Our Mentor

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The following day Matt and I both decided to take separate routes on tracking Fisk, he decided to question the money man while I tried to find anything online about Fisk. Besides that I was also doing my research for my clients because I had to keep up appearances as a private investigator. I didn't realize how long I spent in the office but it was close to dinner time. After I finished with my last phone call of the day with a client I decided to check another way to find anything on Fisk. Unfortunately every search I did came up with nothing, Fisk was great with covering his tracks even for my skills. With each dead end that came my way I decided maybe I should look into other things that he was connected with. Still nothing. Rubbing my face with frustration and muttered a few choice words before grabbing some coffee from my Keraig when I heard my phone ring. Moving to my desk I saw it was Matt's number light up onto my screen, maybe he had better luck with Fisk's accountant.

"Hey Matt...what's up? Did you get anything we could use on Fisk?" I asked softly so no one could overhear our conversation if there was anyone listening.

"No...didn't get anything from him but I need your help with something. Can you meet me at my apartment because there is something you need to hear?" he wondered I stood up shutting my laptop and headed to the entrance of my office.

"Sure...should I suit up?" I wondered opening the door and heading out of the complex to the streets of New York.

"Probably should...I'll see you on the roof." Matt answered hanging up I quickly made my way to my apartment which was a few blocks from my office and Matt's apartment. I moved to my bedroom opening my closet door and saw a trunk on the floor of my closet. Opening it I saw my uniform, my collapsible bow and my quiver laying them across my bed. I quickly changed into my costume, smeared the black war paint across my face and placed the quiver onto my back. The arrows I had on the bottom of the trunk I untied and attached them to the quiver. Wrapping my bow across my chest I moved to the balcony window that was outside of my bedroom, crawled onto the fire escape and headed up to my roof. Once I got to the roof I took off into a sprint using my agility to jump from my roof to the next one. It was getting close to night fall which means Matt and I were probably about to go out patrolling the streets. My feet moved swiftly as I jumped, dived and caught the ledges of the roofs pulling myself up. I was about a few streets from Matt's apartment when I saw his outline in the distance. So I decided to make a better entrance as I pulled my bow from my chest then took an arrow from the quiver. I let the arrow fly as it released a grapple to the scaffolding watching it lace onto the bars and felt my body be repelled to Matt's roof. I landed a few feet in front of him but he didn't even flinch instead he smirked. "Nice arrival...now if you could only arrive a bit quieter then you would surprise the bad guys."

"Not all bad guys have your hearing Matty." I reminded watching him shrug softly while I followed him towards the entrance of Matt's roof access. He opened the door allowing me to pass as I holstered the bow across my chest when we stopped on top of the stairs. "So I didn't find anything on my end and you didn't get anything, so why am I here?"

"I need your help." He answered we walked down the stairs as the hair on the back of my neck rose at attention, something was wrong as we entered his apartment. Turning my gaze to Matt's living room I froze on the step I stood on just as Matt touched the bottom floor. I saw an older man with white hair sitting there drinking a beer before his head tilted into my direction.

"It is nice to hear your voice again, Althea." The older man exclaimed I felt my one hand tightened into a fist, the air in my lungs pinched and my chest throbbed in pain.

"Stick..." I muttered hearing a deafening silence between all three of us in the room, Matt's head turned to me and I just kept my eyes locked onto the old man. I never thought I would see him again, I never wanted to see him again but now I had no choice. But mainly I knew that I had a lot of explaining to do.

 But mainly I knew that I had a lot of explaining to do

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~~OH SHIT...are we going to learn about Thea's past?~~

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