Bedding The Devil

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Matt's lips moved against mine, his fingers trailed up my side causing a tickle to make me tremble slightly underneath him while my leg moved across his ribs. His lips broke from mine for a moment before they hovered onto my neck. His stubble brushed across the skin on my neck while his hips moved against mine. Hot breath hit my chest as Matt's lips moved down my neck to the top of my bare chest until they moved across the top of each breast. His fingers gripping down onto my hips pulling me closer to him as I felt my hands moving down to his pants undoing the belt and tossing it to the side for a moment. Matt's fingers were unsnapping the buttons of my jeans while his lips moved across my stomach outlining my scar that I received from Nobu with his lips. My fingers gripped onto Matt's sheets above my head while he squeezed either thigh in his hands. His lips moved across every scar when his fingers found it, I have lost count how many scars I have but I knew it was a lot. On the front I had about six different scars two on my abdomen from knives and arrows, three on each sides of my rib cage from bullet grazes and the last one was from my shoulder. That one was the first scar I received but that wasn't from my time with The Chaste, it was before The Chaste. Before the orphanage. My mind snapped free when I used my body to flip Matt over me until his back met the sheets and I was hovering over him. His hands gripped at my waist when I showered his face with my short brown hair embracing his lips again. Moving down my lips found his scars that imprinted on his flesh, his hoarse gasps when my lips met them and his body tensing to my touch when I removed my lips to meet his face. Everything seemed to move in a blur but all of our clothing was scattered on his floor, our bodies were connected and I felt Matt's shaft angling towards my entrance before his face hovered over mine. He didn't have to ask me if I was ready or if I was sure that I wanted it to happen because he already knew. It wasn't the enhanced senses that told him; it wasn't the super hearing that listened to my heartbeat and breathing. It wasn't the enhanced touch that could feel the rhythm my heart made and it wasn't the strong scent of smell that picked up on the signals my body was giving off. It was because he knew me...he knew who I was and he knew that if I was going to be with anyone in this moment it would be with him. With a small gasp from me and soft groan from Matt I could feel him enter inside of me. As he did my body ignited with fire, Matt was so gentle while he moved that you would forget that he was the Devil of Hell's Kitchen and that he was just a normal guy. His face buried into my neck while he moved into me, my gasps matched my grips onto Matt's body. Matt's hands gripped onto my one thigh pulling me closer to him which deepened himself into me. He would hide his face so I wouldn't look into those empty eyes he had. He may be blind but he still can see everything. It was my turn to tease him as I rolled him onto his back again hovering above him, I began to bounce onto his waist while he gripped onto the pillows behind him for support. A mix of moans and gasps escaped from us while I bounced then shifted my waist to stir the pleasure into the both of us. Matt's hands started to leave the pillow bracing my back as he sat up and held me close to his body. My breasts crashed onto his while he hugged me, his fingers feeling the more scars that were on my back. The stories that they told were many when I felt Matt's finger trace across each one of them gently with his index finger. More bullet grazes, knife wounds, arrow slashes and some burns from me cauterizing them over time. My body was a walking canvass of pain but it was also a story of a survivor. My hips were shifting a bit quicker onto Matt's lap when I felt his hands drop to my lower back to hold on. His thumbs held me in position, my fingers tangled into his brown hair as our lips returned again. My breaths and moans started to get quicker and Matt matched telling me the moment of climaxing was near. My skin brushing across him as I went faster matched the louder moans coming from my throat only to be silenced by Matt's mouth on mine. My stomach was knotting up as I tried to keep the pace I was until everything inside me erupted. A loud moan escaped from my throat as I felt Matt's body tremble against mine and his member was throbbing inside of my core. In that moment we weren't The Devil and The Archer of Hell's Kitchen, we were just Matt Murdock and Thea Archer and for that moment everything was okay.

 In that moment we weren't The Devil and The Archer of Hell's Kitchen, we were just Matt Murdock and Thea Archer and for that moment everything was okay

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~~Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaah~~

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