"

"Я разорву тебя на части за то, что ты сделал, сукин сын." Vladimir exclaimed in Russian (I'll tear you apart for what you did, son of a bitch) in which I slightly smirked listening to him being threatening.

"That sounds pretty bad but I don't speak asshole." Matt reminded I then saw Vladimir's eyes turn over to me as he saw my smile hit my lips. (A/N: This is my favorite line by Matt)

"Я сломаю каждую кость в твоем теле, а потом изнасилую твою шлюху, пока ты смотришь." Vladimir yelled at me in Russian (I will break every bone in your body and then rape your whore while you watch.) I pulled my bow and an arrow from the quiver pointing it at him. Even though my arm ached I wasn't going to show him that I was hurt so he could use that to his advantage.

"Попробуй, и я положу стрелу тебе в горло, а потом посмотрю, как ты задыхаешься от своей крови." I explained back to him in Russian (Try it and I will put an arrow in your throat and then watch how you suffocate from your blood) earning a look from Matt and a shocked look from Vladimir. Matt moved close to me until he was close enough for me to hear what he had to say.

"You speak Russian?" Matt whispered I kept my eyes onto Vladimir with the arrow pointing to his neck so he wouldn't move.

"I speak a lot of things." I answered watching Matt nod before turning back to Vladimir, it was time for some answers.

" I answered watching Matt nod before turning back to Vladimir, it was time for some answers

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~~Whoa...Thea speaks Russian....what else can she do?~~

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