One Step Behind

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The next morning I was making breakfast into my kitchen, my knife was slowly cutting through the vegetables on my cutting board. I had already cut an onion now just adding some peppers, I had some bacon in the pan sizzling away filling my apartment with it's intoxicating smell. I was waiting to see Ben's article to expose Fisk for the callous and malicious man that he is when I saw my phone begin to ring. Glancing down I saw it was Matt calling my cell phone, I placed down the knife down on the cutting board before grabbing my phone.

"Hey Matty...what's going on?" I asked moving to my pan to check on the bacon seeing it was almost fully crisped as I pushed it off to the side of the stove.

"I am just calling to see if you saw anything from Ben yet?" he wondered I moved to the small bowl cracking two eggs and scrambled them up.

"Not yet but it is only a matter of time before he posts. He could be still editing it you know how reporters are, total perfectionists." I answered with a small smile and I could hear Matt let out a small laugh. On the other side of the phone I could hear other voices which sounded like a broadcast, Matt didn't have a television which meant it was his laptop.

"Something is wrong..." Matt replied I stopped what I was doing pushing the phone deeper into my ear while the voices got louder.

"What is it?" I exclaimed waiting for Matt to answer as I could hear the voice in the background state that this is a press conference.

"Turn on the news..." Matt answered I dropped the knife on the counter and swiftly moved to my television and hit the remote to turn it on. Flipping through the channel I found the voice I heard on Matt's end seeing it was a press conference being held and the byline stated 'Wilson Fisk Speaks Out'

"I'm not really good at this, out. Being in public but I felt the need to speak up for this city that I love with all my heart. No one should have to live in fear. In fear of madmen who has no regard for who they injure. In fear of the Devil and the Archer of Hell's Kitchen, who both have inflicted untold pain and suffering. These masked terrorists and psychopaths of his kind, we must show them we will not down to their campaign of coercion and intimidation. We must stand up to them." Fisk began in his speech as my hand gripped tightly onto the phone and remote that were in my hands. My eyes narrowed onto the television while Matt remained silent on the opposite side of the phone. "As this man, my dearest friend, Leland Owlsley, a pillar in the financial community, stood up when he was recently assaulted. But the assault was for no other reason than to send me a message. A message warning me to stop. To give up my dream that I have for this city. A dream of a better place. A place for its citizens to feel safe. To feel pride. I tried to do this quietly, not wanting to draw attention. The last thing I warned was for anyone close to me to become a target from those who do not share my dream. For those who will have this city stay exactly as it is, mired in poverty and crime. But I know now it was foolish to make that decision. That I can no longer do it alone. That I cannot keep living in the shadows afraid of the light. None of us can. None of us should be forced to."

"He got fucking ahead of us!" I yelled into my phone to Matt in which I could hear his heavy breathing over the other end of the phone.

"We must do this together. My name is Wilson Fisk. And together, we can make this city a better place." Fisk smiled I heard a crash over the phone with Matt screaming in anger as I found myself throwing the remote to the wall watching it shatter into splinters and hitting the floor. Fisk got ahead of us and now we were one step behind.

~~God fucking dammit Wilson Fisk is now one step ahead

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~~God fucking dammit Wilson Fisk is now one step ahead. What are they gonna do now?~~

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