Are You Seriously Hitting On Me?

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Matt was now bent down in front of Vladimir while I kept my stance with the arrow aimed at him in case he tried anything.

"I'm going to kill you both for taking my brother's head." Vladimir swore while I felt my arrow starting to shake a small bit in my hand but I managed to regain control of it.

"You got it all wrong...we don't kill people." Matt replied though I could tell Vladimir wasn't buying this.

"Not even scumbags like you who deserve it." I added watching Vladimir scoff at this while I took a small step towards him.

"You think we are the ones that blew your operation to shit too? You're being Fisk." Matt exclaimed Vladimir thought we worked with Fisk in which I scoffed until I spotted something happening on the side of him.

"You both are fools." Vladimir replied I looked over seeing more blood seeping to the wood from Vladimir's injury.

"And you're bleeding out, so here we are." I reminded seeing Vladimir not pushing until he started to pass out from the loss of blood. Matt tried smacking him to bring him back to consciousness but he was completely out. "We got to stop the bleeding before he bleeds out."

"I know someone who can help." Matt answered standing up as I retracted my arrow moving towards him while Matt started to move away.

"No time...I got this." I replied pulling a lighter I had in my jacket pocket before holstering my bow across my chest. Taking my arrow I flicked on the lighter starting to heat up the metal from the arrowhead.

"What are you doing?" He asked moving towards Vladimir and I while the arrowhead tip started to smoke from the heat.

"It's a survivor technique that I picked up over the years." I answered seeing the arrowhead turn an orange color from the heat as I flicked off the lighter and I shook it for a second. "It's going to hurt so hold him down and cover his mouth before he screams."

"Alright." Matt answered I took the fabric from his shirt tucking it under the bullet proof vest that didn't help him from this bullet. I looked at Matt for a second then I took the hot arrowhead lowering it to the hole and pressed the metal into his chest. I sound of sizzling skin and Vladimir's screams hit the air. Smoke and the smell of burning flesh filled my nose but I ignored it while I continued to cauterize the wound.

"Almost there." I replied watching Matt tighten his grip on Vladimir's moving body while I pressed my knee into his chest to prevent him from jerking up. With one more press I saw the blood stopped flowing from the arrowhead as I removed it and Vladimir's whole body went limp. "At least now we don't have to worry about him bleeding out but that bullet is still inside, if it bounces and nics something then we won't have to worry about the external bleeding. It will be internal and I can't stop that." Before Matt could even answer his head snapped in the opposite direction of us then he held up his hand to silence me.

"Someone heard him...stay down and keep him quiet." He whispered I nodded moving to the opposite side of Vladimir and hid in the shadows. I watched Matt take out a cop who heard Vladimir's yells and smelt the burnt flesh. We figured the cop would listen to Matt but he didn't, he gave away our position and now we were racing against the clock for information. While Matt was tying the cop up I felt something touch my hand, looking down I saw it was Vladimir's and when I looked I saw he was awake and looking at me.

"Если бы мы не были врагами, мы бы прекрасно провели время вместе." Vladimir replied softly in Russian (If we were not enemies, we would have had a great time together.)

"Are you seriously hitting on me?" I asked seeing him just give me a weak smile as I just snatched my hand away from his. Matt eventually moved back to us and knelt down on the other side of Vladimir.

"So you just stand there and let me die, huh?" Vladimir coughed weakly looking at Matt and then his eyes turning to me but we both remained quiet. He then chuckled softly looking back at Matt again. "So you both couldn't kill me that where you both draw the line?"

"Tell us what we want to know about Fisk." Matt ordered not answering Vladimir's questions as I watched the two of them argue over answers.

"You think you are both different from me? From him?" Vladimir exclaimed I lowered my bow moving towards him dropping to his left as he looked over at me.

"Fisk just took out your entire operation and he may not own all the cops but he owns enough that you won't make it into a prison cell. Right now...we are your only shot at getting out of this building alive." I explained seeing Vladimir sigh then he nodded a small bit before looking over at Matt.

"His lapdog came to us first...he told us his employer had taken note. He complimented us on our business. He invited us to be part of something bigger to expand if we entered into an agreement." Vladimir began choking on the hoarseness of his voice as my fingers laced a bit tighter on my bow.

"What did Fisk offer?" I asked watching him shift a small bit closer to me and away from Matt but I knew that Matt was on defense in case he tried something.

"To gain access to Chinese and their heroin." Vladimir answered I looked over at Matt while his face remained down but I know he sensed it.

"He's working with the Chinese?" Matt wondered in which Vladimir let out a small chuckle then a wince with pain.

"You both don't know anything, do you? You're both just snapping at scraps falling from the table." Vladimir laughed I knew Matt was going to react as I decided to intervene taking Vladimir's hand into mine and twisted it hearing him yelp.

"Give us names...everything you know about them and how they connect to Fisk." I ordered watching him nod as I released the pressure for a moment.

"Because you are beautiful I'll give you one name. The man who ties it all together." Vladimir started I found myself lean down to hear him as his voice started to get quieter but I knew something was wrong when I did. I saw Matt's body lock up when I lowered my face to Vladimir's. "Look for Fisk's money man...he handles all of our money."

"Where do I find him?" I asked looking back at him before seeing his face hardened and before I could react Vladimir's hand was lashed around my throat. Matt grabbed the arm as Vladimir just applied pressure and he tried to use his other hand to hit Matt when I felt the floor below him starting to crack from the weight. Taking all my weight from the floor I fell onto Vladimir which added more weight and the three of us fell through the floor down two floors and hit the ground below.

 Taking all my weight from the floor I fell onto Vladimir which added more weight and the three of us fell through the floor down two floors and hit the ground below

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~~Smooth there Vladimir trying to hit on Thea...~~

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