Two Vigilantes V.S. A Ninja

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We arrived at the pier seeing it was clearly abandoned by anyone who was there but Matt was checking just to be safe.

"It's clear...let's go." Matt muttered I nodded following him into the warehouse as I aimed my bow in the empty rooms just in case that Matt was wrong. We turned down a hallway when I saw some light peeking underneath the doorway.

"Matt...twelve o clock." I whispered watching him turn to that direction as he tilted his head to try and sense anything inside. He shook his head as we both entered seeing it looked like a meeting happened recently. Quietly I scoped the room making sure that we were alone while Matt moved up to the table in front. "We are clear."

"Look at this..." Matt replied I moved towards him seeing what looked like blue prints of Midtown Circle, it was circled with Japanese words etched around it.

"Why is the Yakzua after Midtown Circle?" I wondered watching him shrug before his head snapped up like he sensed something and the hair on the back of my neck rose at attention. "Something is wrong..."

"We aren't alone." Matt muttered quietly I scanned the room we were in but nothing was explaining the danger feeling that I was sensing. Matt remained forward tilting his head to find what I couldn't. "We didn't come here for you."

"And yet it is I who you both found." A voice from behind us echoed in the dark hallway while I tightened my grip onto the handle of my bow. Eventually when Matt turned we saw a man in a red ninja costume appear from above.

"You were at the docks with the boy." I exclaimed watching him emerge from the darkness and move closer to us.

"As were you both, with the old fool." he spat Matt hardened his stance where he was while I remained next to him.

"We are not a part of his war." Matt replied in which the red ninja cocked his head to the side for a moment then returned it upright.

"Yet you both aided him...and in the act, caused me displeasure." the ninja retorted Matt took a step towards him but in front of me like he was protecting me.

"Did Fisk send you? Is that why he paid that junkie to kill an old woman...and for what? Just to lure the both of us into some kind of trap?" Matt asked though the ninja's movements told me he was planning to strike and we needed to be ready. My hand moved slowly towards my quiver to grab an arrow while Matt kept the ninja distracted with the conversation. The arrow moved quietly from the quiver into my hand as I lowered it to my bow just as the ninja looked over at me.

"The old fool taught you both in our ways." the ninja exclaimed with surprise while I heard Matt's hands form across the wooden sticks.

"I told you, we are not with him." Matt replied when I saw the ninja begin to draw his sword from the holster on his back as I hooked my arrow onto the bow string.

"Yet you both are still warriors deserving of a warrior's death." the ninja muttered my fingers flexed onto the string waiting for Matt's signal to draw it back.

"We came here for Fisk. Guess we have to settle for you." Matt answered nodding in my direction as I swiftly drew the string back and angled the arrow at the ninja. Our eyes locked as I could see the darkness reflecting back at me.

"I show you both both would be wise to return the courtesy." the ninja spat I saw Matt's hands prepare for a fight and I readied myself.

"You'll have to earn it." I hissed watching the darkness become rage as he charged at us as I fired the arrow which whisked passed Matt towards the ninja. I had it aimed straight for the ninja who was charging but with a single swipe of his sword I saw him slice my arrow in half before it could hit him. "That was unexpected..." I whisper just as his warrior cry yells out and both me and Matt prepared for the fight that was coming for us both.

" I whisper just as his warrior cry yells out and both me and Matt prepared for the fight that was coming for us both

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~~Oh boy fight scene coming.~~

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