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Looking back over at Vladimir I could see from the ground was a small pool of blood starting to surround his body.

"We gotta get him out of here before he loses anymore blood." I replied watching Matt nod as we both moved to the grate and laced our fingers into it. With every ounce of strength we had we tried to lift it but it still wouldn't budge. We tried again but this time Vladimir appeared next to me holding the grate in his hands.

"I told you both...this is not how I die." He muttered in which both Matt and I nodded together we managed to finally pull the grate from the ground. Matt went down first as I took Vladimir's arm and helped him to the ladder and I followed behind him. Using my strength I handed Vladimir to Matt who took his weight and I jumped from the ladder grabbing my bow then took the other arm. "Where are we?"

"Access tunnels. The city was built on network of these, most of them sealed up years ago. We have to keep moving, find a way to the street." I explained Vladimir was dragging along behind us when we entered the tunnel where a door led to a possible street. Matt tried the door while I took the weight of Vladimir backing us up a small bit while Matt tried to jimmy the door. Then he stopped almost like he could sense something as the hair in the back of my neck rose and I knew something was wrong. I took Vladimir pushing him by the nearby wall as I pulled arrows from my quiver. Two armed gunmen came at us firing at Matt who flipped avoiding the bullets as I fire a blinding arrow to the ceiling blinding them. Once they were slightly dazed Matt and I both took them on, I disarmed the cop and wrapped the bow around his neck. With enough pressure he collapsed from the lack of blood flow to his brain and Matt knocked his guard out. Vladimir was laying against the wall in front of me as I listened for any signs of any more.

"We need to go..." Matt ordered I nodded turning to Vladimir when I saw he was holding the gun the cop dropped. He was aiming the gun at the both us which it forced us to stop in our tracks.

"I think maybe I stay." Vladimir suggested I took a step towards him holding up both hands to tell him I wasn't going to try anything.

"There are more guards coming...we can still get you out of here." I replied seeing him shake his head no to me and I stopped moving towards him.

"Fisk controls all police...all judges. There is only way to stop him and you both know it." Vladimir pointed out in which we both shook our heads no as he chuckled because he knew we weren't killers. I watched Vladimir's hand started to shake with the gun, I could easily disarm him but I knew I shouldn't. "The moment you both put on the mask, you both got into cages with animals. Animals don't stop fighting...not until one of them is dead. What Fisk did to me he'll do to you and he will do it to everyone you care about. Will you both feel the same way then? Or will you be man and do what you know you must do?"

"Not even then." I whispered watching Vladimir scoff locking his eyes onto mine and tilted his head slightly.

"The dermo who controls money, his name is Leland Owlsley. He will give you both what you both think you both want. But it won't be enough, you both know that now, don't you?" Vladimir explained I nodded watching him shake his head towards me in his way to tell me to leave. Behind me I heard Matt break open the lock, opening it as his hand braced my shoulder to tell me to come with him. "Hey Robin Hood..."

"What?" I asked turning to look at the injured Russian who swallowed sharply from the pain he was enduring.

"пообещай мне, что убьешь этого ублюдка." He begged (Promise me you will take that bastard down) I nodded to him.

"с удовольствием." I answered (With pleasure) following Matt out of the tunnel, we both moved down the long corridor only hearing the sounds of gunfire behind us. We knew two things for sure; one Vladimir was dead and two Fisk was going to pay.

 We knew two things for sure; one Vladimir was dead and two Fisk was going to pay

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~~Hopefully Thea will keep that promise.~~

The Devil Within (Matt Murdock/Daredevil) FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now